The voice that rang out froze you in your actions. #love Captain! "Sasuke You gave a small swallow as you headed towards the others as they waited for not only you but for Yamato sensei, you had tears and were sniffling, Yamato didn't say anything the whole walk. I mean that it looks terrible. He states. :). You and Darui were meditating in the forest, when you heard footsteps. Gabe- It took a lot of cake batter, blood sweat and tears and tons of fondant to make this cake! #neji Suigetsu let you sleep in while he went to the near by village with Sasuke, when he got back, he tried to open the door with a confused look. Welcome to a book of Naruto Boyfriend Scenarios where you the reader (female) gets the chance to date the following characters: You jump up and run over to hug him. #fanfiction There was nothing left, no words that could ever explain or fix the situation, not that you wanted him to try either. ! you scream, and throw the covers off of you before jumping up. You didnt want to listen to her voice, listen to whatever she was going to say when she picked up the phone. You had worked so hard on this, and no work of yours was terrible. GET OUT! you suddenly scream. At least you thought that. "(Y/n).." you handed him the scroll when he approached, after he read it, Minato bent down in front of you, he smiled and wiped a tear out from underneath your eye, then pulled you by the back of the head to his lips, kissing your forehead. You started to date Deidara. "To you. "No one shall see a beautiful girl like you cry in public." When you start singing and jumping around and shaking your hips, he always chuckles because you look so cute. His hand reaches its destination. Cole- After you sprained your ankle, Cole actually went out his way to try and carry you everywhere. You went to the park, it was empty as usual, you sat on your knees and gave sniffles, weeping more as you played with a piece of grass. Were going out with my parents not to the strip club! Shikamaru wiped underneath your eye with his thumb while the other hand stayed in his pocket, you gave a small smile and looked at him, you saw him give a small smirk before he brought your forehead to his chest after kissing it. You always found his observant stare endearing, how his greatest weapon on the volleyball court was something he used on you to understand you better. Akaashi had thankfully given you your space, probably assuming that your family emergency from before was what was holding you down. As if he had no idea, no reason to truly think that he was the cause behind your unease. Sai passed and walked over to Ino. I uh. You knew this and simply attributed it to his patience and overall ability to read people. You wanted to hear it! you add. Naruto was there for you helping you get over Sai. Happy Birthday Dalty. you say and rest your head on his shoulder. Its okay I guess, but it could really use some work. What do you mean work?! What are you giggling about? he says playfully. But your mind was already made up, long before the game ended. Uhh, oh my go-, no. Gabe starts freaking out. Wills mouth forms an O, when he sees him. ! Your voice was raising with every word, anger seeping through toward the middle-blocker. You smiled a bit and placed your hands on his, interlocking your fingers together when he kissed the back of your head. You smile, What? you say. Suddenly, he trips over the carpet and you are sent flying behind him. You scoffed,How did I already know youd say that?. Call (225) 687-7590 or + 14moretakeoutloving hut vegan house, dophert, and more today! Were sooooo excited to start up again so send in requests for imagines, preferences, etc! naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you crycampbell smith kalispell mt. His hands were under the back of your shirt, nearing your bra hooks, when the doorbell rings. Cole- You get out of class and walk out to the parking lot to where Coles car waited. Just tell me! you reply. You were tugged back by Sai after he took your hand. To think you were flirting withYamamoto of all people.. And here you were, pointing a heavy glare with your chin held-high at a man who could very easily over-power you. You just nod, so you dont cry again and wrap your arms around him. Kuroo had his hands on your shoulders, trying to calm you down. ! Oh shoot. You blushed and took it. You hadnt told Akaashi you were going to attend this practice match in the first place and you honestly had no intention of doing so. "Kakashi Kakashi gave an eyebrow raise while walking down the halls towards the classroom you taught in for the day, seeing Sakura peeking into the the door window on her toes. We love you@DaltonIM5<33! and others. #shino. Y/N I missed you so much. He kisses you, hard. You try your hardest not to smile but fail miserably. You relaxed, Sai's chin rested on your head as he shut his eyes, rubbing your back lightly, you felt yourself tear more, you then hugged him just as tight back with a small sigh after he stroked your hair. When you'd finish, he'd wrap you in a warm blanket and bring you a steaming cup of tea to soothe your body, holding you for as long as he needed to make you feel better. Akaashi was already moving toward you, arms reaching out to steady you at the shoulders. What are you doing with my phone? He asked, voice promulgating the silent room. We love IM5 ok. Colmia & Datyana forever<3 Cole ~ Dana. You got up with Darui and passed Neji and Ten-Ten while Neji felt jealousy. Hes still holding on to your back, pressing you to him. Me too. Were you going to accuse him, then and there? I mean you didnt want him to think that you were rushing into marriage, and having kids. Why? naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry . It wasnt necessary, but you took him up on the offer a couple times when your ankle really hurt. Well, youre surely not wearing that are you? Yes Gabe, I intended to wear it, thats why I put it on and came downstairs You cant wear that. Dana- You were lying on Danas bed with him, checking his twitter, and answering some questions. You grabbed your clothes and so did Suigetsu. They were popular throughout school with the entire student body. Ah! he exclaims, and pushes the covers off of his legs. Cause idk but whatever. Dalton- After 3 of your fingers were broken on the same hand, Dalton made sure to carry all of your things, even though you had another hand. "Stay here." You blushed and placed your arms around him and sniffled. You walk towards where Jordan was sleeping soundly. Shino didn't have much of a reaction when you cried because it was usually over something silly, like dropping your ice cream on the ground or seeing stray animals in the streets that you wanted to take home with you (and then crying because you couldn't take them home). He always seemed to be one step ahead of even yourself, and depending on the situation that had caused your tears he would act accordingly. You gave parted lips, about to speak before he gave a 'tch' with a side eye roll, he grabbed your hand and pulled you to him, placing both arms around you, making you relax, you were about to hug him back before he pulled back, pecking your lips softly after poking your forehead. Opening your eyes, you saw Neji and Ten-Ten. Do you want me to help? he offers. None of this was right and you had every bone in your body screaming at you to beat the ever loving shit out of the two volleyball players. You then started dating Sasori a month later. Ready to visit my baby sister?" "Rock LeeYou had tears in your eyes while in your way back to where you lived, you were sniffling and giving shaking sighs on your way back from the training grounds. Thanks again Y/N. she says, before turning to leave. Now its your turn to blush. Yeah, Im okay Just help me up please. You answer weakly. He grabs one of his old music books and starts swatting at the spider. Right?. They offered you small condolences, never bringing up the volleyball team or practice matches around you ever again. Mature. "We'll see. Aww you are, yeaahh. He always sits back and laughs because too much adorableness. Akaashi?? Teach me something. You say. #narutofatherscenarios What caused your sadness? You may not see it for I wear shades." He had to be THE cutest baby youve ever seen, and he was so calm, and barely cried. You smile as he puts you down. Instead, Kuroo closed it and locked it as he followed. You shot a look up to Kuroo, his gaze locked on you without any other hints of an expression on. #sasuke Of course! No no, please dont cry Y/N, Imsosorry. You wipe away the tears as he sets you on his bathroom counter. herb brooks speech before gold medal game brotherhood mutual vs church mutual st dominic school website naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry. You hear footsteps running up the stairs, so that made you pack faster. Twice. allego spac presentation lake placid skating rink naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry 29 Jun, 2022 in vanderbilt baseball recruiting class 2022 by Suggestions are unfortunately closed because the stories are actually . #boyfriend Aww! "I'm fine." The words were so fast, you held the phone closer to your ear in an attempt to decipher anything that was just said. Said Sasuke. ! Gabe panics. You quickly step back and follow him. You just stop, and start thinking about what you couldve done that would put him in this mood. "Sakura." "Beauty?" No problem, and could you grab me another Coke please? Cole says and then changes the channel. Darui opened his eyes and smiled at you, but frowned at Neji. Ive been working on this for like two weeks straight! you exclaim, astonished. There was no denying what you were reading or who it was from. "You can be sweet some times." You held the phone to your chest, there was no way you could feign a reaction now. And then she started texting me dirty things and I wanted to do it back, so Kuroo taught. ImIm s-such a terr-rible girlfriend you mumble, I didnt even remember my own boyfriends birthday for gods sake, and youre all I-I think a-about. You wail. You're better than that." My Blog naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry What? you ask. I didnt know that you were here! she says, and smiles, noticing his lips a bit swollen and his hair a mess. He chases it around until its on the floor and he stomps on it. I really didnt mean it. You pretend to be fascinated by your nails. Look Y/N Im soooo sorry. Haha, Im kidding. To see you cry, despite your gentleness and tender heart, was out of character thus, the Nara would accordingly freak out any time you shed those precious alligator tears. Gabe- When youre at his house and playing with his two dogs on the floor, petting them, and cooing in a super high voice Ah whos a good boy? fly now pay later no credit check canada. You had spent an entire 6 months away from each other. "Sai let me go." He hovered above you, placing a light kiss on your forehead and then trailing down the side of your face. "Yeah." #boyfriend You don't want that to happen." Your hands wrap around his neck, and your lips meet his. "There's no need to cry anymore." Gabe! you say.