Although it is not clear where his burial place is it is clear that he died and was buried in the Land of Israel. vermont temporary registration out of state Top Bar. In Kabbalah we are taught that God emanated from His infinite light (through the process of tzimtzum . Nahmanides: Law and Mysticism. Psalm 40:16. But joy and happiness in you to all who seek you! The 10-Dimensional Metacosm. What they were really saying without knowing it was that God did these incredible, unfathomable things and then told us about it in His Holy Scripture. Please select the most appropriate category to facilitate processing of your request, Optional (only if you want to be contacted back). Nachmanides died in about 1270 CE. He may also have been fined, but this was lifted as a favor to Benveniste a Porta, who according to some authorities [14] was Nachmanides' brother. Clear rating. Thats a bit of a mind-boggler: Most people understand the basic three dimensions, and many know that the fourth dimension is probably time. with a down payment as little as 5%, but 20% will ensure lower rates. The emergent trend toward transhumanism will also usher in similar, new concerns. Even more intriguing is the number of times He used the word divide or separate. technology (Tech Xplore) and medical research (Medical Xpress), After the hyly He did not create anything, but He formed and made --things with it, and from this hyly He brought everything into existence. 21st-century artistic depiction of Nachmanides in Acre, Israel. billions of years ago), they might be able to see how the existence of these additional dimensions could have influenced the evolution of the cosmos. Announced Apr 2021. I still do not see (and would like to) based on what Nahmanides guessed the energy transformation to matter. Obrigado! For decades afterwards, he conducted his own independent UFO research, developing the Close Encounter classification system, and is widely considered the father of the concept of scientific analysis of reports and trace evidence ostensibly left by UFOs. [5], Although surrounded by friends and pupils, Nachmanides keenly felt the pangs of exile. Provided by For the great rabbi and author Maimonides has commanded not to publicize nor explicate it. As to Maimonides' Guide for the Perplexed, Nachmanides stated that it was intended not for those of unshaken belief, but for those who had been led astray by the non-Jewish philosophical works of Aristotle and Galen. "Nachmanides, (The RambaN NOT RambaM) in his commentary of Parshat Beraishit says on the phrase "And it was evening and it was morning, one day" (Chap. Namanides, original name Moses Ben Nahman, also called Naamani or, by acronym,Ramban, (born c. 1194, Gerona, Cataloniadied 1270, Acre, Palestine), Spanish scholar and rabbi and Jewish religious leader. For the use of first would have implied an already existing series of days or a continuum of time when in fact on this "day one" there had been no prior time to this one day. Rabbi Moses ben Nahman, a.k.a. The timeline of the universe, beginning with the Big Bang. We need to understand that we are both the pawnsand the prizein this continuing cosmic struggle. A universe of 10 dimensions. 12. . Notes: It is interesting that the Apostle Paul had already listed these four dimensions in Ephesians 3:18.). Shop for US Machine Screws. There is an important precept here we should understand; so lets be careful not to minimize it. Some scientists believe that the multiverse has only 10 dimensions while others put that number at 11. While strings can only vibrate in 10 dimensions, membranes can exist at 11 dimensions. God has commanded us to: Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Now let's upgrade to a two-dimensional world. Matthew 8:29. , However, we do not guarantee individual replies due to the high volume of messages. 13. Jesus, the Son of God, created all things. You might find episode 137 The Large Scale Structure of the Universe pretty interesting. Did you miss question #4 on the countdown? There is a long answer and a short answer. (A non-kosher one, at that!) #12. And there is the supernal one above them all, blessed be He, NAMELY KETER, FROM WHICH EVERYTHING IS . The Savaral manuscript reads as follows: Let a royal command issue forth from you as you become a single group and a lasting bond to destroy an upraised arm, to excommunicate, ban, and place under a curse every tongue speaking arrogantly which God will destroy, one who mocks the aggadot or opens his mouth against the asmakhtot, and those who engage in the study of the Guide in groups. Thus S12 50 designates an I-beam with a depth of 12 inches and a nominal weight of 50 pounds per foot. Use this standard flyer size for advertisements displayed in areas with limited space. But as God reveals Himself to us more and more, we should realize He WANTS us to know Him, so that we might trust Him and have complete faith in Him. . From this initial act of creation, from this ethereally thin pseudosubstance, everything that has existed, or will ever exist, was, is, and will be formed. Jason Louv is the editor-in-chief of Ultraculture and has written for Boing Boing, VICE News, Motherboard and more. conceptualize 11 dimension at that A cube has 3 degrees of freedom (X,Y,Z), has volume, and is, basically, space as we experience it. Amen. (In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, andthe Word was God. or pronounce in different accent or variation ? The following are some of his reasonable views. vermont temporary registration out of state Top Bar. Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc. It is also interesting that the Hebrew sage known as Nachmonides, writing in the 13th century, concluded from his study of the Book of Genesis that the universe has ten dimensions, but only four of them are knowable by man. Beyond these three visible dimensions, scientists believe that there may be many more. Wonderful blog! He was prompted to record his commentary by three motives: (1) to satisfy the minds of students of the Law and stimulate their interest by a critical examination of the text; (2) to justify the ways of God and discover the hidden meanings of the words of Scripture, "for in the Torah are hidden every wonder and every mystery, and in her treasures is sealed every beauty of wisdom"; (3) to soothe the minds of the students by simple explanations and pleasant words when they read the appointed sections of the Pentateuch on Sabbaths and festivals. The same thing is true of mass, energy, and even time. [5] His major work on the Talmud is referred to as Chiddushei haRamban. Introduction to Chaos Magick: Master Your Reality, Hardcore Meditation: The 8 Limbs of Raja Yoga, Advanced Chaos Magick: The Far Reaches of Sorcery, Master the Tarot: Unlock Your Destiny With the Cards, Introduction to Astral Projection: Explore the Astral Plane. [3] He was a descendant of Isaac ben Reuben of Barcelona and cousin of Jonah Gerondi (Rabbeinu Yonah). (Psalm 19:1), Post By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy at SRI International in creating ARPANET, the precursor to the modern Internet. Im hoping to start my own site soon but Im a little lost on everything. "Ten Jewish men gathered are considered a congregation which can bring sanctification," continued Segal. However, unlike the rationalist Maimonides, Nachmanides had a strong mystical bent. 11. This special soul, which is a direct emanation from God, existed before the creation of the world. There are many Bible verses that point to God activity prior to the creation of this universe and the time continuum that governs it. He was a leader, a thinker, a Torah and Talmud commentator, a halachic decisor, a successful defender of Judaism against the Church and its Jewish apostates. We measure time in different ways using the movement of the celestial bodies, the spin of the earth and its orbit around the sun, units of light years, atomic and sundial clocks. 7/32". While Maimonides endeavored to reduce the miracles of the Bible to the level of natural phenomena, Nachmanides emphasizes them, declaring that "no man can share in the Torah of our teacher Moses unless he believes that all our affairs, whether they concern masses or individuals, are miraculously controlled, and that nothing can be attributed to nature or the order of the world." [5], Nachmanides' commentary on the Torah (five books of Moses) was his last work, and his most well known. The remaining six are "curled" (to use the nomenclature of metric tensors) in less than 10-33 cm. You just need length and width to determine location. "In fact, nine learned Rabbis together do not constitute a minyan. For your perusal, here's a handy pictorial reference to the vast, terrifying vistas of space-time. And we know it had a beginning.1 Thats what has led to the speculations about how it all startedthe Big Bang conjectures: First there was nothing; then it exploded.. by DannyM Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:36 am, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. Typically, concrete masonry units have nominal face dimensions of 8 in. Identify the news topics you want to see and prioritize an order. Amazon Fire HD 10 (2021) Android tablet. As word spread, students journeyed to Jerusalem to be near the revered scholar, teacher and leader. Luke 8:28. " Nihilo "means out of nothing. Eu simplesmente gostaria de oferecer-lhe um grande polegares para cima para seu grande Different traditions suggest that he was buried in Haifa,[17][5] Acre, Hebron, or in the Cave of the Ramban in Jerusalem.[18]. Today? von A. Jellinek de Moses Nachmanides (1853) et d'autres livres, articles d'art et de collection similaires disponib A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves., In fact, he [Nahmanides] explicitly states in the introduction to his biblical commentary that his description will be incomprehensible to readers who have not "received hidden wisdom. there that Im completely confused .. Any recommendations? 2 Kings 6:17). Superstring theory posits that the universe exists in 10 dimensions at once. Yet, ten simple Jews does. 401k forfeiture journal entry For about 1000 years, Rabbinical scholars have asserted from their reading of Genesis 1 that the Universe consists of 10 dimensions, the 10th of which is so small as to be undetectable. Herein lies a hidden wisdom that should be amplified. We need to formulate our personal spiritual hygiene to avoid debilitating entanglements, and further, we need to thoroughly equip ourselves with the seven essential elements of the Armor of God.18. Both the astrophysicists and the quantum physicists now tell us that we apparently live in a hyperspace of more than four dimensionsten is a current estimate. (102, 152, 203, 254, 305, 356, and 406 mm). So one of our major hindrances as we approach the subject of the Angelic Realm will come from the myopia of our obsolete Euclidean perspective. Nachmanides states in Genesis 17:1, 46:15, Exodus 13:16, and Leviticus 26:11 that this world does not function through the laws of nature. by DannyM Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:36 pm, Post Furthermore, Nachmanides demonstrated from numerous biblical and talmudic sources that traditional Jewish belief ran contrary to Christiani's postulates. According to superstring theory, there are at least 10dimensions in the universe (M-theory actually suggests that there are 11 dimensions to spacetime; bosonic string theories suggest 26 dimensions). God set other divine-like powers to control other lands. And they seem to have specific job descriptionsthe military commander of the Lords hosts and the principal announcer of events involving the Messiah, respectively. At first glance, it might seem like one of those Star Trek questions that belongs to a world of fantasy and illusion. 2. Next to belief in miracles Nachmanides places three other beliefs, which are, according to him, the Jewish principles of faith, namely, the belief in creation out of nothing, in the omniscience of God, and in divine providence. 440441; Chazan, Barcelona and Beyond, p.199, Mayer Kayserling JQR Review 8, 1896, p.494, Last edited on 24 February 2023, at 22:30, "MOSES BEN NAMAN GERONDI -", "AZRIEL (EZRA) BEN MENAHEM (BEN SOLOMON)", "Iggeret Ha-Kodesh - Jewish Women's Archive", "Commentators:Ramban's Updates", "Ramban (Rabbi Moses ben Nachman - "Nachmanides") - 4954-5029; 1195-1270", Iggeres HaRamban - Nachmanides's letter to his son, distance from my location to biloxi mississippi. green tea face mask for glowing skin. He holds that as God is eminently just, there must be reward and punishment. (b)- Standard bore dimensions provided. Remarkably, as far back as the 12th century, a renown Jewish Rabbi named Nachmonides concluded from his studies of the Book of Genesis, there were 10 different dimensions in our universe. Great find, Danny. (Furthermore, I also have reason to understand that this area of study presently enjoys a security classification even higher than that of our most sensitive warheads!). [19], A collection of responsa commonly attributed to Nachmanides was in fact written by his student Shlomo ibn Aderet. houston methodist willowbrook cafeteria menu; disadvantages of minimally invasive heart surgery; terry kilburn edmonton. According to Superstring Theory, the fifth and sixth dimensions are where the notion of possible worlds arises. [5] His exposition, intermingled with aggadic and mystical interpretations, is based upon careful philology and original study of the Bible.[5]. (For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. Moses ben Nachman (Hebrew: Me ben-Nmn, "Moses son of Nachman"; 11941270), commonly known as Nachmanides[1] (/nkmndiz/; Greek: Nakhmands), and also referred to by the acronym Ramban (/rmbn/; .mw-parser-output .script-hebrew,.mw-parser-output .script-Hebr{font-family:"SBL Hebrew","SBL BibLit","Taamey Ashkenaz","Taamey Frank CLM","Frank Ruehl CLM","Ezra SIL","Ezra SIL SR","Keter Aram Tsova","Taamey David CLM","Keter YG","Shofar","David CLM","Hadasim CLM","Simple CLM","Nachlieli",Cardo,Alef,"Noto Serif Hebrew","Noto Sans Hebrew","David Libre",David,"Times New Roman",Gisha,Arial,FreeSerif,FreeSans}) and by the contemporary nickname[2] Bonastruc a Porta (Catalan:[bnstuk s prt]; literally "Mazel Tov near the Gate", see astruc), was a leading medieval Jewish scholar, Sephardic rabbi, philosopher, physician, kabbalist, and biblical commentator. Here we discover that one of the most profound conclusions of 20th century science is that the universe is finite. The reason given by him for this bold statement was that it was more meritorious for the Jews to observe the precepts under a Christian ruler, while in exile and suffering humiliation and abuse, than under the rule of the Messiah, when every one would perforce act in accordance with the Law.[5]. Christiani argued, based upon several aggadic passages, that the Pharisee sages believed that the Messiah had lived during the Talmudic period, and that they ostensibly believed that the Messiah was therefore Jesus. We are immediately aware of the three dimensions that surround us on a daily basis those that define the length, width, and depth of all objects in our universes (the x, y, and z axes, respectively). There is a profound inferencein the story of creation that deals with the firmament of water above the earth which is in a totally different dimension. These different aspects are what govern the universe, the fundamental forces of nature, and all the elementary particles contained within. He was also a physician and jurist. The third dimension (you know this one!) Well, that is certainly true that they do teach that. For four days (July 2024) he debated with Pablo Christiani in the presence of the King, the court, and many churchmen.[13][5]. It stood alone as "day one." During his three-year stay in the Holy Land, Nachmanides maintained a correspondence with his native land, by means of which he endeavored to bring about a closer connection between Judea and Spain. * Nominal thread diameter is measured on the outside of the threads per ASME B18.6.3. At this level of complexity, everything that is possible and imaginable exists. [] (For a more in depth review of the 11 dimensions, please see this thread: [], [] RELATED: Heres a Visual Guide to the 10 Dimensions of Reality [], Your email address will not be published. 16. 17. (or Nachmani = Ben - Nachman), MOSES (also called by the Jews Ramban, from the initial letters , R. Moses ben- ltachman; the Pious Teacher [ ], the ,Great Master ], and by Christian writers Moses Gerundemnis), a Jewish writer of considerable note . 1, 5 [Gen.]) that some scholars explain that "one day" is a reference to the rotation of the spherical earth in 24 hours, and every moment there is a morning somewhere on earth and . Am mathematician. In years gone by, Ive asked several Christians this question, not enough to call it an official survey. Everything that exists under the sun or above was not made from non-existence at the outset. He often provides a different perspective on a variety of issues that are addressed by the Tosefot. So lets summarize what the only reliable source about this realm tells us. Nahmanides taught that at the beginning, all that is on and within the Earth and all the heavens, in fact all the universe, was somehow packed, compressed, squeezed into this speck of space, the size of a mustard grain.". It would seem that the domain of the Metacosmwhich includes the elusive six dimensionsis the realm of the trans-dimensional phenomena such as angels, demons, and, perhaps, UFOs and other paranormal phenomena. His Catalan name was Bonastruc a Porta (also written Saporta or de Porta), literally "Mazel Tov near the Gate". Are they just elements of colorful fiction or comedy? Nachmanides' known halakhic works are:[5], Nachmanides' writings in the defense of Simeon Kayyara and Alfasi also belong in the category of his Talmudic and halachic works. Please For a FREE 1-Year Subscription, click here. We know a couple by name: Michael and Gabriel. Ramban) did teach that. Or are angels real? Are there angels in your outfield? Peace be with you,he said. Glory be to God, its a Bible thing too. Universe Today. Nominal dimensions refer to the module size for planning bond patterns and modular layout with respect to door and window . [12], Nachmanides, first as rabbi of Girona and later as chief rabbi of Catalonia, seems to have led a largely untroubled life. They were filled with joy when they saw the Lord! 8.5 x 11 in. His commentary on the creation of the world describes the heavens and the earth being created out of a noncorporeal substance: Now listen to the correct and clear explanation of the verse in its simplicity. Nahmanides's account of the first seconds of the universe reads like this: At the briefest instant following creation all the matter of the universe was concentrated in a very small place, no larger than a grain of mustard. Who really knows the mind of God? In this book, the author criticizes Maimonides for stigmatizing man's sexual nature as a disgrace to man. (406 mm), available in nominal thicknesses of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 in. "I left my family, I forsook my house. Nachmanides admitted that he had stated many things against Christianity, but he had written nothing which he had not used in his disputation in the presence of the King, who had granted him freedom of speech. (smaller than the wavelength of light) and thus are not directly discernible by current . John 20:19-20). I really enjoyed reading Nachmanides: An Unusual Thinker, and I know you will too. nachmanides 10 dimensions. This site uses cookies to assist with navigation, analyse your use of our services, collect data for ads personalisation and provide content from third parties. [ it seems most strange that ] the Creator of Heaven and Earth resorted to the womb of a certain Jewish lady, grew there for nine months and was born as an infant, and afterwards grew up and was betrayed into the hands of his enemies who sentenced him to death and executed him, and that afterwards he came to life and returned to his original place. Nachmanides argued that the Biblical prophets regarded the future messiah as a human, a person of flesh and blood, and not as divine, in the way that Christians view Jesus. Some of His mighty works are unsearchable. by. This belief is, according to Nachmanides, the basis of the levirate marriage, the child of which inherits not only the name of the brother of his fleshly father, but also his soul, and thus continues its existence on the earth. The Torah, THE SECRET OF TIFERET, is by ten. No one knows for sure. It derides the presumption of the philosophers who pretend to a knowledge of the essence of God and the angels, while even the composition of their own bodies is a mystery to them. VII, pp. As the disputation seemed to turn in favor of Nachmanides, the Jews of Barcelona, fearing the resentment of the Dominicans, entreated him to discontinue; but the King, whom Nachmanides had acquainted with the apprehensions of the Jews, desired him to proceed. There he established a synagogue in the Old City that exists until the present day, known as the Ramban Synagogue. Size: 7 X 10. For most of us . nachmanides 10 dimensions Publicado por Por fatima sana shaikh relationship septiembre 22, 2021 Many believe that when the Church is raptured, we'll simply step into a parallel dimension. This was the religious disputation in which he was called upon to defend his faith in 1263. My heart went out to them, the same kind of people who still believe if God wanted us on the moon, He wouldve put us there. Science X Daily and the Weekly Email Newsletters are free features that allow you to receive your favourite sci-tech news updates. Rambam, Shas, Meforshim in text format. While not as noticeable as larger poster sizes, the flyer size still aims to alert others in smaller settings. Beyond . He even gave us an interpreter, the Holy Spirit, to make sure we understood these great works. Nachmanides was convinced that God only exercises divine power in Israel for only Israel is a holy land. The remaining six are curled (to use the nomenclature of metric tensors) in less than 10-33 cm. Hence why scientists believe that peering back through time, using telescopes to spot light from the early universe (i.e. Credit: National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli. Nachmanides answered the order of the King, but asked that complete freedom of speech should be granted. none of these are real!!!!!!! Depth, or z-axis, can be added to the previous two dimensions to produce objects that have volume, like a cube, pyramid, or sphere. Heres 8 Celebrities Who Practice Chaos Magick,,,356335340,title,Schleswig-Holstein-2013-Postkartenkalender-Mit-13-Farbpostkarten-download-book,index.html, Quantum Physics, String Theory, | World History, Biblically,, Finite and Infinite Games: James Carse on How to Play With Infinity. (203 mm) by 16 in. Scientific American, June 2005, Inconstant Constants; by John D. Barrow and John K. Webb. The matter at this time was so thin, so intangible, that it did not have real substance. Genesis 6ff. It's good to see OLD evidence that supports the notion that the Big Bang is indeed biblical. Pronunciation of Nachmanides with 2 audio pronunciations. For all the remaining days in that week of Genesis, the ordinal terms, second, third, etc., are used and. Nachmanides, in this commentary, often fiercely criticized Rabbi Abraham ibn Ezra, particularly regarding ibn Ezra's negative attitude towards Kabbalah. Thats another fascinating story for another time. In Battleship, all you have to do is say "E5," and you know the location is a convergence of the horizontal "E . [5], Pablo Christiani had been trying to make the Jews convert to Christianity. (Furthermore, we are also discovering that some of the so-called constants of physics are changing.) In the view of the author, the body with all its functions being the work of God, is holy, and so none of its normal sexual impulses and actions can be regarded as objectionable. A. -1 rating. According to String Theory, this is just one of many possible worlds. Due to the existence of three variant editions of Nachmanides' letter, there is some debate as to the contents of his proposed resolution. Demons, in contrast to angels, seem to be powerless except through gaining control of a person. John 1:1-3) He, alone, spoke it into existence . Still, others perceived it as sinful and disrespectful to the pure teachings of God to ask a question of this nature. Hebrews 13:2.l 2 Kings 19:35. Standard Steel I-Beam Sizes Chart for sizes, dimensions and section properties of standard steel I beams (S shapes). In a later letter from Acre he counsels his son to cultivate humility, which he considers to be the first of virtues. Said more succinctly, did Jesus create a universe with dimensions outside of the one we live in? You can also look at the PBS web site for the TV show Elegant universe. [/is_visitor][is_lead]Start learning magick and occultism at Magick.Me, our online school for chaos magick. 7. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. Our brains may not be equipped to picture 10 spatial dimensions, but see if you can get to at least four here. This word is not simply talking about putting space between things. In his Milhamot Hashem (Wars of the Lord) he defended Alfasi's decisions against the criticisms of Zerachiah ha-Levi of Girona. He claimed a 13th century Rabbi named Nachmanides had determined from Genesis that the Universe contained 10 dimensions, and thus discovered something in the Bible that scientists would not learn for another seven centuries. Nachmanides. He was also a philosopher, poet, physician, and Kabbalist. The mind of a Jew, or any other person, simply cannot tolerate these assertions. Superstring theory posits that the universe exists in 10 dimensions at once. For the physician and philosopher also known as, Views on death, mourning and the resurrection, Now also found in the partially translated form, Encyclopaedia Judaica | second edition | vol 14 | pg 741. Its pretty clear God was operating in a dimension separate from and prior to our own universe. particles. 1. For general inquiries, please use our contact form. He was raised, studied, and lived for most of his life in Girona, Catalonia. "Derashah", sermon delivered in the presence of the King of Castile, "Sefer ha-Ge'ulah", or "Sefer Ketz ha-Ge'ulah", on the time of the arrival of the Messiah (in, "Iggeret ha-Musar", ethical letter addressed to his son (in the "Sefer ha-Yir'ah," or "Iggeret ha-Teshuvah," of Jonah Gerondi), "Iggeret ha-Chemdah", letter addressed to the French rabbis in defense of Maimonides (with the "Ta'alumot Chokmah" of Joseph Delmedigo), "Bi'ur" or "Perush 'al ha-Torah", commentary on the Torah. In his "Ma'amar Tehiyyat Hametim" ("Treatise on Resurrection"), Maimonides dismisses as "utter fools" anyone who believes that the three angels who visited Abraham's tent actually "ate" the "curd, and milk, and the calf" that Abraham had prepared for them, despite the explicit language of the text. It has two axes (X,Y). (Image via. As a Christian, do you believe in multiple dimensions? Unlike Maimonides (1138-1204), who focused on a . Babylonian records of observations of heavenly events to measure time date back to 1,600 BCE. FB.init({xfbml:1,version: "v10.0"}); The Blood Tears Of Jesus is a life-changing experience. by DannyM Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:48 am, Post He frequently cites and critiques Rashi's commentary, and provides alternative interpretations where he disagrees with Rashi's interpretation. Credit: National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli. But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good. It is possible that our universe is one such membrane. There was nothing to which one could relate this day. If we could see on through to the fifth dimension, we would see a world slightly different from our own that would give us a means of measuring the similarity and differences between our world and other possible ones. how, for example, a photon propagates "We bow," he says, "before them, and even when the reason for their words is not quite evident to us, we submit to them" (Aseifat Zekkenim, commentary on Ketubot). He usually begins his comments with Rashi's explanation and then expounds further with insights from Kabbalah and Oral Tradition. Namanides earned his livelihood as a physician and served successively as rabbi at Gerona and then as chief rabbi of .