Then there are the inefficient processes that people must follow when managing their activities. Posted on February 23, 2022 by . Students describe, compare and explain the diverse characteristics of different places in different locations from local to global scales. Discount, Discount Code A colour poster for a lottery with 1500 in prizes. They also agreed the federal Parliament would only be required to return customs and excise tariffs to the states for the first 10 years of Federation. Some of the major figures involved in the Federation movement were: In June1898 referendums were held in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. They reflect on their learning to propose action in response to an issue or challenge and describe the probable effects of their proposal. The Duke of Cornwall and York (Later King George V), May 9, 1901. 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Leave a Comment, Australian History, Civics and Citizenship Australian Curriculum, Australian Government, Australian History, Federation, HASS, Teaching ideas, Teaching Resources, Year 6, Your email address will not be published. Back to Centenary of Federation: Debatesthat shaped the nation, Discovering Democracy Curriculum Resources (1998-2004), National Schools Constitutional Convention, Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER), Centenary of Federation: Debates that shaped the nation, timeline of events at the time of Federation. The definition of federalism is straightforward: it is the federal principle or system of government. 6. This time, the NSW 'yes' vote was high enough and the referendum was put to voters in Queensland and Western Australia, who also voted 'yes'. Required fields are marked *. By Federation in 1901 over three-quarters of the population were Australian-born. After being agreed by the colonial parliaments, the people of each of the 6colonies were then asked to approve the constitution in referendums. March 3, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 However, it's not really clear to me how this would help them with a taxation issue. They identify the purpose ofbusinessand recognise the different ways that businesses choose to providegoodsand services. Loss of power: Smaller colonies were concerned that they would not have a strong 'voice' after federation. "', Sporting union predated federation. By the end of Year 6, students explain the role and importance of people, institutions, and processes to Australiasdemocracyand legalsystem. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. The USWNT says the U.S. Soccer Federation used "gender stereotyping" in deciding how much players would be paid in arguing for almost $67 million in backpay, according to the filings. Students completed worksheet titled 'Birth of a Nation' (hard copy only), worksheet titled 'The . The local governments can decide to fight the existence of some specific national laws by going through the justice system of the country. New South Wales Premier George Reid publicly criticised the proposed constitution but said he would vote for it in the referendum, earning him the nickname 'Yes-No Reid'. The federal Parliament would have responsibility for areas which affected the whole nation, such as trade, defence, immigration, postal and telegraphic services, marriage and divorce. New South Wales and Victoria, as the two largest colonies, were jealous of each other. As it happened, Western Australia was not mentioned in the preamble to this Act, because Western Australia voted later than the other colonies and was too late to be included. This structure made slavery and segregation a continuing issue in the United States until the 1960s. Once it realised the other colonies would go ahead without it, the Western Australian colonial parliament reversed its opposition to Federation. The smaller colonies also had policies of protection but their customs duties were not as large as those of Victoria. There is no way to obtain runaway power in this structure unless voters approve of that process first. 2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Federalism. There must be a formal decision of government powers by the constitution between the federal and state government. Thats not to say that all actions are a disadvantage. Some people believed that allowing free trade between the colonies would strengthen the economy. Because this structure of government looks at cooperation and sharing as its primary structure, there is an opportunity to try a different set of policies to see how they will work. All the colonies already had parliaments of their own. When we have a chance to embrace diversity as a culture, then it is an opportunity to draw upon each of our strengths to create something amazing. Federalism can be structured to benefit only the rich. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. They acquire the opportunity to speak out their observations and views by the process of voting. The immigration issue was used on both sides of the argument. The newly elected Parliament could then vote on the issue. We pay our respects to elders past and present. Welcome to the WebQuest about Australian Federation, for the Year 9 History Topic "Making A Nation". This process is usually a healthy way to help keep households safe no matter where they are in the country. Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! led the nation in environmental regulations: Many measures adopted by Federalism is an efficient process. An example of this is the different sized railway tracks each colony had. Identify the origin, content features and the purpose of historical sources and describe the context of these sources when explaining daily life in colonial Australia, reasons for migration and causes and effects of Federation The Humanities; Level 6; History; Historical Concepts and Skills 50 reasons for and against federation. When planning for action, they identify different points of view and solutions to an issue. Was the only woman to stand for election to the second National Australasian Convention. Knowing who is responsible for specific issues can make it difficult for any aid to make it to its intended destination. The task was completed in class during two 50-minute lessons. Queensland had waited to see whether New South Wales would federate before it held its referendum. Contact DPS Art Services, phone: 02 62775034 or 02 62775123. It was felt a national government would be in a better position than the colonies to control immigration. This process can create positive or negative results. Twenty-seven states have chosen to adopt right-to-work laws that give employees the free choice to decide whether to join a union without risking their jobs. All 4 colonies agreed to the proposed constitution. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. An important 'for-argument' of democracy is that the people attain a sense of involvement in the process of choosing their administration for their Nation. Learning Area. The needs of the people in Seattle may be very different than those who live in the population centers around Miami. Other forms of government do not offer such an opportunity. 109589. But at the same time, Parkes was losing the leadership of NSW and the issue of federation was no longer a top priority. The structure of federalism encourages local communities to self-govern in the most efficient manner possible. Critics argue that federalism falls short in two ways: Critics argue that federalism cannot function well due to ignorance. 4. The constitution had to be agreed to by the British Parliament before Federation could proceed. Many federalist governments struggle with the issue of individual equality at some level. The first Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia was opened at noon on 9May1901 by the Duke of Cornwall and York (later King George V). As a result, the Australian Constitution is in the form of an Act of the British Parliament. They identify the purpose ofbusinessand recognise the different ways that businesses choose to providegoodsand services. Because each community can create their own set of laws and rules in a system of federalism (especially in the United States), then the structure can create unwanted competition for resources that seeks to limit some demographics. They present ideas, findings, viewpoints and conclusions in a range of communication forms that incorporatesourcematerials, mapping, graphing, communicationconventionsand discipline-specific terms. They describe the causes and effects of change on society. They identify a range of primary andsecondary sourcesand locate, collect, organise and categorise relevant information to answer inquiry questions. It is illegal in Arizona for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub. Henry Parkes is fourth from left and Alfred Deakin is sixth from left. 7. Press reports of the conventions were eagerly read and helped build popular support for Federation. In the French Revolution, the nation was defined, above all, politically. Across Australia people celebrated with parades, processions, school pageants, firework displays, sporting events, 'conversaziones' discussion eveningsand special dinners. 24 Jun . Add any other reasons you can find to your list. Handout 3 Reasons for and against Federation Cut and sort these reasons into 'for' and 'against'. The enthusiasm with which Australians greeted Federation and the first federal Parliament demonstrated the nation was eager to unite as 'one people'. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Anti-Federation groups argued Federation would weaken the colonial parliaments and interstate free trade would lead to lower wages and a loss of jobs. They compare the experiences of different people in the past. They describe the causes and effects of change on society. While there was a desire to be one nation there was also a strong desire to keep the British legacy. Teacher explains that Australia was Federated on 1st January 1901 and a new Constitution took effect. students explain thesignificanceof an event/development, an individual or group. Most people in Western Australia voted against the Federation. They identify and describe continuities and changes for different groups in the past and present. of Year 6, students explain thesignificanceof an event/development, an individual and/or group. On 24 October 1889 Henry Parkes, then Premier of New South Wales, gave a speech at the Tenterfield School of Arts. 50 reasons for and against federation. Customs duties hindered trade between the colonies. In Sydney the celebrations continued for a week. Free traders were among the most vocal supporters of Federation. When planning for action, they identify different points of view and solutions to an issue. In 1877 an intercolonial cricket team represented Australia in the first test match against England. Australia was the first nation to take a proposed constitution to the people for approval. Key features of the draft constitution included: The convention delegates took the draft constitution back to their colonial parliaments for consideration and approval. The cost of setting up and running an Australian Parliament. In the aftermath of the war, a longer battle. Your email address will not be published. Sir Henry Parkes, Premier of New South Wales, urges the colonies to federate. 50 reasons for and against federation. Dont have an account? Some of the areas where people felt strongly for or against Federation were: Opening of the First Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia by H.R.H. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. You may save or print this image for research and study. While a majority of voters in each colony voted 'yes', the referendum in New South Wales did not attract the 80 000 votes set by the New South Wales colonial parliament as the minimum needed for it to agree to Federation. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. Hawaii made it against the law to place a coin in your ear. In September, Queenslanders agreed to the constitution by a narrow marginjust over 54 per cent of Queenslanders voted 'yes'. It was an inclusive category, based. They describe therights and responsibilitiesof Australian citizens and the obligations they may have as global citizens. Three weeks after the Australian Constitution became law in Britain, a referendum was finally held in Western Australia. They present ideas, findings, viewpoints and conclusions in a range of communication forms that incorporatesourcematerials andcivicsandcitizenshipterms and concepts. Complete your answers on the word document. In his address, the Duke told the gathering: It is His Majesty's [King Edward VII] earnest prayer that this union so happily achieved may, under God's blessing, prove an instrument for still further promoting the welfare and advancement of his subjects in Australia and for the strengthening and consolidation of his Empire. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. Between April and July 1899 referendums were again held in Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales and Tasmania. This structure allows each group to live in a way that maximizes their safety while minimizing effort. Everything you need to know about the role, function, structure and people of the Australian Parliament. It comprised the citizens, in contradistinction to the nobility and the feudal regime. Students describe, compare and explain the diverse characteristics of different places in different locations from local to global scales. As NSW and Victoria were the most populated and powerful colonies, there was concern that they would have more control. In 2016, 50 percent of teachers voted for Hillary Clinton and 29 percent for Donald Trump. 5. Customs duties protected factories in the smaller colonies from goods made in factories in the larger colonies. $24.99 There are times when blocking the implementation of federal law is beneficial. For the United States, it is the wage and wealth gaps to consider. 69. You cannot drive a horse in Indiana above a set speed limit of 10mph. Considers differing perspectives on a past event. Theycollaborativelygenerate alternative responses to an issue, use criteria to make decisions and identify the advantages and disadvantages of preferring one decision over others.