Could someone that is familiar on how to calculate the waves radius inland tell me that information? I live in central ny at 1255 above sea level. Will Rocky Point, NC be safe? Like an underground shelter. GREAT FLA WILL BE HIT FROM BOTH SIDES BECAUSE THE WATERS HAVE TO RETURN BACK TO THE OCEAN. Hard to tell from the map, it looks close.. Thank you. Disperse container handling and recommission US Army Railroad Transportation Corps. Some will cause massive amounts of damage on a biblical scale. All I'm saying is, those are the possible interpretation of the many prophecy sources listed here in this entry. Development along the shoreline is based on those predicted tides, plus potential high water and waves from a flood that has a 1% chance of occurring each year (the "100-year flood") or from storm surges from major hurricanes. Consider though if its a once every 5,000 year event, you will be lucky to live only 2% of that timeframe (100 years) so again, consider the probabilities. With that kind of population density and without the local agriculture to feed those folks, then there is little chance at long term survival. If Katrina is any indication, FEMAs a joke and after Obama, is actually worse than it was. The world would know what happened. A tsunami will speed across the ocean at hundreds of miles an hour but at a relatively small height (because the ocean is DEEP). Thats it. As such, anyone attempting to get away would likely head West and South entirely dependent upon the season in which a collapse occurred. That 300 foot wave someone mentioned in an earlier post would never make it to the Ohio River (315 ft elevation) because the wave would have dissipated long before traveling the 1000 miles to the confluence there. ]Flzbv5[)WQFU -4;7vU e4 eCc8D*pg8|=d8e'Lfah:pJqM9b \F+y6Uf1-:b`Ab;=osSGM!UANS,^|\>~)etc2 Aae8}#414dR_2K*nM!Q,1 #gnTE" jrfPES:z1!-'$pf((k3ZnI{6ri|>(Y98K+_%^!+jX]1qKQ:R3JxNV=Th[o;D:(q&MVirG _WNsHRc?,J,Th/SLVTl_pw Thats a no brainer. But God's hand is now putting everything in place to put a stop to these criminals' evil reign. Without knowing those three criteria it would be impossible to predict. What sucks is any water getting to me from a gigantic wave would be full of debris and junkand not prettylike in my dreams. The key is to have resources to survive at your immediate survival. Opinions vary regarding the height of the tsunami and range from 60 feet, to 300 feet, and even higher than that as it rolls up the shoreline of the East Coast of the United States and elsewhere. Actually, the distance a tsunami will travel inland has more to do with the energy remaining as it hits the shore. A landslide at the Cumbre Vieja volcano could spark a devastating tsunami. Are we safe? Preparing for one event such as a tsunami may be on your mind at this moment, but there are literally hundreds or thousands you should be ready for in life, the needle in the hay stack (tsunami) may be a focus for now, but try planning for the entire Hay Stack in a wind storm. If living in Galveston TX. If youre truly concerned about regular flooding, then you likely could visit a good local public library plus talk to the local historical society and find out historical flooding in your region. URGENT PROPHECY ALERT PREPARE FOR MEGA-TSUNAMI CAUSED BY ERUPTING VOLCANO ON LA PALMA (CANARY ISLANDS) Prophecy Given to A Soulon September 27, 2021 The Book of AMOS, Chapter 3, Verse 7 "Indeed, the Lord God does nothing without revealing His plan to his servants the prophets." Background Information No one was having dreams about waves. Wish my ex-wife was still there and that the Canaries would sink tomorrow!!! And lots of other people would come to todt, so it would be pretty crowded. I just had to do that.) I am in Nokomis Fla , although its not mentioned , I do see many more sinkholes , the earth is expanding ..we see this in the earths plates ,looking back in history ..this has caused tsunamis . (LogOut/ Grab supplies while getting fuel. Several observations regarding a 300 foot tsunami would be the probable devastation of the following major East Coast cities Even a 75 foot tsunami ! Thanks for the link to the watershed info. One wise man once said, The scariest words in the English language are, Im from the Govt and Im here to help. Staten Island will take the hit. I have bad news for you. Clearly from style one person with many names has multi posted last night. Well explained, Steve. They are saying this Orbit around us will take 150-152 Days. The geologist there said a few days ago there is a 50% chance of land falling off but I bet its gone down since then. Look up a guy name Efrain Rodriguez. We are screwedwe live on the Eastern Shore of Virginiathat litte peninsula between the Cheasapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. God is so good & His Love over flows your heart! This should work! Think Katrina amplified more than you can possibly imagine. People who live in coastal cities should be required to go through classes when moving there, explaining the dangers. Sure the population density is very low in some places, but unless you can expect an agricultural future, then there is no future. That would cause WORLDWIDE PANIC, and the elites are gentlemen lmao or so they say. Tonga Fiji Tuvalu nothing will be left of these islands if this hapoens . Gulf Coast, and Canada . North Florida might fare better with a lower wave, but from about Gainesville south, under water (from a lower, weaker tsunami). If you live on the East Coast, then bugging inland would likely take you away from all of your supplies and heavy items like water and would result in terrible chaos and violence. 2pN[GF$_mq8iV#}RpGy$V! Building a wall would be racist, anyway. Some of our omnicidal heat engine culture us being tamed now in Germany which, besides leading zero-energy housing, some 34 coal fired generators will be decommissioned. I seen that too omg this makes me nervous and sick. Southern coast tent to be shelving whereas north of Massachusetts the coast is very abrupt, over 100 ft within a quarter mile of the coast (sometimes just yards). Hi we live in Warren County (Norlina) North Carolina do we need to evaluate? We just suffered through Ida which hit NJ horribly and I happened to be up for a few days hanging out with my kids and granddaughter who still live up there. Anonymous You will see the wave coming at you and the Govt will still be saying its just your imagination. Although flights are continuing to the Canaries, havent found any copter or drone video from above that ridge. Good luck with what ever you decided, it will be your life choice. Actually the tsunamis energy will increase as it reaches inland. Aimed specifically at your Nat. Though only 15 mi from the coast the bulk of the water would have to travel 25 or 30 mi, or surmount large obstacles. My sister and her husband went through it one year after a hurricane. Gee, you mean that Joe Bidens green new deal wont stop the Tsunami? Izquierdo says their tsunami likely originated off the Chilean coast following a . Its not a matter of if cause I can tell you for sure it will happen,Ive seen it and only a few survived. ISIS training camps start to slaughter Americans from within. Where should we go? into an oppositely polarised magnetic field. Just a thought. How far away I would have to get from the shore to be safe? I think one option for a certain amount of people would be to go to a building at least 35 floors high and watch the wave go underneath. Nostradamus prophecies suggest Europe will suffer greatly before WWIII ends in 2028. Before believing any prophecies, find out if your prophet predicted the Indian Ocean tsunami, 9-11, or anything of significance, ever. Its all about energy. Just a ballpark of the surge size coming into the north side of the peninsula of the country would be appreciated, thanks all! Must get gill implants. These maps show elevation vs. wave height which is only part of the geometry. Focus on bettering yourselves and your family, and control what you can. Think about all those Bank accounts on the east coast for the takingthey are not going to warn you! When the speed of the wave approaches zero, the wave breaks, much of its energy is released, and it will not go too much further. THE ELEVATION FOR GREENVILLE IS NOT 375 MORE LIKE 75. Make sure you and loved ones and friends are right with God now. Unlike Sandy and Katrina there would be no rebuilding! Im over 60, husband severely disabled. Dont say you werent warned! This is yet another confirmation that God is speaking to His people, and giving us the same warning over and over again. Should a meteor hit the Atlantic, which at this point Im willing to bet is the most likely case, would we be effected since were closer to the Gulf? Sugarloaf mountain is on the southwest shore of lake Apopka twenty miles west of Orlando. Enjoy your trip! Was looking for maps exactly like this since Russias new torpedo nukes can create 300ft radioactive waves. Please dont take this wrong, but personally I would be taking swimming lessons. My pastor said he had,a vision a month ago about a giant wall of water coming. My grandmother had recurrent dreams of a giant wave washing over Long Island. Anyhow I do not know if that statement had any truth to it-does anyone have any suggestions or ideaswebsites as appreciated. You could be right UPDATE: I first published this article during 2013. I am concerned because I may not be able to get back to my home and that has all my livestock, tools, ammo and supplies? Think about it this way. GOD needs to witness more than the small minority of prayer warriors that are praying from the heart everyday to keep the world together. An event triggered from a landslide and I created a 1,700 foot wave. Those inland will be left on their own odds are with no power or deliveries of anything for weeks at least. Anyone know how regularly natural gas lines get disrupted after hurricanes? Look for Dutchsinse on YT. Also, in-house recovery ability for running way, and rolling stock. Best advice I can with you. The key is to prepare for the unknow. buy propane camp stove , gas lanterns. where will you hide ? Best Weather Alert Radio Which One Should I Get? if you lived on the east coast and had 5 to 6 hours notice would it be better to take a boat and run towards the tsunami and meet it in the open ocean, In fact, if you had the means (an appropriate sea-worthy boat) and if you feared massive traffic congestion or the inability to escape inland in time, and IF you had adequate warning (BEFORE the tsunami started pulling water out of the shore prior to its onset), then yes, escaping in a boat would be viable. You DONT KNOW, only the ELITES AND GOD KNOW. I just want you be aware.. the oil rigs in the open waters. Maggie I totally agree. After watching the extended cut of The Abyss, that image of a massive Tsunami would be both awesome, and horrifying to witness. I am reading up to 20 miles. While the tsunami would be higher than any elevation in Florida, that volcano would not produce enough energy to sustain the wave much farther than 20 miles inland. I would go to the top of a building or hill with a height of at least 350 feet. Does anyone have any info on that? the whole of the State of Florida is NOT MUCH higher than sea level. My family and i live in southern Texas , about 45 minutes from the coast (South Padre Island) Try using the Search link up top as you browse for words, phrases, topics. But the point is, one must not look at the scenarios in the article as real, they are instructional, but are not possible as presented. I remember the front of the house that faced the water was all huge glass windows. Obviously elevation from coast is in your favor but the rivers She had some bizarre experiences that made me believe her. Ill check it out again later and look for the other boxes. So many factors come into play here, direction, the moon, the tides, the wind, and importantly, the volume of initial seismically displaced water. The turbulence and debris will turn you into very small pieces of fish food right quickly. Estimates of between 5 and 7+ minutes duration as the break goes from one end to the other. The land in many places will be scoured clean, without a trace, and in some areas no land will even remain. ), so use common sense and critical thinking to weed through some of the BS. Earthquakes can also cause massive tsunamis, as are the cases with the 2004 Bali earthquake/tsunami and the 2011 Touhou earthquake/tsunami/nuclear plant meltdown. The tsunami doesnt rear up and create the devastating wave until it is closing in on the shore. the graphics that this author put together for this post, are very informative (even if only modeling a possible course of events). If it still gets youyou never really had a chance the moment you did not buy the hot air balloon.. Oh, thats right! Focus on that, if you really want to spend countless hours on this. Note the strong influence of dispersion in spreading out an original impulse into a long series of waves of decreasing wavelength. They show how water came in on roads and modern infrastructure. and all on east coast. After this, I was caused to lower my body downward but still in a standing up position (travelling straight down effortlessly) and I came below the mans feet where I noticed the lower legs and sandals he was wearing. A few nights ago there was a dream of surviving very burnt and twelve nuclear clouds hanging in the air. Its interesting that the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami sent energy through water around the globe. I m in Hollywood,Fl 3 mins from me is Ft. Lauderdale. JOY, Karen Just my take..I would not remain in a coastal area with low elevation areas with a rim of rock to shield them it is anyones guess..Tsunami will not get enough warning to flee in areas where all ground is low ground. GOOD-LUCK. We are the United States, we have all the bombs! Water,cern,harp whats next do we really have a chance. It is very possible that several meteorites will hit our planet and that a larger one could fall near Puerto Rico at an angle that will cause a great tsunami that will hit the East coast of the USA. Any models for Texas? The day became night from the ash & the valleys raised with lava. If the website is not updating, clear your web browser cache. what is the likelihood that east orange/ Montclair area would be affected? Since many folks prefer to live in urban areas, as they would be evacuating mostly via interstate highways, then the closer you are to the Eastern Coast, the more the cascades of traffic jams would come into play. Why the news have not mention any of this? I live next door to a dozen + Fukishimas. Lets say one gets away 100-150 miles from their origin point. I understand and fully believe God is in control and nothing happens that he doesnt allow. Go camping or something. I have watched just about every Japan 2011 and Asian 2004 tsunami video. We are quite a ways inland from the ocean, but this is a pretty big river. If you havent gotten OUT of FL. If not, whats a good move. A tsunami advisory has been issued for the U.S. West Coast and Alaska. Im at 1211 feet above but Im in central WI one of the dullest places for natural events. Would we have time?? All of the West has suffered long term drought save a few places. EDIT (2022-02-15): Since we're now getting prophecies about tsunamis that are NOT the big one, I've decided to include them here as well. Sometimes i see 2 nuclear attacks. Praise be His name forever & ever, Amen! Indeed. The meteorites are coming in the direction from the sun, as they are following comet ison. I would guesstimate that if you live within 20 miles of the coast, you may be vulnerable to a Canary Island event. All of these men are reputable men of God, the first being a modern day "prophet," who has since gone on to be with the Lord. Everyone and everything dies eventually. No wall will be strong enough to resist the weight of water that will rise up, 100 feet high, in a steady flood tide, nor are there walls in place today constructed with that in mind. (Cumbre Vieja is a volcanic ridge on the volcanic ocean island of La Palma in the Canary Islands.). Moving to higher elevation asap . Im referring to towns anywhere from 60 to 90 miles north like Newburgh, Poughkeepsie and Kingston. that is when/if it happens. Change in water pressure along Ms. River could set off the fault of New Madrid. I really couldnt tell on the map. If pole shifts have anything to do with field polarity reversal as Earth passes a null zone, it would have to be from the strong field of a solar binary companion, but not the galaxy. In Japan 19,000 lives were lost, 1.2 million buildings damaged and the wave was 133 feet. Joe Biden would tell everyone to remove any glasses they were wearing, remove all sharp objects from their pockets, bend over. In my dream it happened at the end of August of this year. I recently had a dream and in it Jesus directing a lot of people to a mountain top. He put out a YouTube video I think in September where he talked about his latest dream. This 9.2 earthquake will cause a tsunami that devastates the Hawaiian Islands too. Tsunamis (this kind) are directional, meaning there is a lobe of higher wave height. The earthquake would cause a massive tsunami on the east coast, if you werent on the west side of the fault line, you have no chance because the tsunami is going to be so massive that it will kill millions. Should I buy a boat? The large one produced lightning before and when erupting. I feel God is warning people to wake up and get right with him. Dont go anywhere in CA or anywhere near the New Madrid fault line. Yeah and on those boxes of Ensure is a number 00701. 20 miles is a long way Now if you were five miles, thats most likely another story. NONE, let me repeat thatin all caps NONE of FLORIDA will be safe. The Weather changing drastically will be your first big Notice, account we will start to have multiple Volcanoes get active around the World (Bali just became active), Tornados where we never had them before. Thank you Jesus! Your best bet is to go to Connecticut (were gonna bounce up in elevation during the shift), or somewhere with high elevation! I grabbed her hand and said , Dont be afraid, I will see you in a couple of minutes( meaning I would see her when we crossed over). Please, keep talking and prove that to be true, as well as ironically proving that you are the mindless person in this comments section! Perry describes another vision he had around September 10 (2019) of a huge wave of water coming over a mountain range and flooding into the valleys nearby. If you see the 300 foot wave, it will be too late. It is their mutual orbit that causes them to cross a plane every 12k in a 24k orbit (into an oppositely polarised field), that corresponds with Earths cataclysmic cycle. Car packed and ready if necessary. Land penetration would rely on all such factor, plus the grade of incline/slope of land, altitude of land, surface material and obstructions, detours, etc. A decades-old theory has resurfaced online after a volcanic eruption on a Spanish island that caught the world's attention. If they go up the rivers how much further inland do you think the water will travel? I hear the Juan de Fuca plate is the most likely (?). A computer simulation of an asteroid impact tsunami developed by scientists at the University of California, Santa Cruz, shows waves as high as 400 feet sweeping onto the Atlantic Coast of the United States. Uhhh 3 Thousand 600 Inches, give or take a breath!!! I firmly believe that an asteroid or other space object will be the final death knell for the eastern seabord. Beg you to move above 300 feet elevation, and why delay? They hit a coast at full height then eventually reduce height and choose a path of least resistance but in some places double up to great heights like at Minamisanriku were it washed over the tsunami warning center at 50ft above sea level but on the immediate coast. Im still waiting for my comment beginning As Ive pointed out before, to pass your moderation. There may be a theoretical risk to your area from the large fault in the Pacific near the Oregon-California border, but the science(?) is the only site that seeks this energy we all need. I have to agree ive had dreams since 2013 seeing tha whole east coast in gulfed by a tsunamy, i did nit kniw at the time it was possible. May God bless you all. Is there something like this for the West Coast? YOU TUBE has many videos on this. Would any parts of neighboring New Jersey, the New England States, or Pennsylvania be survival options. Once again, didnt happen. Has anybody heard of a strong earth quake that is suppose to happen between April 15 to the19 of 2014???? We would almost totally get wiped off the map butyou didnt even bother to mention us ON the map, so I guess one of the most densely populated states just doesnt matter that much. Ground water in other nearby regions may be foul and make the area unliveable. We also are near several large reservoirs.. What could the back lash be to them? Would it be through a mobile phone alert like other weather alerts? That, plus a huge, miles long fissure thats been there for quite some time, which is now of great concern. Where would I feel like I had a fighting chance (if any)? This year some months ago, I had a different dream, and in my dream I saw myself suspended in the air where the clouds dwell and I was standing there looking up, but I did not know why was I there and what was I trying to look at. As I descended I saw the hem of his garment and I wondered what was the vision about and the meaning of it, when I heard a voice saying: Prepare to leave and after I heard the voice saying that the dream ended. Im in nc too. Im on the Gulf Coast of Florida, according to your map, we are doomed. I live inland in Alexandria, VA about 7 miles from the Potomac River. We need to prepare now. Speed is a minor factor, since the continental shelf and sloping ocean bottom as a braking surfaces to oncoming waves. Distance to the Atlantic is 65 miles. And if this tsunami were to take place, these people and their property would be devastated. Yes, I believe we are but there will be no rapture on September 23 and when the SHTF is anybodys guess. A 300 ft wave your elevation is 16ft and Delaware to the east of you runs around 50ft at best sooo. for U.S. Atlantic Coast . If you are many miles away from the shoreline, and depending on geography an terrain, chances are you may be okay. It is interesting that the New Jerusalem is 1500 miles. I really think it could effect rivers and cause them to rise as well. That is in a very highly controlled area, which is completely different than a tsunami that is not only caused by a volcano, as well as rock slide, but that it is also in a much more open area than that landslide. Prophetic Dreams of Mega-Tsunamis Hitting East Coast, England, and Malaysia. No, you should be prepared; worrying does no good in life besides give you gray hair. Especially when it comes to natural disasters. So disappointed! Will the US follow suit for the sea level rise expected over the next few years? is that 10 feet under water? God bless all of you. I would not consider Atlanta to be safe at the present time. The ancient Egyptians relied on it being fixed for thousands of years. Rivers will allow Tsunami to move fast and travel most of its landscape. And Im not kidding. Depends on the height of the wave and how fast that mass of land plunks into the ocean, but from what Ive read, anything near 75 feet high or more, all of Floridas goneunder water. How on Earth can you say its not going to happen!? Would my family be safe in Philadelphia Pa? Yes. Will Elizabeth, Linden NJ be affected? So youre saying this post is fearmongering bs? You would be far better off flying out in a small plane. Each Area will be affected differently. Even the river is more than 100 ft above sea level here, and there are land rifts of over 100 ft. between here and the coast which would adsorb a lot of energy.