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i repeat it, sir, we must fight. Answers will vary. In reality the sirens were ugly beasts, that killed the men as soon as they approached and ate them. Henry begins this paragraph with another Biblical allusion, one lamp by which my feet are guided (Psalms 119:105). Juxtaposition means to put two elements side by side, often for comparison. To see how those effects work, consider these uses of antithesis in famous speeches: "We must all learn tolive togetherasbrothersor we will allperish togetherasfools. (58) Besides, sir, we have no election. Virginia ranked among the largest, wealthiest, and most populous colonies in 1775, and her political and military support for independence would be crucial for success. Padoru (Meme): Meaning & What It Has to Do With Christmas! (sentence 66) What is an example of restatement in Patrick Henry's Speech to the Virginia Convention? He reminds his audience that he, like them, is a believer and is trustworthy. Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. In this lesson students will deconstruct Patrick Henrys famous speech to explore the tools of effective persuasion, including appeals, rhetorical strategies, and classical argument. No pain, no gain. Parallelism In Patrick Henry's Speech To The Virginia Convention (28) They are meant for us; they can be meant for no other. Those who can, do; those who can't do, teach. Even when were not aware of it, were using many of the same rhetorical techniques Aristotle, Cicero, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Jr. and other greats haveemployedin public speaking. (39) Sir, we have done everything that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on. (46) An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us! The passing of the Stamp Act by the British crown in 1765 triggered the start of a major revolution. A love sonnet can raise our spirits and remind us of cherished times, while a soliloquy can let us into a characters deepest and darkest thoughts. 8. But, how does poetry do all of this? 34 0 obj <> endobj Identify the three parts of his syllogism (Major premise [A], Minor premise [B], and Conclusion), citing evidence from the text. How does he convey a ironic tone? Henry also appeals to the audience's religious values, suggesting that fighting is God-ordained. Our chains are forged! For each of your examples explain how they are intended to arouse Henrys audience. -To rouse: "Why stand we here idle?" 30. In order to avoid any interference from British troops, the Second Convention of approximately 120 delegates met in Richmond, Virginia, from March 20 through March 27. In this antithesis, Henry is putting forward two radically distinct visions of America's future before his listeners and demanding that they choose between them. In this paragraph Henry uses emotional appeals, language intended to create an emotional response from the audience. By appealing to religion as he calls upon the "majesty of heaven," Henry makes an ethical (ethos) appeal that his audience will understand intellectually and emotionally. Antithesis, defined as the arrangement of two opposing ideas side-by-side in order to contrast them, is pretty close to the definition of another literary device called juxtaposition. It is taken from a soliloquy by the main character as he contemplates his next move. It relies on parallel phrases, remember? When its cold outside, Ive got the month of May. 2. Each month, our Buckley School resident students of classical rhetoric explain a rhetorical device that can improve your public speaking. "Where is antithesis in Patrick Henry's speech to the Virginia Convention?" When Henry uses solace, he says "And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British Ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the house." Already a member? The most common types of informative speeches are definition, explanation, description, and demonstration. Red Hill, The Patrick Henry National Memorial, Brookneal, Virginia. Two hundred forty years ago today, Patrick Henry made his immortal cry, "Give me liberty or give me death!" The statement came at the end of a speech Henry made to the Virginia House of. For an electronic version of Wirts book, visit this link: Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry. Christ was betrayed by his disciple Judas through the kiss of brotherhood, which led to Christ's arrest and crucifixion (Luke 22:47). In 1776 and 1784 he became the first and the sixth governor of Virginia. So, the bottom line is if you want to use antithesis, then try to use parallelism as well. Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. (sentences 30, 31, and 32). The rhetorical parenthesis is peace and reconciliation. In sentence 54 he appeals to Logos and pathos by citing "three millions of people (logos) armed in the holy cause of liberty (pathos), and in such a country as that which we possess (pathos, patriotism).". Moreover, this contrast is usually aided by parallelism, or parallel structures, which draws the attention of the listener and engages them. (69) Our brethren are already in the field! His purpose of including it is that people will understand what the phrase is. Box 12256 | Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709, Phone: (919) 549-0661 | Fax: (919) 990-8535 | Give an example in this paragraph of an attempt to engage the audience and an example of an attempt to prepare the audience. Choose three examples of emotional language from excerpt 3. The false dichotomy (either-or) fallacy gives only two options with no choices in between, and Henry uses this intentionally. Patrick Henry's speech is based on an either/or premise, which can be summed up in antithetical terms as fight or die. MR. Twenty-seven days after this speech was delivered the Battles of Lexington and Concord proved Henry correct. 18. What argument does he anticipate and what two rhetorical strategies does he use to refute it? The obvious, and unspoken, answer is liberty, of course. How does Henry's final statement, "Give me liberty or give me death" represent the courage of both Henry and his audience? Patrick Henry's Speech Against The Tumultuous States Of The Colonies What image does Henry use to convey that the battle has already begun? Why does Henry begin the second sentence with but? In sentence 75, probably the most famous sentence from this speech, Henry uses antithesis to set up a clear contrast. However, one could argue that Patrick Henry's speech is more effective due to the fact he clearly uses different elements better in his speech. And, then you have unique poetic structures, like couplets, stanzas, and antithesis. Then, in sentence seven, he introduces his own ethics and how he must be loyal to his country and to God. It attempts to win over listeners on the basis of the trustworthiness of the speaker. The Convention members consider themselves to be men of integrity and ethics, as Henry acknowledged in sentence 1. For permission requests, please contact NHC Education Programs. (29) They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry has been so long forging. He connects this with the biblical verse because it shows that he knows what he is doing, and how it will guide him along the path. His recommendations were accepted by the Convention. What is the effect? What is its purpose? Consider sentence 42, "In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation." Patrick Henry's famous ''Give me liberty or give me death'' is a classic one. 16. What rhetorical devices are used in Patrick Henry's speech? Henry is using the allusion from The Odyssey, a poem written by Homer. Urgent, pleading, inflammatory Paragraph 1 1. (27) No, sir, she has none. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. How does this allusion contribute to Henry's argument? Speech Analysis: Speech in the Virginia Convention Henry first mentions slavery in paragraph one when he contrasts it with freedom. He reminds his audience that he, like them, is a believer and is trustworthy. In this speech Patrick Henry (17361799) uses powerful rhetoric to convince influential, affluent, landed men of Virginia with much to lose to move past their current diplomatic posture opposing British aggression to the more treasonous one of open military preparedness. This lesson is divided into two parts, both accessible below. This stark choice is designed to make Henry's audience realize just what is at stake. Why does he make this connection? Juxtaposition means to put two elements side by side, often for comparison. Perhaps one of the most famous examples of antithesis is Patrick Henry's final line of his speech: "Give me liberty or give me death!" Such a statement implies that there is no middle. Henry uses this phrase because he wants to establish to his audience the great importance of acting upon the constraints and unjust of the British. Find at least one example of hypophora in this paragraph and explain its contribution to Henry's argument. 9. In sentence 29 Henry states, They [the armies and fleets] are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging. He wishes to continue the image of slavery to explain that the Colonies have used argument to combat the attempts of the British to enslave them, but these efforts have failed. Since were on the subject of contrasting ideas, it is worth taking a look at a few other literary devices that are usually confused with antithesis. The text of this speech is well known; less well known is the fact that there was no actual transcript created of Henrys speech after all, these discussions smacked of treason, and keeping a written record would have been dangerous. Henry continues to use gentlemen in this paragraph. 15. This is the famous line from Shakespeares Hamlet. By now, I hope you see how common antithesis is. If Americans cannot live in liberty, they at least must be prepared to die for it. Consider petition (to bring written grievances) versus remonstrate (to forcefully protest) versus supplicate (to beg earnestly or humbly) versus prostrate (to totally submit) versus implore (to beg desperately). (Sentence 42-43). It's not a show, friends; it's show business. He is linking this part of his argument to the exordium and explaining that any chance of hope no longer exists. Henry points out that the British military response cannot be interpreted as anything other than a direct challenge to the Colonies. 14. These delegates were wealthy and powerful and they had much to lose; Henrys request was a big decision that many of them were reluctant to make. They are used in Patrick Henry's extemporaneous speech "Give Me Liberty, or Give me Death." Henry, a revolutionary leader, made this speech at the meeting of the Virginia convention on March 23, 1775. Antithesis can be defined in the following three ways: as opposing ideas in short phrases, as opposing ideas expressed in parallel structure, and as overall opposing ideas. Examples include Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house and the two questions that follow it (sentences 50, 51, and 52). In sentences 70 through 73 Henry asks a series of questions, "Why stand we here idle? This text divides into four sections aligned to the arrangement of classical argument. In a metonomy, something strongly associated with an element is substituted for it (for instance, The White House is substituted for the President). (67) The war is actually begun! On March 23, 1775, he asked the Virginia Convention to take a defensive stance immediately against Great Britain by raising an armed company in every Virginia county an action considered by many to be open treason. Henry first mentions slavery in paragraph one when he contrasts it with freedom. (sentence 70) Each paragraph is accompanied by a number of close reading questions designed to invite student analysis in four major areas: classical argument structure, diction and syntax, rhetorical strategies, and argumentative appeals (logos, ethos, and pathos). In 1775 American independence was not a foregone conclusion. The Peroratio, or conclusion, has several purposes, including: to restate an argument, to amplify reasoning, to inspire an audience, and to rouse emotional responses. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Asyndeton is a series of phrases or words with conjunctions deleted. 19. (38) Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Patrick Henry, speech to the Virginia Convention, March 23, 1775. The artist is letting us know that even during the coldest of times, his girl keeps him warm. In sentences 70 through 73, Henry uses a series of questions which directly challenge his fellow delegates. As a practiced lawyer and orator, Henry understood the power of rhetoric to appeal to others and employed all three rhetorical appeals in . He was married twice, the first was in 1754 to Sarah Shelton, who later passed away in 1775 to what was believed to be postpartum psychosis. Find an example of slave imagery in this paragraph. He states in sentence 68, "the next gale will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms.". Henry completely rejects the possibility of reconciliation with Britain. Identify the three parts of his syllogism (Major premise [A], Minor premise [B], and Conclusion), citing evidence from the text. He uses the possessive pronoun our when discussing the chains, even though the clanking is heard is Boston. Why does he make this connection? This statement will try to convince the reader to fight for hope instead of dream of it. Give me liberty, or give me death! Patrick Henry delivering his great speech on the rights of the colonies, before the Virginia Assembly, convened at Richmond, March 23rd 1775, concluding with the above sentiment, which became the war cry of the revolution. Lithograph. Where is antithesis in Patrick Henry's speech to the Virginia xref 34. The first paragraph of classical argument, the exordium, seeks to engage the audience and prepare them to hear the speaker's message. The major premise [A] is we must either fight or talk to achieve results, the minor premise [B] is talking does not achieve results, and the conclusion is since talking does not achieve results we must fight. In a synecdoche, part of an element substitutes for the whole (for instance, farm hands means farm laborers). What purpose does Henry establish, and to what is he appealing in order to emphasize this purpose? Resources for Understanding Text Complexity, Resources for Writing High-Quality Text Dependent Questions, Advisor: Robert A. Ferguson, George Edward Woodberry Professor in Law, Literature and Criticism, Columbia University, National Humanities Center FellowCopyright National Humanities Center, 2015. The provenance of the speech notwithstanding, Henrys words provide a rich source to study rhetorical strategies and classical argument, and that study is the focus of this lesson. Who does Henry believe represents Judas and how does this allusion as a metaphor contribute to Henry's argument? He wants the listeners to understand that there are only two options; freedom, which he is advocating, or slavery, which he knows these proud, wealthy men, many of whom are slaveholders, will not tolerate. (62) Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! They are meant for us; they can be meant for no other. (sentences 26 and 27). What does Henry mean by awful moment in sentence 4? What is the effect of this contrast? (60) There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Here they are. Allusions, unexplained references to other sources, are commonly based upon the Bible or mythology. Languages have always been my passion and I have studied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Sinology at the University of Zurich. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Speech to the Virginia Convention - "We have no election" (Par. What allusion does Henry use in sentence 9 when he says listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts? How does this allusion contribute to his argument? Latest answer posted October 12, 2020 at 12:14:59 PM. We can be forced to fight. 0000003543 00000 n (75) I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! Cite evidence from the text. Statue of Patrick Henry, Richmond, Virginia. 34 22 Henry uses the word hope several times in this speech. Henry writes this in Virginia, yet still uses the pronoun "our" when talking about disputes in Boston, connecting Virginia to Boston because the southern colonies objected to take up arms against England. How does the ethical appeal in sentence 7 relate to the ethical appeal in sentence 1? (21) Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled, that force must be called in to win back our love? <]>> The effect of this contrast is to cause the House to think about his final words and be inspired to come to action. Henry's Striking Speech. Perhaps one of the most famous examples of antithesis is Patrick Henry's final line of his speech: "Give me liberty or give me death!" HdSMo0W(*d0X;dm7v)I4E=>]\",w:CM_U[:teQj5y^^Nl5sIF)RVbZ)^9* Z\ {y%MA.z1rf HlBRV@O]TnIfa_L6J" In his question, he depicts the people's lack of action towards war as "lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot". Consider sentence 40, especially the verbs. Choose three examples of emotional language from excerpt 3. Rhetorical parenthesis is the insertion into a sentence of an explanatory word or phrase. He wants to maintain his respect for his audience and remind them that he is one of them. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave"(Par. 0000006207 00000 n trailer Why? MR. PRESIDENT: (1) No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. How, in this sentence, does Henry suggest that his listeners can trust him? Freedom Or Slavery: Analysis Of Patrick Henry's Speech In The Virginia Convention . Types of informative speeches. Speech is silver but silence is gold. Henry is saying that to listen to this call, this illusion of hope, even though it is tempting, will prove fatal and transform the Convention into something unable to reason and act (beasts). By appealing to religion as he calls upon the majesty of heaven, Henry makes an ethical (ethos) appeal that his audience will understand intellectually and emotionally. When a poet sings their verses, there is always a strange sense that they are talking to you, the listener. (64) I repeat it, sir, let it come. Henry does this in sentences 11 and 12. Another example is "suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss". If I were forced to write out exactly what Armstrong meant with his quote, it would be something like this. In this lesson you will explore a famous speech by Patrick Henry (17361799), member of the Second Virginia Convention. Rhetorical Devices/Strategies - Patrick Henry Speech Interestingly, the very next lines, the ones that explain what Hamlet meant by to be or not to be also use antithesis. . That last one, antithesis, is particularly interesting as it factors in so many aspects of our daily lives. It doesnt stand out and demand to be memorable. Henry delivered his argument on March 23, 1775 to the Virginia House of Burgesses after several other speakers who preceded him spoke of the need for continued diplomatic negotiations between the colonies and Great Britain. It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general. Anaphora the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses Allusion A reference to another work of literature, person, or event allusion example Pronounced ann-TITH-uh-sis, the word comes from the Greek for "set against." Or to take arms against a sea of trouble. This indicates the courage that Henry displays by making the speech and by implication he recognizes the courage that will be necessary for his fellow delegates to take action. Henry is implying that not seeing or listening to his argument will lead to destruction. 28. Allusions, unexplained references to other sources, are commonly based upon the Bible or mythology. If we wish to be free-- if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending--if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained--we must fight." (55) Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. 20. According to Henry, which will his argument contain and which will it NOT contain? Patrick Henry, former governor of Virginia, bravely spoke on the 23rd of March, 1775, at St. John's Church, introducing his strategies to end the American Revolution in victory. (15) And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years, to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves, and the House? The use of rhetorical analysis is very useful to make works appealing and contribute effectively to the author's purpose. What rhetorical device will help you with any book or any question. What would they have?". There is no longer any middle position that can be adopted; there are only two choices: liberty or death. (an-TIH-theh-sis): Figure of balance in which two contrasting ideas are intentionally juxtaposed, usually through parallel structure; a contrasting of opposing ideas in adjacent phrases, clauses, or sentences. Ex #1: "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose" -- Jim . Patrick Henrys Treason speech before the House of Burgesses on May 30, 1765. (57) The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. He again sets up a choice for his audience. Henry returns to the metaphor of slavery to strengthen his argument regarding not taking action. In sentence 7 he enumerates his own ethics, stating that he must speak now or be guilty of both treason to his country and disloyalty to the majesty of heaven. This reaffirms his trustworthiness with his audience. He uses ironic rhetorical questions questions that convey the opposite of what he attempts to argue. The time for vacillation is over; there is no longer any point in trying to compromise with the British. Cite evidence from the text. This is intended to arouse the audience by saying that they will be enslaved. I am the proud owner of Find at least one example of hypophora in this paragraph and explain its contribution to Henrys argument. In sentence 11 he says Are we disposed of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not. This is from Ezekiel 12:2, when god describes how those who hear Ezekiels words and do not listen will be destroyed. All rights reserved. Henry is saying that the British are clearly preparing for war, no matter what they may protest to the contrary, and therefore, the colonists need to be prepared as well. Identify and discuss three main points Henry uses . The refutatio presents and refutes counter arguments. Give me liberty or give me death!. 37. 36 0 obj<>stream How does Henry use both parallelism and verb choice (diction) to explain that the Colonies have tried many steps to maintain peace? (61) Our chains are forged! What is his purpose in asking these questions? In asking these questions Henry's purpose is to encourage the listener and emphasize his point. When you juxtapose two things, you place them next to each other to highlight either their similarities or their differences. The purpose of the debate, of which this speech is a part, is to arrive at truth and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country (sentence 6). Get busy living or get busy dying. Henry seeks to engage his audience by showing his respect for them. Asyndeton is a series of phrases or words with conjunctions deleted. 29. In 1775 unrest bubbled through the American Colonies. In the same vein, Henry states the question of war against Great Britain in antithetical terms as a choice between "freedom or slavery.". One illusion would be the idea that the Colonies and Great Britain could negotiate an acceptable peace without war. (The mention of Boston most probably refers to the Intolerable Acts and their enforcement.). Patrick Henry was born May 29, 1736, he lived his life defending people who couldn't defend themselves and became a attorney. The main point of the "if then" statement in paragraph 3 explains that if they want independence, then they have to fight. He suggests that Hope is an illusion that we ignorantly use for our own peace of mind. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. This hypophora explains how the people cannot dream or enjoy hope, without ever experiencing it or having to fight for it. In sentence 3 what does Henry mean when he says, this is no time for ceremony? In sentence one, Henry acknowledges patriotism of all people speaking to the house. 0000003083 00000 n In the question above, the British assembly of "fleets and armies," instruments of war, is antithetical to ideas of "love and reconciliation." How does it leave such an effect on the listener? Rhetorical Device of the Month: Antithesis - Buckley School of Public He hopes the speakers before him will respect him as he respects them. Cite evidence from the text. This shows that their chains are meant for only the Americans to be chained and that the "war is inevitable". 0000004997 00000 n Some examples of antithesis is "give me liberty or give me death" (Henry p6) - parallel of liberty and death emphasizes difference and the other one is "there is no retreat but in submission and slavery." Henry appeal the audience with Emotional appeals (pathos). "If we wish to be freeif we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contendingif we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained, we must fight!". (63) The war is inevitable and let it come! In sentence 7 Henry is asking them to understand that he likewise is compelled to speak based on his own sense of integrity (if he holds back, he would consider himself guilty of treason). The answer is yes, but its effect becomes much less potent. Rhetorical parenthesis is the insertion into a sentence of an explanatory word or phrase. He also wants to let the audience know he is addressing the same people in both sentences. As a rhetorical device, antithesis is defined very specifically as the use of: 1) two opposing ideas 2) presented in parallel structure 3) in the same sentence The effect is to heighten the contrastand in many cases, vividly drive the speaker's point home.