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Have a blessed Sunday! While the physical disease was horrible, the terrible social consequences in ancient Israel only added to the misery. "Some wish blessings, others pray for them. Obey Him as a sacrifice of praise. But here, without any evidence of healing, Jesus commands these ten lepers to go and show themselves to the priests. The only condition to receive Gods healing for our leprous souls is that we take Him at His word, that whoever believes in His Son Jesus will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). But Hezekiah rendered not again according to the benefit done unto him; for his heart was lifted up: therefore there was wrath upon him, and upon Judah and Jerusalem.. They complain about their lack of money, forgetting that they spend more on entertainment each month than many around the world earn as their total income. Because of this, I question the authenticity and motive behind those who claim that theyre blessed but say it means theyre grateful. That means that you must consider your life to be better than others in some way. In this, their situation was similar to that of Naaman the Syrian, whom Elisha told to go and bathe in the Jordan River (2 Kings 5:10-15). Me molesta que mis padres no ______ (cuidar) su alimentacin.. 3. In those days Hezekiah was sick to the death, and prayed unto the LORD: and he spake unto him, and he gave him a sign. The average course of that kind of leprosy is nine years, and it ends in mental decay, coma and ultimately death. If so, where. I have to remind myself that Praise the Lord is not just a slogan or something nice to do; it is a command. They grumble about having to eat the same old cereal, forgetting that many would gladly exchange places with them and eat anything for breakfast. Although it appears in some Pagan paths, its typically more likely to be used in a NeoWiccan context. Have a beautiful Sunday! Feel free to share any similar experiences. The difference between being blessed and being lucky is not so different. or the like also seems acceptable. I pray that the content on this site has been a blessing to you! Spanish Help Current Location. According to Josephus, lepers were treated as if they were, in effect, dead men (cited by Barclay). They hear the birds chirping and see beautiful flowers and trees, but they dont give it a moments thought that God has given those blessings and given them the senses to enjoy them. . Any suggestions? (2020, August 27). thanks, you too! Romantic Messages: #1 Having you by my side has added unimaginable happiness and stability to my life, honey. Paul tells us that Christ broke down that barrier of the dividing wall, so that we who formerly were excluded from the commonwealth of Israel now have been brought near by the blood of Christ. (Eph. To most, saying "Merry Christmas" or "Have a happy Christmas" becomes so commonplace, it is very similar to saying "Have a good day." Most people say it out of obligation or common courtesy. ", For atheists: "Thank you for your kind wishes. When Moses asked to see Gods glory, the Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed, The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression, and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations (Exod. translation, interview, author | 7.2K views, 15K likes, 7.1K loves, 109K comments, 26K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Agyemang Elvis: ALPHA HOUR. 194; 6.2.4 124-126). 2:11-14). Blessed be is like saying Amen to someone I think! So, I agree with you some people are saying "I want you to know that I'm religious" or "I want you to know that I'm a Christian". Assuming you want to be generally nice to people: For pagans: "Thank you, and you as well. Thirteen years before his conversion, John Wesley had a conversation late one night with the porter of his college that deeply impressed him and convinced him that there was more to Christianity than as yet he had found. My response is usually "Thanks, you too." I need nothing to start my day if I have you. Still, Id like to pose the following questions. Learn Religions, Aug. 27, 2020, learnreligions.com/what-is-blessed-be-2561872. No creo que Susana _____ (seguir) sobre los consejos de su mdico. The phrase's origins are a bit more murky. I'm So Lucky To Have You Too "I'm so lucky to have you too" is a simple response. The Masai tribe in West Africa has an unusual way of saying thank you: They bow, put their forehead on the ground, and say, My head is in the dirt. Another African tribe expresses gratitude by sitting for a long time in front of the hut of the person who did the favor and saying, literally, I sit on the ground before you. (In Leadership Journal [Winter, 1993], p. "You are a blessing to my mornings.". But, suddenly by the Lords power, they all were restored to perfect health. I do also see that "have a nice weekend" sounds awkward, might be better if "good" is used. I would prefer "You too!". Confirm the date and time for the interview. The fact that this man was a Samaritan shows that the way of salvation is open to all who will call upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Lets never allow Gods generous blessings tohinder our relationship with Him. Jonsblond ( 7802) "Great Answer" ( 2 ) Flag as . Let the world know how good God has been to you. Take every opportunity to mention Gods name in a positive way. To be blessed, in other words, is to be special; but logically speaking, in order to be special there must be people who are not-special. Thank You. Now, my coworkers especially, always anticipate that answer from me. the one think i loved about the wicca stuff and that stuck with me! When you say that youre lucky, it implies that your circumstances can happen to anyone. The ulcers develop a foul discharge; the eyebrows fall out; the eyes become staring; the vocal chords become ulcerated, and the voice becomes hoarse, and the breath wheezes. Im currently a member of the American Humanist Association as well as the Humanist Club in The Villages, FL. It was a time when many people were dying from a plague and they thought the sickness started with a sneeze. The proud refusal to acknowledge our true condition as spiritual lepers is one of the main reasons people do not receive Gods salvation in Jesus Christ. Can't wait to try this during my family gathering this Xmas. God blesses us then we take the blessing and run after some verbal thanks. He blesses us with numerous benefits. and that is said what works for one human may not work for another and to critize that is inmoral to me! But. Why confront someone whos just trying to be friendly even if you dont agree with theyre religous beliefs. Surely the answer is no, but thats okay because people are not grateful by default. Its basically saying that God (an all-knowing, most powerful being in the universe) has focused on your well-being more than others because you are that awesome? I would agree half the time. 35.4m members in the AskReddit community. Just as these lepers did not just believe intellectually, but had a faith that obeyed Jesus word, so we must exercise personal obedient faith in Him with regard to His promise to save us from our sins. 4 Answers aaja Come. Maybe they didnt have any such debate, since the text doesnt record any, but at any rate, it says, as they were going, they were cleansed. I dont know if it happened to all of them at the same instant, or if first one and then another got healed. Oswald Chambers observed, The great difficulty spiritually is to concentrate on God, and it is His blessings that make it difficult. It's those people who should inject the latter part to descibe how the actually feel. by Paul E Chapman | Dec 2, 2016 | Growth, Stewardship, Teaching | 1 comment. When you say that youre blessed, it implies that your circumstances happened to you on purpose. At the end of the day, they are wishing you well and being nice. Wesley said, You thank God when you have nothing to wear, nothing to eat, and no bed to lie upon. To simply say "Thank you" to someone who has wished you such would not be wronggiven the circumstances. Wigington, Patti. I respond with different things, but in the same vein: "Who is this Ed, and what power do I have to bless his bees? 17:9), sick with sin, unclean before the holy God. *At Jesus feetWhereas before the man had to keep his distance from Jesus because of his disease, now he comes up near to Him and falls on his face at Jesus feet. All topics related to atheism, agnosticism and secular living are welcome here. Discuss the difference. Thats where every saved person should camp out! I hope you make Santa's good list. Although on level it is a benign way of wishing you well, it's also a "dog whistle" technique by which they are sounding you out to determine whether you are part of their "tribe." Here are some ideas of how to respond to "Did you miss me?": 01 "I'd give anything to have you by my side again. Because really if someone said that to me, I wouldnt be sure what they were meaning. In addition to praising openly, we need to also remember to spend time praising in secret through prayer and God will reward that behavior openly. Some people don't think so. They are being friendly in their own language. Consider this: God has offered you a ton of blessings in your life and youre grateful for that. Thank them. "When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive -to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.". by Derrick | May 9, 2018 | Humanist Living | 12 comments. God was not only going to heal Hezekiah in 3 days, but also he was guaranteeing the king 15 more years of life! So if the word blessed means to be made holy or consecrated, then I suspect that most people dont mean to use the word in its literal sense. If they had lost fingers and toes, they were restored. We should join him in glorifying God at the feet of Jesus with thankful hearts. I just say thank you with sincerity in my voice. this is also mentioned by @JonLarby in the comments. Do you have regular meetings each month? As such, its not surprising that many phrasesincluding Blessed beappear in other places long before Gerald Gardner incorporated them into his original Book of Shadows. You are using an out of date browser. Blessed be? while making the Vulcan hand sign. His heart was lifted up. The mans position on his face at Jesus feet also shows the proper attitude of humility that should characterize those who have been healed by His mercy. Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, Note that this lepers praise was heartfelt: he glorified God with a loud voice (17:15). Sometimes, even those who have been healed of life threatening situations use their new life to focus on self instead of the one Who extended their lives. Your response matters to the Lord. Not all things are blessed, but the seeds of all things are blessed. "You too" is a safe and appropriate response, I've been doing that in response to various holiday well-wishings for years (around here, you say 'Happy Holidays', you're likely to get a sermon). Just as only God could heal this dreaded disease, so only God can heal and cleanse the human heart from the awful disease of sin. Diaphragm _____ 3. Give Him glory! In fact, the King James Bible includes the verse, Blessed be the name of the Lord.. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. Luke seems to put this here to show the increasing rejection of Jesus by the nation Israel, whereas this foreigner receives not only healing, but also salvation. She is the author of Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch, Wicca Practical Magic and The Daily Spell Journal. A story is told of a man who was lost in the woods. We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. Big blessings should be answered with big praise, gifts, surrender, etc. T.I.In It To Win It 2016 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music EntertainmentReleased .