Image quality will be essentially the same. The smaller file size also allows quicker read/write speeds. This is particularly useful on long shoots when you need more space. Ha!Have you ever read my Fuji X100f review I think you might enjoy it. In one of his editorial pieces in Amateur Photographer he applauds this philosophy. I have used many rangefinders, a Leica M8, M9 (and its variants M-E/M9P/MM), M262, M240P and of course most recently the M-D 262. Im really glad I ordered it, the best Leica M camera Ive ever used! The colour differences between the two are due to slightly different colour handling in the camera and can be cancelled out completely by the camera profiles in LR. The M Typ 240 can record in Full HD at 24, 25 or 30fps. Also for helping critical focus wide open at close distance. I wish I did. Yes, the M240s menu is busier, but once I have the camera set up to my liking I dont really venture into the menu often. And I like the grainy renderings for some scenes.Live View. Your previous content has been restored. By continuing to browse our site, you agree to our use of cookies. This is an inspiring and generous website. Im not sure about the iso dial though, I feel like thats a feature that would really suit me. The fact that Ive somehow managed to rationalise my way out of that opinion doesnt change how good the M262 really is, and indeed how well suited to me I once felt it to be. My budget is c. 3,000 for the camera and lens. p.s. It does take lovely photos however and I dont mind using I most of the time but. Unfortunately, this isnt something thats fixed by the M10 either though I am definitely looking forward to how much the M10 improves manual ISO control for me. Weight savings from the M10 may be there, but with a Thumbs Up in the hot shoe, the M240 feels good and substantial in the hand.ISO setting. I took the M240 because it offeres live view. With ACR, my standard daylight setting for the M240 is 5300/10, while with the M262, it is 5000/0, both with embedded profile. November 7, 2013 December 8, 2013 Peter . To set it, you simply half press the shutter then jog the thumb dial. I would say a hidden gem at 2/3 of the price for a used M-10. Funnily enough, when searching to find out if I was the only one to notice this, I found this post on a forum where someone finds the same issue, but prefers the cooler screen of his Leica M240 to the later M-P version of the M240 which seems to have the same warmer screen as my M262. The obvious take-away from the third image set is just how poorly the Leica M246 and Leica M Monochrom renders overexposed highlights. Leaving aside the video recording, the main difference is the simplified menu of the 262 v the live view of the 240. You and Roger Hicks. The M10 is akin in size to an M6TTL and this is a benefit. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. This happens with the M240 from time to time. But, as someone who shoots, buys and sells a lot of different lenses, the bigger screen would definitely offer me an advantage Id be able to take photos and check lenses were calibrated properly etc. With some apprehension, I took the memory card out of the camera and put it into the computer. On the other hand, if you do describe your GAS in terms of Leicas, and suggest a Monochrom is the kind of thing you forget in a cupboard, well. Thankfully with the M10 they've returned to the old system. Hes written some good books, too, some with his partner, Frances. It was mentioned in LFI first issue of 2016. I have not seen that anywhere in the promotional material. Simple. The better screen, slightly improved interface and even fairly small things like the artificially lit frame lines introduced in the M240 made the the camera feel more mature. I'm in between the m262 bundle or a used 240. I currently shoot with a Fuji X-Pro2 and love it. Fortunately, whilst the control of ISO isnt quite perfect, I have found the way exposure compensation works on the Leica M262 to be a big step up from the M9. Your link has been automatically embedded. Early M3 models featured a double-stroke lever, meaning it required two strokes to advance to the next frame of film and cock the shutter. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Expanded ISO allows you to go beyond the native ISO. Id prefer to do this with the Leica as its the camera I use most often and so the battery is always charged with space on a memory card. So, yeah, as I said, video is just not something I want to do with a Leica M camera! In case you're confused, the M240 was the camera that followed the Leica M9. With the ISO being menu driven, its also very possible to accidentally leave it on a too-high setting. I cant even work out how to hold the Leica M240 for video, and whilst it has focus peaking, it certainly doesnt have the features the Atomos brings to the table. Id probably buy a new car. All content, design, and layout are Copyright 19982023 Digital Photography Review All Rights Reserved. Can you compare side by side, please? Source: DxOMark. I just picked up a Leica M-P Typ 240 to compliment my new M9-P I bought a couple weeks ago. Using the zoom focus button on the front of the camera along with Live View is a good aid to focus in these situations.Ergonomics. This screen has very good focus peaking and an exposure waveform overlay that I find invaluable! Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. For system cameras, having a focus motor in the camera's body allows you to use a wide range of lenses, including lenses which do not have their own focus motor. I find it to be a useful feature at times. And sometimes they could come in handy. Your link has been automatically embedded. The controls are easy to change while the camera is at your eye. I keep looking at the 262 as a hidden gem. Seems I do once again. Both should arrived this coming week and so I am getting very excited! Here are photos from my first shoot with it: The M10 is also very slightly lighter than the M240. For example, I am in a coffee shop with the camera sitting on a Manfrotto table top tripod. Compared to when I shot with any other camera system, my gut feeling is I come away with fewer shotsless spray and pray . The M262 was the stripped-back camera that came after the M240 and before the M10 and as regular readers of this website will know, I do like a stripped-back camera.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Leica must have listened to some of their users who felt that they didnt need a lot of the features that the Leica M240 offered them, and created a camera that felt a little more like a natural progression from the M9. There are no 'Landscape', 'Sport', or 'Smile Detection' modes. Without a magnifier piececomfortable view is 50-35mm. One is not better or worse than the other, they are just different. Theres a certain robustness or heft to the M240/M262 files that I personally dont see in the M10 files, and that is likely a result of the different sensors used in the cameras. Keep up the good words! Any chance youre planning to do a write up on that Nokton 50mm f/1.2? But the I needed a 21mm for crowd shots and discovered the live view is awesome for this. The overall user interface of the Leica M262 turned out to be a bigger upgrade than I expected too though its still not been quite the perfect experience. USA Distributor of MCM Equipment leica m240 vs m262 image quality It was at this early stage that I noticed the first thing that has continued to make me scratch my head throughout the time I used the camera. Without looking, apart from the lens detection options, I couldnt tell you whats in the menu at all. How important do you think live view will be for you? Find a comparison between different fujifilm x30 vs x100t. It is the first position on the menu, and setting WB on a grey card or to a preset is a matter of 3 or 4 clicks.Colors. May be different sensor calibration? "It has the same image quality as the Leica M 240" was the . While I am relatively new to the Leica world, I have done the exact same thing as you: I am selling my M262 (although not for another digital M!). Ive got a 262 and I really like the fact that its completely stripped back to just the basics. Of course there will be technological advances and all kinds of new features. Content contributor - become a part of the worlds biggest film and alternative photography community blog. I will investigate that. Its been that camera that I know is there and just crack out when it feels right. I have purchased an M262 and, given my budget, a Voigtlander Ultron 35mm (which I have read is actually a really good lens). Here are my thoughts on the M240 alongside my second hand and limited knowledge of the M10. I find the M262 colours different enough from the M-P I just sold - to my eye the blues, reds, aquas and purples feel denser. And if you find the viewfinder better, as many report. I got the m262 because it has everything i need and nothing i do not need. Thorsten Overgaard recently posted two comparative X-Rite colorchecker images that show the colour differences between the 262 and 240 which sold me on the 262. Menu. Changing from color to black and white takes a lot of menu meandering and I wish there was a way to place this setting into a favorites menu as in the M10 (I think). Reduction of features is something no other brand of cameras shouts about, ever. And then I got a Sony A7riii that lets me touch the screen to pick the subject I want the camera to autofocus on! I know thats not a crime, I also know it has nothing to do with how much skill I have as a photographer. Plus it's lighter. A M262 is a friendly camera. Press and hold, select ISO, and release to lock in the setting. Sadly, that is the way of digital cameras my friend, a never-ending hamster wheel of upgrades. I admit, Im a bit of a snob with stills cameras. Help us by suggesting a value. This made me think; maybe I could get on with the video features too? High ISO performance a must wish it was even better. Learn how your comment data is processed. I was wrong! Battery power, or battery capacity, represents the amount of electrical energy that a battery can store. We've selected a group of cameras that are easy to keep with you, and that can adapt to take photos wherever and whenever something memorable happens. There are a lot of photo/video cameras that have found a role as B-cameras on professional film productions or even A-cameras for amateur and independent productions. Cheers! I then had a feeling that Im sure a lot of people who have too many cameras have once in a while You might know it yourself? homestead high school staff. It usesa 24-megapixel CMOS sensor, a Maestro image processor witha near-silent shutter, and a quiet shutter-cocking motor. You can set minimum shutter speed either specifically, or based on the lens mounted. I am seeing a few posts by M262 / M-D owners stating that there is slightly improved image quality and even less banding at higher ISOs on the M262 series cameras. I cant tell you how relieved I was about this I know that probably sounds daft, but my Leica rangefinders are default cameras that I rely on when I want to shoot without any thought to the camera. Continue with Recommended Cookies. The battery is removable and can be replaced by the user if broken. The following dropbox link to a small group of images hopefully illustrate these subtle but apparent colour densities. There are two things to be separated here. But nope, they included a hardly useful flourish, that as you say, looks like it was thought up but a marketing department. Family moments are precious and sometimes you want to capture that time spent with loved ones or friends in better quality than your phone can manage. I cant. At 0.68 magnification itll be hard to push to 75mm without a magnifier eyepiece x1.25 or x1.4. Another M10 fetish. Unfortunately, there are elements of the way the ISO modes work that have slightly bothered me.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_13',184,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); To be fair, the auto ISO is really well implemented. Actually, a large part of this is because they dont often inspire me to write about them whilst I own them, yet I hate to see them go without doing them the justice of sharing a few thoughts.var cid='8222364248';var pid='ca-pub-7054871687658000';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-3-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1002%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);'100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';} For the M240, forget it. It leaves me with no desire whatsoever to upgrade at all and will be my sole digital camera for hopefully many years to come., [] a moment to reflect on this previous style of photography of mine. The sensor is not the same, by the way. I do use this feature fairly often as an alternative to using a screw in BW filter. I didnt really need the better low light performance that the M262 offered, and was quite happy with the speed and output from the often lauded CCD sensor in the M9. It seemed it was not much larger than an M7; that, alone, was enough to make me decide I would own one someday. In fact, apart from INFO button/screen which reports battery and SD card information, and the play and delete buttons, the ISO button and the menu it brings up is really the only part of the screen-based interface I use. I upgraded to the M240 from an M9, had it for 3 months and went back to an M9. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The EOS R6 II arrives in one of the most competitive parts of the market, facing off against some very capable competition. Can you advice,please, if you still own both cameras: why some people says that m262 perform better colors? For my abilities and needs, I have a decent collection of film cameras (too many some might say) and an M8 which is surprisingly still better than just good and more than good enough for what I tend to photograph.But I admit to seriously considering the new Q2, That Q2 has excited a lot of people, it seems!Re. If you like aluminium choose the M262, if you prefer brass go for the M240. M9 is magic, even SOOC jpgs. The M10 has the new ISO wheel on the top left. Ive had it for years and purchased it when M8s were at their lowest prices. Anyone have both that could provide a side by side? Find out more about 35mmc here. Hi Hamish, I have used an M240 extensively for the last 18 months. The sensor is still not what I would consider great (or even competitive) in regards to dynamic range and high ISO quality, perhaps I was just spoiled by the incredible capabilities of the Nikon Df. I think, at least, Ive not tried one either . The maximum ISO at which the device still captures excellent quality images. More humble pie for me! 35mmc is a blog authored, edited and published by Hamish Gill featuring daily articles submitted by readers. No one ever uses video functionality of the240 anyways. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Forget is a strong word. The more focus points the more flexibility in picking which part of the scene to focus on. The price is$5195/4050. In fact, I likely wouldnt be selling it at all if it werent for the fact that I recently and quite inadvertently gave myself a big chunk of M10 gear acquisition syndrome! I didn't do any critical tests, but I feel the M262 may have around one stop advantage at high iso.'block';'px';'100%';'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true}); The fact is, I really like them as cameras, but largely speaking they just function for me. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_17',188,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Overall, these changes made the move from the M9 to M262 feel greater than the sum of their parts. With the M9, just going out for a day I would take two batteries. I like Roger a lot hes written for this site before, and we chatted a fair bit around the time.