Here's why. It must be held for at least 5 seconds. WENT FROM 35 MPG TO UP TO 51 ON HWY, (IN HIGHER ELEVATIONS), AND 38 MPG CONSISTENTLY IN TOWN DRIVING HARD ( UP FROM 28-29), AND MUCH MORE RESPONSIVE-VERY IMPRESSED WITH PERFORMANCE. Then COVID hit. At the end of the summer prices went down to 44 cents a gallon. Facebook and especially you talented folks at YOUTUBE. If you dont improve fuel efficiency within 30 days of using the device, you can request a complete refund. Unfortunately people are easily scammed when desperate. Ubertech Eco Fuel Review: Does It Work or Cheap Device Scam? Gas is expensive, they say, and the increased costs of driving have pushed them to desperation. It claims that the functionality of the chip is based on OBD2 protocols and aids in reprogramming the computer's CPU in the vehicle. Tire Meets Road is a car blog focusing on car news and useful information you won't find anywhere else. It can be fitted to any vehicle. Still, there is that small possibility that this could conceivably be engineered and created by some whiz kids. Switch on the ignition but do not start the car. It will not improve your cars engine performance or quality. Is the eco OBD2 really work? - Also drive more conservatively and actually get better MPG. The EcoPlus fuel saver is safe to use and there is no known harm associated with using the device; this can be confirmed from reviews given by users. Effuel ECO OBD2 is a type of performance chip that you can install in your vehicle and expect to improve fuel efficiency and reduce your gas budget. You'll need a lightly traveled road to use this, obviously, but a half-hour of paying close attention to what's going on under your right foot can save a lot of money. Please explain how I can do this. He shut off the Keystone AND the Canadian oil pipelines (which brought canadian crude to US refineries) and in spite of the 0Biden misAdministration lying about American oil producers have all the tools they need to pump more oil, they just dont want to according to the ginger twit the government and the banks are making it very difficult to actually finance and get permits to drill. Basically, though, there is no way for a plug in module to do what they claim it will do. Fact Check: 'Effuel' Company Behind The 'ECO OBD2' Purported Fuel Who can fight 3 billion people??? The mechanic said we would experience much better gas mileage, and we did. It was recommended by a friend and it has worked really well and has shown positive results. EcoCel Reviews - Obvious Scam or Legit Device That Works? You can usually just sneak the hose through the grommet that the wiring harness already uses. All thumbs? Three units of the EcoPlus are sold for $82.95 at$27.65 eachfrom the original price of$276.50. Thank you for alerting buyers on these products. Dude, you need to log off Facebook and your Truth Social app for a minute. Thats called consumer inflation. thats because the engines work on hydroponic graphite and shoestrings. Its a similar story with, this site was created in June 2021. Effuel ECO OBD2 is a car chip that you're supposed to plug into the car's dashboard for optimizing fuel usage. You only need to plug it into your car's OBD2 port. It also highlights the failures of our laws to protect everyday citizens who cannot afford these financial insults many of of whom probably need the advertised 30% savings. There's a downside to most of these original-equipment gauges: They're mounted low on the instrument panel, and they tend to be small. Save your money for the next fillup. A quick trip to the auto-parts store can score you a vacuum gauge to park on your dashboard for under $50, which isn't much when a fill-up can easily shred a $100 bill. They couldnt give it away! It reduces fuel consumption by up to 35%, and for older model cars, it can save up to 50%. I've found at least one vehicle that showed fuel economy several percent higher than the actual economy during expressway driving and several percent too low while driving in the city. Also, the EcoPlus does not have any negative effects on your cars factory settings. There are all sorts of reasons why such pre-set chips are factory installed and for some vehicles and years, you can purchase expensive replacements that do work, and on the same premise as these cheap China chips are claiming. Thats why REAL science uses double blind studies where no one involved knows whether they are dealing with the test or control group. Biden qualified?! Effuel Reviews - Does Effuel ECO OBD2 Chip Really Save - Influencive Do obd2 fuel saver work? - The EcoPlus device is very small and light. Highest regard sirMichael John Ferreira. The technology employed in making this device makes it compatible with all brands of cars with the Onboard diagnostics (OBD2), almost all the cars made from 1996 are embedded with OBD. You guys just dont understand the point; the real problem here is that it messed up his dam pants! Keenso Car Fuel ECO Chip, Car ECO OBD2 Plug Drive Chip 15% Diesel if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',112,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-112{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. You are making an assumption that people like this have even the slightest interest in the truth. Planet of Reviews says in their evaluation of the EcoChip, "The claims that EcoChip fuel saver is the best-selling fuel saver on the market is actually false. But what stands out is that the EcoPlus does this without tampering with any of the settings of your car. I like to drive along with the display reading out four things concurrently: instant mileage, distance to empty, percent of engine load and my favoritethe amount of money I've burned in the engine today. And for all of the anti-***** geniuses who are now screaming about how its *****s base who are the anti-vaccination people, I would like to take you back to a time where B**** and ****** were both talking **** about the v****** saying they would never take it cuz T*** had something to do with it are now pushing it like heroin dealers. Any engineers here? 900,000 dead Americans and you, apparently, dont care. Pour this additive into your tank and double your mileage. Youre an idiot. Id say, Dont be an idiotbut its way too late for that. It simply observes your driving and optimizes fuel consumption according to your driving style. The fuel saver looks slightly less phony than the vaxxx. But take responsibility for our actions and lets get through this so life is still with working for when our grandkids grow up.I dont know about you, and if you disagree i really dont care so dont waste your points on me. The EcoPLus adjusts itself to your car, after about 150 miles (200 km) of driving (road total), and it keeps remapping the engines control unit to reduce fuel consumption. Omg! We are trying it in multiple outfits from 2002 to 2018 just to see. I remember that! mine says for benzene motors are there 2 diferent models? After opening Ecotune Plug & Drive OBD2 unit, taking a quick look at this unit very Inspection it Continue Reading 95 8 Bob Faestel Benzene is slang for gas. The results may vary depending on the case but fuel consumption is optimized to a minimum level. The EcoPlus on the other hand organizes your cars fuel consumption no matter the model and optimizes it. The Ecoplus fuel saver does not require maintenance, Ecoplus reduces fuel consumption to nearly 55% depending on how you drive. Fast shipping and door-to-door free delivery service are guaranteed. I bought 7 of these( my lucky number) , But was able to hook them in series, It only blew 32 of the fuses , allowing the Pickup not to move saving me tons in gas. Effuel Reviews 2021 - Effuel ECO OBD2 Customer Complaints or Fuel Saver It's kind of like hacking an iPhone now. Much more appropriately ask those that voted for the puppet that brought you the fuel prices that spark these scams. No doubt you were gullible enough to vote for Sleepy Joe Biden, who has really messed up the economy! However, Effuel does claim to improve fuel efficiency by 15% to 35%. This inexpensive solution can be attached to any vehicle. You should be informing yourselves of whats really going on rather than arguing about the *******. No permanent change is made to your cars control unit and as soon as the device is unplugged, the cars settings are reset. Anti Vaxxers love citing VAERS, but leave out the part where anyone can leave a report and they are not vetted. Please consider thinking about your situation, what car, your route, or how you couldve achieved better MPG device aside. Its easy to reverse these changes and then just remove them from your port. Funny that none of them do. If it actually worked, the oil companies would have made the creator disappear long before the product ever hit the market. Energy Enhance Pro Opinion: Legit Environmentally OBD2 Positives? 2. Effuel ECO OBD2 is a small-sized performance enhancer chip that is added to the car at the ECU. For smthg I have never used, and will not. Per, "Idling can use a quarter to a half-gallon of fuel per hour, depending on engine size and air conditioner use, adding up to three cents of wasted fuel a minute.". A THROTTLE BODY EXTENSION,MAKING YOUR THROTTLE BODY HOLD MORE AIR AND FORCING THAT AIR INTO THE THROTTLE BODY. ECO OBD2 Double Busted" "EEVblog #1181 - Car ECO OBD2 Fuel Saver SCAM!" Gear-obsessed editors choose every product we review. I did it twice just to make sure I did it right. How does the EcoPlus Work? More important for the purposes of this story, it also has a number of trip-computer functionsincluding a real-time mileage monitor. **** **** ***** ********** ***** *** **** *** ****** *****. Eco chip (Scam or Legit) Read This NOW Before Buying! - Tech Times 2. Dying of anything after receiving the vaccine will be reported by anti-vaxxers as vaccine related, but that doesnt make it true. (Steve Martin, the jerk). Nope, puts a giant target on our back for someone who wants to gain control in an industry that will have become astronomical in value due to shortage and limited supply indefinitely m, which in turn will have history repeat itself with a world war because with all the hate America had learned to express, we will no longer be the superpower of the world. Payments on the EcoPlus purchase can be made directly using your credit card or Paypal, whichever way you prefer. Effuel Reviews (Update) 2021: Does Effuel ECO OBD2 Really Work? As definitive proof, EEV Blog shows a blown up-close look at the actual chip, pointing out how its not possible for the device to talk back to the cars engine via CAN BUS. It works based on OBD2 protocols as remapping your vehicle's computer ECU. Effuel is a vehicle performance chip that remaps your vehicle to improve fuel efficiency. Now theres a trustworthy source, not! They need *****!!! OBD is short for On-Board Diagnostics, and it's an industry standard for the interface to . The EcoPlus receives the information from the car computer ECU when it is plugged into the OBD2 connector. Every article written has to come down to political bs?? No. Gov. A lot of heavy equipment, trucks and most piston-engined aircraft have a vacuum gauge on the dash. Hey Bert. OBD2 Explained - A Simple Intro [2023] - CSS - CSS Electronics It worked, I havent bought gas for it since!! YOU MUST BE EXTREMELY IGNORANT AND FOOL ENOUGH TO PAY FOR THIS SCAM IF IT ACTUALLY WORKED THE OIL COMPANYS WOULD BE BANKRUPT BY NOW DUMMY. You and others like you will find out who the real donald trump is if he gets re-elected. Sounds goodperhaps too good. Wheee. For one, the domain name was literally created seven days ago. Hey presto! Think this is an AE86? How do they even survive from day to day? Effuel ECO OBD2 device is a plug and drive economy chip tuning box that helps reduce your cars fuel consumption to up over 30% without changing your driving style, allowing you to save money at . Keenso Car Fuel ECO Chip, Car ECO OBD2 Plug Drive Chip 15% Diesel Saving Fuel Economy Tuning Box Universal for Diesel Cars after 1996 Diagnostic Tools : Automotive Probably all of you.Maybe blame the damn supply shortage on the oil companies themselves for once! By themselves, each tip might not seem like a lot but, combined over time, the fuel-savings make a difference. I specifically remember it as it was the same day my engine blew up. The device optimizes fuel consumption in your car in line with your driving style and habits thereby making the control unit of your engine function better. The OBD2 connector lets you access data from your car easily. Despite the convincing video with proof and website testimonials praising the Ecotune OBD2 fuel saver, I can confidently say that this Ecotune OBD2 fuel saver is just like all the others and is likely a scam. lol. EcoPlus Review: Does EcoPlus Fuel Saver Really Work? You might spill some fuel in the accident, after all. Using statements such as probably a scam.. makes this article an open editorial. Hmm, I wonder why your comments look like that? And? Just add this magnet to your fuel line. I live in Bowling Green KY and have to make a appointment today will be going to Morgantown KY and back to Bowling Green KY so should be able to tell more on gas mileage but also about how it is still running. There is one thing that never seems to be mentioned or offered:-You bought this item to tell us if it works and save us money WHO REFUNDS YOU AFTER ALL YOU ARE OUT OF POCKET TO HELP others so allow me to give back some of your lost cash.Lance. Offers may be subject to change without notice. DELETED, [] As Ive clarified in a previous blog about the same device with a different name, dozens of people have already bought these OBD2 devices, broke them apart, and confirmed there is no communication between the device and your engine. This device also has the benefit of being eco-friendly as it reduces the concentration of harmful fumes released into the environment. Before I could unplug it I was in vertical take off and in now time at all I was leaving Earths Atmosphere and on my way to Mars! This is old tech. They work, have FDA approval, and Comirnaty is the same thing as Pfizers Covid Vaccine. actually , you dont need any fuel to power a car engine at all. However, just check the owner's manual, it will direct you to the exact location. Not a chance. Valid test would be driving exact same course, exact same conditions, with driver not knowing whether the car had device installed or not. Effuel ECO OBD2 Reviews: Customer Reviews, Price, Scam or Legit? There are discounts available on the products official website and you save more when you buy more units of the EcoPlus, Buying the EcoPlus on the official website is the safest way to buy the product and the following options are available to the buyer. The company guarantees savings within 30 days or your money back.22 Apr 2021. In theory, the EcoChip device is supposed to work by attaching to the OBD2 connector of your car. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. A raw egg in its shell between your foot and the gas pedal would be more effective. Green Matters is a registered trademark. You get a discount on the website when you buy one or multiple units of the EcoPlus units you purchase, the more you save on each one. A ruling from the Supreme Court against the White Houses student debt relief program could impact more than 800,000 Maryland student loan borrowers who are currently eligible for relief according to data from the federal Department of Education. Once plugged into this connector, the device claims to track your car's performance for 150 miles, and then make changes to save fuel accordingly. As far as we can tell, Effuel mostly improves fuel efficiency. Do you really think this war in Ukraine would be taking place if T**** was still in office??? So he has no problem killing all Americans off for more power. C***d is real or was I should say cuz all of a sudden its gone just as fast as it came. EEVblog #1181 - Car ECO OBD2 Fuel Saver SCAM! - YouTube If youre new to fuel-saving devices, these types of plug-and-play electronics have been sold to gullible car owners for years. FUEL BOSS MAGNETIC FUEL SAVER $23.99 ( Claim: "When gasoline remains in your tank over time, the fuel molecules start to cluster.The molecules on the inside of these . However, have you actually used and tested this device? I bought several and installed it on my cars, after filling up my Cadillac I then drove it and after 50 miles of driving I had to pull off by the side of the roadway and cipher 5 gallons of gas from the car due to the gas overflowing from my tank.I learned that if you fill your gas tank up to full mark and after driving 50 miles you will have to remove some of the gasoline to keep it from overflowing your gas tank. Take a momentary break guys please?I have something for all of you to consider that for some unknown reason were not hearing in the prominent headline news but once considered is simple to judge true.Though i believe global warming is simply a cycle our planet goes through occasionally. Some BMW cars have a vacuum gauge already built into the instrument panelbut it's cleverly calibrated not in inches of vacuum, but in miles per gallon. Click the photo to find out the truth! Another winter driver tipalways keep a gallon or two of antifreeze in your trunk to keep your engine block from freezing. Believe that if its on the internet (especially a official ad, like a YouTube add) it must be real. The governor has made service one of his top priorities this term, signing an executive order creating the Maryland Department of Civic and Service Innovation on his first full day in office. WHY do you think gas was $2.00/gallon under Trump? Learn some basic Economics. My Lord those folks are stupid. The recent spike and continuing spike in gas prices is due to that buffoon B***n. The recent spike in fuel prices is caused by better contol of Covid-19 in highly industrialized nations and the reluctance of OPEC to pump more crude. Sharing their work or suggesting similar fake products to review/write/vlog about would also probably be appreciated. Its amazing how many people are brainwashed by people pushing political agendas. Doing actual research (like the 5 seconds it took me to google it) is too much work. Just maintain a high manifold vacuum as you drive. Wheres the science behind you people saying it does not work? Yet the library, like the health department and social services department, Gov. saving me $50 a week on gasthats money right out of the oil companies pockets! It takes a surprisingly small change in the amount of pressure on the gas pedal to influence the economy gauge. The display is a series of green-to-red bars. Im certain only a small percentage of you Harvard educated brains know anything about ****** **. You can forget about it once you plug it into OBD2 and simply enjoy the benefits. Effuel Reviews - Does It Work? (What They Won't Tell You!) The review concludes that this same type of product has been recycled on and off in the public eye for years now, but typically any product claiming to be an OBD2 fuel saver is a scam. Here's my take on gas savers: They don't work. Similarly, SabiReviews goes in-depth on why the EcoChip doesn't work. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-leader-1','ezslot_4',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-leader-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',114,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-leader-1-0_1');.leader-1-multi-114{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. EEVblog #1181 - Car ECO OBD2 Fuel Saver SCAM - Page 1 The fact that you faced us when weve complained louder than ever in history, it has to be done. I appreciate it. So, I bought a scammy ODB fuel saver off EBay for 3 Euro, ripped out the PCB, and replaced it with a 5V regulator. You should have placed a link put it in a real car he blew a fuse and didnt do further testing, and in the comments there are multiple users that claim it works Both the videos here do not test functions one dude goes to the conclusion that data pins are connected but he doesnt know if it works meaning totally a waste of time to watch it the other guy proves that it gives no data out to the fake random generating values engine, within the first few minutes of operations, while the device claims that analyzed data and after many miles starts tuning the engine. Herpesyl Pills Shocking Facts Revealed. Call it what it is . LOL! (It was a fuel vapor system not some efficiency meter). Many review videos on YouTube pull apart the claims that this gadget does anything other than put on a little LED light show that makes the driver think it is doing something. 2. Fuel-saving gadget is being promoted everywhere you look. Good thing or Check out Wish.coms search results by clicking here. Show more Show. Currently, electric vehicles like Tesla can be expensive for the everyday consumer, so a new device known as the EcoChip might be a cheaper solution. You don't want to pay so much attention to how much gas you're saving that you crash into something. Hey m****! The device will recognize your driving habits and vehicle and adjust itself accordingly to match your car perfectly. Here are a few EcoChip reviews to help you decide if this device is best for you. It is super easy to introduce it to a car, and its function has no effect on the overall car. They dont. It is claimed to increase vehicle fuel economy by up to 25% through power conditioning of the vehicles electrical systems, but Consumer Reports detected no difference in economy or power in tests on ten separate vehicles, finding that the device did nothing but light up. You can increase your vehicle's fuel efficiency and performance by plugging Ecochip into your vehicle. Step 6 Get started. Correction: Contrary to the original version of this opinion piece, the library director is appointed by the library board, and not the county executive, though he does appoint the board. They are supposed to talk to the car's ECU via the CAN bus on the OBD2 connector, but does it even do that? You mean BoB.Billionaired Orange Baby))). Sorry, the world's not that simple. Eco fuel chip. Does it really work? - YouTube However, allow me to throw my change at the conversation. EcoPlus Fuel Saver Reviews: Does Eco Fuel Saver Really Work! Read First, they suggest turning off your engine when your car is parked for more than 10 seconds. Of course we will never know. All I know is Birds arent real. The EcoPlus has numerous benefits that leave its customers wowed, some of them include; Ecoplus is very easy to use, as easy as inserting your key into the ignition. These types of OBD2 fuel savers and this exact design (shape, color, and advertising) have been around for years and have all been debunked as nothing more than OBD2 dongles that play a specific sequence of LEDs. Does the Ecotune OBD2 Fuel-Saver actually work? - Alt Car news The Ecobox OBD2 fuel saver device is a scam, does not work the way it's advertised, is a complete waste of money, and should be avoided at all costs. We Americans pay far less for Gasoline or Diesel than other Industrialized Nations. Every vehicle made in the last 30 years has an OBD-II port. I removed it drove for more miles and they went off. It makes fuel consumption more efficient, allowing for better savings by reducing gas consumption. .css-v1xtj3{display:block;font-family:FreightSansW01,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:100;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-v1xtj3:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-v1xtj3{font-size:1.1387rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:1rem;margin-top:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-v1xtj3{line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-v1xtj3{font-size:1.18581rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;margin-top:0rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-v1xtj3{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.2;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}Whats New With F1 Tires for the 2023 Season, How F1s Red Bull Racing Makes Mid-Race Decisions, Why Ford and GM Truck Production Has Stopped, The 7 Most Outrageous Pickup Trucks Out There, Amazon Now Has an OEM Store for Your DIY Car Needs, Romain Grosjeans Burnt F1 Car Will Go on Display, Tesla: Self-Driving Software May Cause Crash, Save Time Scraping Your Windshield With a De-Icer, The Best Tools to Keep in Your Cars Emergency Kit.