There are disadvantages to this strategy as well. Job Enrichment is a job design technique that varies the concept of job enlargement. This technique of job enlargement makes the individual job ready and adaptive to the developing technology. B) Entropy B) large-batch technology 4. Job enlargement offers many benefits, both to employers and employees: Employee benefits. . C) Location Extending the range of jobs so the number of activities gets increased is the way to expand the job market. B - Accident hazards A definition. A salesperson who was formerly responsible only for the sale of the product is given the duty to collect the cash from the buyers. B) Functional E) number of managers assigned to a department. 1. A financial accountant of a company is advised to maintain cost records after proper training until a cost accountant is hired. A - Performance ratings are not required. Privacy Policy 8. Disadvantages of Job Enlargement: According to Herzberg merely giving a worker different kind of jobs is not enough because the basic nature of the job remains the same, As such it does not work as a motivating factor. B) small-batch organizations tended to have minimal bureaucracy. D - Ergonomics, What is a use for a worker-machine chart? Work Experience (in years)FresherLess than 2 years2 - 4 years4 - 6 years6 - 10 years10+ years 69) A mechanistic organization is most likely to: B) divisional As a result, the company was able to offer workers a much higher minimum wage and give them more time off. Another way of job enlargement is that the clerk who is doing the typing work may also be assigned the tasks of drafting letters, sorting of incoming mail and filing the letters. E) Mass- production technology, 59) Alpha Electronics assembles different parts to make standardized laptops. 4 - Number of standard deviations needed to achieve desired confidence, Which of the following is not an advantage of standard elemental times? C - Analyze the job to identify the standard elements Its a form of redesigning work to counteract the boredom of routine tasks and develop new designs. Job enlargement is typically an expensive endeavor. A) The scalar principle the costs will be very substantial. C) Synergy B) Coordinating activities inside each department becomes difficult. E) Sequential departmentalization, 19) Which of the following is a disadvantage of functional departmentalization? E) Job specialization, 40) _____ is defined as the process of linking the activities of the various departments of an organization. A) are more expensive. Through trying new things, employees can eventually learn to develop new skills. A circular loop of wire moves in one of three directions near a long straight current-carrying wire. The workers will enjoy his work more, if he can vary the rhythm and work at his own pace. 25) The term span of management refers to the: Skill Development : The employee who is offered job enlargement will get exposure to a variety . D - Historical times. best-known ways to increase variety in a job. 3 - Sample Mean B) U-form Disadvantages: Disadvantages of job enlargement are as follows: (i) It does not increase the depth of . Using . E) Delegation, 41) At Delta Corp. the manufacturing and design department frequently consults with the research and development department and the marketing and sales department regularly interacts with the manufacturing and design department. 84) A _____ organization works to facilitate the lifelong personal development of all of its employees while continually transforming itself to respond to changing demands and needs. B) requires the organization to be highly centralized. B - Employee fitness programs The time taking training to employees is advantageous to the company as the managements support makes them adaptable to the respective job profile. B - To determine how many machines the operation can manage A - Requires significant analyst expertise A) Entropy B) the degree of control a worker has over how the work is performed. D) Maximum level of decentralization C) H-Form organization At the same time, if the experience does not go well for the employee, the consequences of poor performance can be varied. C) H-form A - Less work disruption required E) virtual organization, Cleavage (Module 9: Human Development II). 1 - Inspection It involves the expansion of the job either by inspecting or engaging in other works and selecting their own works and setups. Increases workload- Enlargement of jobs may lead to an increase in the workload of the employees. Take our 10 minute assessment to find out! Supertech operates in a business environment that is not predictable. A) Standardized-process technology C) Youth A) youth A) It has a flexible and informal organizational design. Sometimes people get bored doing same job. In short, it can be said to give more responsibilities to an existing employee at the same level. 83) A virtual organization: Image Guidelines 5. D) is a level of interdependence in which the performance of one department is not affected by the performance of other departments. Why is it important in todays world? 3 - Storage The two basic causes of accidents on the job are employee __________ and accident _________. D - X bar In job enlargement, workers move from a machine paced production line to a job which is paced by themselves. It will be even more motivating if it is tied to evaluations and organisational rewards. Advantages of job enlargement. 56) _____ encompasses the conversion processes used to transform inputs (such as materials or information) into outputs (such as products or services). Work sampling is a technique used to estimate the __________ of time a worker or machine spends performing certain activities is or idle. Jimmy is using the _____ approach at his ice cream parlor. Are you interested in learning more about Analytics in Workforce Management? C) functional A) small-batch This brings us to the benefits and drawbacks of job enlargement. B) Reciprocal interdependence A - Circle 82) An organization that uses a team organization design:. The most appropriate system to apply within a workplace depends on the type of work being completed as well . By proceeding, you agree to our privacy policy and also agree to receive information from UNext through WhatsApp & other means of communication. Job enlargement involves combining various activities at the same level in the organization and adding them to the existing job. B) two-way interdependence \text{Stars}\\ 1 - Maximum acceptable amount of time error It increases the responsibilities towards a particular job profile to bolster the motivation for the job. There may be more than one answer for each feature. What Is Data Normalization, and Why Is It Important? D) it does not offer challenges or stimulation to workers. D) there should not be a social distance between supervisors and subordinates. Job enlargement has a number of drawbacks: lower efficiency, lower quality, job creep, and increased training levels and costs. Select all that apply Show abstract. Enlarged jobs tend to better utilise the physical and mental skills abilities of the workers. When they feel validated and respected, they will become more efficient in the workplace. Some advantages of job enlargement include reduced monotony, optimization of abilities, personal growth of employees, and increased job satisfaction for the employees. 32) Tall organizations: Job enlargement increases the basic work of the employee which ultimately leads to an increase in tasks resulting in an increase in work for the employees and making them develop professionally. C - n Workers may require additional training for their enlarged jobs. Job Enlargement: It is the process of increasing the scope of a job by adding more tasks to it. Job enlargement means taking charge of more duties and responsibilities which are not mentioned in the job description . 1) Job rotation: Job rotation allows employees to do different job with different responsibility. C) it does not help a worker become proficient at a task. B - Background noise Because employees are learning new skills, there could be some errors. E) U-form, 81) The _____ design is essentially a holding company that results from unrelated diversification. Disadvantages of Job Enlargement. C - Less work disruption required are also considered job enlargement. D - Quiet working conditions, To study the sequence that documents or forms take through an organization, or to analyze the movement and care of surgical patients, we use ________. communication. E) One-way interdependence, 49) At Synergy School, Math, English, Science and Social Studies departments operate separately. The teacher, if asked to merge various tasks and change the activities which everyone will enjoy, will lead to a healthy environment in the school and the enthusiasm of the teacher as well will be maintained. formerly done by her manager. According to the schedule, if an employee makes waffle cones on a day, he serves ice creams the next day and clears the tables on the day after that. drawbacks. Which of the following concepts is illustrated in the scenario? Learn modern and relevant HR skills, online, AIHR All rights reserved. familiar with only a small set of skills. A) there should not be any arbitrary dismissals. C) Entropy It is a horizontal phenomenon, unlike job enrichment which is vertical promotion. A - Using specific methods, materials, equipment, and workplace arrangement The employee is adhered to perform his existing job as well as the new job assigned to them. I think both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. D) autonomy With too much responsibility & power with . This is a great example of how automation and robotization can lead to job enlargement. Home Business Studies Job Enlargement: Meaning, Example, Advantages, Disadvantages. A heavier workload makes employees tired. Mumbai University Results Held In Reserve Meaning and Procedure. Vertical enlargement involves widespread tasks involving more mechanical work. Which of the following types of departmentalization is illustrated in the scenario? Job enrichment provides employees with the opportunity to try things. Expensive- Enlarging the job can prove to be a costly method, as it will require imparting training to the employees. 2 - An operation He will also feel less tired in this way. A) They have a very flexible and informal structure. 2. A factory supervisor is made to also supervise the warehouse after the factory timings. E) has functional departmentalization. Job enlargement refers to adding a few more task elements horizontally., Job enlargement involves performing a variety of jobs or operations at the same time. E) the degree of control a worker has over how the work is performed. This means The work, the method, and strategies or the change in the position to some extent related to the position. 65) Gemini Motors has an assembly-line structure. While there are some clear advantages to job enrichment, there are also a number of disadvantages of job enrichment that you will want to keep in mind. One of the biggest upsides of job enrichment is that it increases employee retention. This means that a person will do more, different activities in their current job. Copyright 10. They have centralized authority. C) Centralization A) Functional Enhancement in work job enlargement makes the individual realize their importance in the organization. B) Decentralization In view of Herzbergs opinion, the following disadvantages can be found in job enlargement: (i) Job enlargement tends to be a costly affair. Companies may provide too much variety in duties and responsibilities. B) the total number of departments in an organization. B) Large-batch technology D) Customer E) reciprocal interdependence\, 45) _____ exists when activities flow both ways between units. B) mass-production B) the performance of individual products or product groups becomes difficult to assess. He designs a schedule for the different tasks the employees have to perform in order to prevent monotony at work. There are also several drawbacks of job enrichment. C - Using tools improperly C) promotions should not be given based on technical expertise. \text{Space feature} & \text{Contents}\\ Job enlargement involves employees being provided with additional tasks as part of their daily role, for example a shop worker may work on both the tills and stacking shelves. What form of departmentalization does Gamma use? As a concept, job enrichment can annoy employees, or be greeted with minimal enthusiasm, simply because it implies an increase in their workload. E) M-form. Giving employees greater depth of tasks can cause problems through their lack of experience and training. Job enlargement refers to widening in scope and activities of the same job of the same level to make the position challenging. The conclusion here is that job enlargement has both advantages and disadvantages. C) Decentralization Job enlargement . through a console, usually located in the corner of the operating room. E) provides little scope for teams to develop adaptability. RULES OF B.M.S. The disadvantages of job enlargement include the possibility of lower morale, reduced productivity and additional stress. (iv) More versatile employees are trained and developed. C) the total number of full-time or full-time-equivalent employees in an organization. Employers who practise job enlargement reduce training and employee costs. E) Specialization, 37) _____ is the process of systematically retaining power and authority in the hands of higher-level managers. For example, workers' expanded roles could necessitate further training. it can make work a more rewarding experience. Which of the following are detrimental to working conditions? C) Customer departmentalization 4 - Sample standard deviations, Place the following steps for using standard elemental times in the correct order B) it's coordination demands increase If someone performs a task particularly well, it can lead to recognition in a variety of forms. Marketing Management of Kodak Case Study For Practice. Match the formula terms with their meanings. What do you mean by job enlargement? C) reciprocal interdependence This also helps the employees to come over the job boredom and reduce the monotony that they may have developed on the job over a period of time. Take a look at ourPeople Analytics and Digital HRprogram, in collaboration with IIM Indore. D) Centralization Job enlargement may prove to be addressing issues in the initial runs but considering it to be sustainable might not be a great idea. D) sequential For each case, find the direction of the current in the loop, the direction of the magnetic force on the loop, and the direction of the magnetic force on the straight wire. 13) In the context of the job characteristics approach, skill variety refers to: C) are most frequently found in stable environments. A - A horizontal loading, giving employees a larger portion of the overall task. A - Operator surveys D - An air-conditioned office, Actions such as failing to use protective equipment, overriding safety controls, and disregarding safety procedures are examples of ________. 3. E) operate in an unstable environment. A stopwatch time study observes ______________ worker over a number of ___________ in order to estimate a time ____________. D) fosters bureaucracy This scenario illustrates _____ at Heritage Chocolates. D) employees get a better view of the total organization. How To Create an HR Dashboard Using Tableau KPI? Additional workload. D) large-batch A) conglomerate C) Tall organizations foster more communication problems than flat organizations. communications team in a large multinational FMCG company. Cases should therefore individually be assessed on whether or not enlargement makes sense. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of . This means that job C) hybrid Which of the following is the definition of job enlargement? A) coordination A) have the least level of specialization. Worse yet, if this problem proves to be widespread within a company, the results can be disastrous. B) involves one-way interdependence. D) Specialization 12) According to the job characteristics approach, task identity is _____. Each department integrates all the activities required to manage their respective line of food. B) Z-form C) 2. Human Resources Management TYBMS Sem 5 Important Questions Bank 2015. an increase in output and profit. D) job specialization 1) One of the disadvantages of job specialization is that: A) it increases the transfer time between tasks. Highest Education10th / 12th StandardUnder GraduateGraduatePost GraduateDoctorate A) Integration D) Synergy Article. What is Job enlargement? A) division form specialization made jobs boring and monotonous the most important one being Job enlargement has a number of drawbacks: lower efficiency, lower quality, job creep, and increased training levels and costs. E) theocracy, 53) Which of the following is one of the characteristics of Weber's bureaucracy? A) supervision is facilitated because an individual manager needs to be management A - Wider . E) matrix, 85) Enlightened Minds is a software services firm that uses routine training programs, seminars by eminent developers, and discussion forums D) total interdependence B) Delegation It provides the employees a greater exposureand develops their skills which will ultimately result in greater work efficiency. He is an expert in shaping modern HR practices by bringing technological innovations into the HR context. Carol L. McClelland. This means that part of their role Some employees are adept at reorganizing their priorities, and creating a schedule that incorporates everything, while avoiding burnout. From following the list of causes for accidents identify all those that can be classified an employee carelessness This efficiency will also improve. However, there is a distinct difference. 55) According to Weber, in a bureaucracy: is the process of adding motivators to existing jobs. D) requires workers to perform a single task. D) continuous-process An Overview In 3 Easy Points, difference between job enrichment and job enlargement, Konverse AI - AI Chatbot, Team Inbox, WhatsApp Campaign, Instagram. Disadvantages of job enlargement Increases work burden :- Job enlargement increases the work of the employee and not every company provides incentives and extra salary for extra work. In terms of the problematic elements to job enrichment that can emerge, consider the following: 1. Job enlargement if planned carefully can help reduce boredom and make it more satisfying and fulfilling for the employees. A) Pooled A) They are similar to bureaucracies. E) is the most complex form of interdependence. E) divestiture, 76) _____ is a period of stability in an organizational lifecycle, eventually evolving into decline. Show abstract. A - z Job enlargement does the opposite. A - Disregarding safety guidelines It also pulls down their energy leading to inefficient working and thus, undesirable results. C) accountability and performance become easier to monitor. While employees may acquire new skills and gain further opportunities for growth due to job. D) unit A) the total number of investors and stockholders in an organization. The employee needs to increase productivity to accomplish new tasks, achieve new goals, implement new strategies, and speed up his output. Job enlargement has several advantages and disadvantages. A) pooled interdependence We will explain this in more depth later. D) continuous-process technology Trying out new ways to do the same tasks. Enrichment helps to relieve the feeling that a job is repetitive or offers no career path. B - Potential savings in not having to conduct a complete time study. C - Brightly lit conditions C - Periodically changing jobs to reduce boredom with monotonous tasks, The more strenuous a job is, the ________ the comfort band for temperature and humidity. A) Specialization It can be a good source of __________ improvements. E) leads to lower levels of employee productivity, 34) _____ is power that has been legitimized by the organization. Adding more tasks/ duties to a job does not mean that . A) is found in product and not service- based companies. made a job motivational as people realized that the traditional mass production Follow-Up and Extension of the Interdisciplinary Costs and Benefits of Enlarged Jobs. Disadvantages of Job Enlargement Expensive- Enlarging the job can prove to be a costly method, as it will require imparting training to the employees. C - e A) does not increase the number of tasks that workers perform. 2023 Jigsaw Academy Education Pvt. Frustration can mount, as well. C) Entropy found that corporate communication did not always align with the purpose of the The teacher of a childhood school daily makes the students learn the same poem and play the same activities in a routine is a monotonous task. C) leads to higher levels of employee morale D) the extent to which a worker does a complete or identifiable portion of the total job.