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But they had a strong hunch about the couple, so they pulled phone records for Craig. Kelly and Craig were initially let go because there wasnt enough evidence to prove they were involved with Melissas disappearance. Craig said they panicked and tried to get rid of the evidence by burning Melissas body. No ones sure why the T lymphocytes become active in lichen nitidus. You have the upper body, but you don't have the lower body, you got a problem building downstairs. 2. As the case prosecutor Robert Daskas said, Beaten, drugged, tasered, injected, strangled and burned. 2.3m members in the bodybuilding community. More lines and cuts that the top 10 at this Olympia combined. Please complete this form and click Titus and Ryan both accepted a deal with the prosecutors where Craig would admit to second-degree murder and first-degree arson and first-degree battery while Kelly copped a plea of first-degree arson and battery with a deadly weapon. That all well-bred people therefore, to avoid giving such offence, forcibly restrain the efforts of nature to discharge that wind. 10 weeks and 4 days out from my first classic physique show. Police say Craig Titus then called on another friend, Anthony Gross, to help him get rid of Melissa's body. But, they had no idea how she might have ended up dead in the trunk or who owned the grey pickup. Prison records indicate that he remains at Lovelock Correctional Center in Pershing County, Nevada. (2014). In 2005, Melissa moved to Las Vegas for what seemed like a promising job opportunity. He was hard, but had nothing left besides his arms and shoulders. But about 40 minutes later, he claimed Melissa was dead. The papules are the result of inflammation by white blood cells known as T lymphocytes. Did those secrets all blow up in their faces that dark night in the middle of the desert? A fireball cracks the pitch-black night in the desert just outside of Las Vegas. He helps Kelly load the lighter fluid in the back seat because, detectives say, Melissa's body was already in the trunk. A 2007 case study involving two people with lichen nitidus found that the condition cleared up after 18 to 20 UVB light treatments. Upon apprehension, Kelly claimed they found Melissa dead of an overdose, panicked and decided to get rid of her body. Anthony had received a call from Craig late at night asking for a favor. Learn what it looks like, what causes it, and more. He denies having anything to do with the murder and goes on to reveal for the first time: "I wasn't even present when Melissa died in my home. Both narrow-band UVB and UVA light have been used with some success. I ended up getting 5th place in mens Junior, and 3rd place in mens open bantamweight. Former IFBB pros Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan were arrested and charged with the brutal murder and burning of their live-in assistant Melissa James. Discover how to lessen their appearance or get rid of them permanently. Remember, lichen nitidus results from an excess of T cells. They took money they had in the house secreted in little fake canisters.". On August 28, 2022, as a challenger,Tyrus lost to wrestler Trevor Murdoch for the NWA World Heavyweight. Despite their wild side and their relationship to Melissa, investigators couldnt find any evidence to connect them to the murder. Megan stated that Kelly told her how an argument between Melissa and her got out of control leading to dangerous consequences. O'Kelley. SWAT officers are seen on security video moving in and arresting Kelly in a beauty salon while she was getting her nails done. (2018). While Craig Titus is in the Clark County Detention Center, someone tips off guards about a possible jail-break. You may also be asked a few questions about: Lichen nitidus doesnt usually require any treatment. Besides his wrestling career, he has featured in quite a few films like Glow, where he depicted Mighty Tom Jackson's role. Full hindenburg mode. Kelly Ryan was born in 1972 and grew up in Greenville, South Carolina. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission Heres our process. The two not only formed one of the worlds most recognizable fitness couples but they were also right at the top of nearly every IFBB competition they entered and had plenty of financial success too. But Daska says there's no doubt what happened to her. One of the archs panels depicts Roman soldiers carrying captured treasures from Jerusalems Temple, including a large menorah, through the streets of Rome. They say you are what you eat, so I eat chunks of steel and bodybuilders. I used to work as a correctional officer for a state prison for Texas.We had many violent and aggressive inmates.One was an ex-allstar football player,I won't mention his name,He was 6'7 about 290 lbs minimum.He got very disruptive at times,but we were never allowed to apply the type of restraints that were placed on Craig.It's almost inhuman.Even though I don't believe in what he and his wife did was right.There is a fine line between cruel and unsual punishment and proper procedure.Then again every state and federal pen. Surveillance footage from a Walmart showed Kelly buying lighter fluid and Craig helping her load them up in the car that was eventually found burned. Lichen nitidus. Tyrus is currently in a married relationship with his long-term girlfriend, Ingrid Rinck. Organize, control, distribute and measure all of your digital content. They can also help to reduce inflammation and itching caused by lichen nitidus. Kelly Ryan is known to the fitness world as "Flyin' Ryan," at one time holding the Ms. For Scooby Do, he also gave his voice: Wrestle Mania Mystery. Anthony was also caught on video purchasing a small amount of gasoline in a gas can. She had watched the first two seasons but then stopped because she was too busy to get locked into a series. They can also be: Lichen nitidus usually doesnt cause any other symptoms, though the papules may itch sometimes. Melissa's mother, Maura James, says the light in her bright blue-eyed girl dimmed after a bad business deal put her dance studio in jeopardy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Might not actually be a mountain lion, but can't say for sure, Anthony was also caught on video purchasing a small amount of gasoline in a gas can. Kelly was sentenced to 6 to 26 years in prison after being convicted of battery with a deadly weapon and arson, according to Muscle Magazine Fitness. WebForgot to update all of you about my first show. WebCraig was a bodybuilder and Kelly was a fitness competitorand a damn good one at that! He was eventually sentenced to 21 to 55 years behind bars. Murdoch has achieved much fame throughout his career and is very common on social networking sites. Melissa James case: Superstar bodybuilders assistant goes - The police spoke with Kelly and Craig straightaway. The emotions showed by Titus and Ryan during the trial might have been convincing enough to lessen their jail time, however, they werent exactly aided by the fact that Ronald Brady Jr. was in court around the same time for a murder-for-hire plot tied to the Titus-Ryan case. Here's a video of them on stage. Dont miss to subscribe to our new feeds, kindly fill the form below. It seemed that Craig was playing the pair off each other. Maura says after living just four months with the couple, her daughter was ready to pack up and go. DC-Best legs ever in the Pacific Northwest!!!! Don't talk shit bro in the morning, fucking please. Both the Jaguar and the pickup were seen on video, but police couldnt see Craig and Kelly in the car. August 23, 2008. Once the fire was brought under control, they found Melissas dead body inside the trunk. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to bodybuilding - nutrition, supplementation, training, contest preparation, and more. Just make sure to only use them as directed by your doctor. According to Snapped, the medical examiner identified Melissa, and the toxicology report revealed heroin and a synthetic opiate in the body. However, there was one important thing missing that would convict Titus and James for sure and that was the undetermined cause of James death. Home.. Im lucky @ingridrinck still cheers for me love you my forever thank you. Hours before her flight, tensions reached a boiling point. Detectives checked his credit card and found Gross had just bought that same make of flashlight. Craig Titus has a new attorney and is trying to appeal his conviction. It's essential knowledge, and until you understand these principles you cannot really hope to get down to very low bodyfat percentages - which is what we all want right? Craig's proven himself to be a hot head and a flight risk, I guess they're teaching him his lesson now. Georgie is the only daughter born from Tyrusand Ingrid's relationship. If you have darker skin, they may look slightly lighter or darker than the surrounding skin. His Instagram handle is @tyrussmas, where he has garnered 222k followers. Titus held his own catalog of titles, including IronMan and Mr. Olympia. Dennis explained, You have two competitive women trying to compete for the attention of one bodybuilding guy thats like the harem leader.. Better looks then the current stuff. He kind of had a temper; he didnt play by the rules., Craig became a top builder and was open about his steroid use saying, Dude, you dont get this big without doing steroids.. IFBB bodybuilder Craig Titus and IFBB Fitness Competitor Kelly Ryan were once on top of the world. There was also evidence of ligature strangulation. GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, it really is amazing how much he be expected i know but still, doesnt matter whether u killed 30 people, or just punched a guy in the face in my opinion, u cant humiliate anyone by strapping them up like that. Victim beaten, drugged, tasered, injected, strangled and burned. That's when she met Craig Titus at a fitness competition. Melissa hoped to hit the jackpot in Vegas. Like the net worth of a famous American actor James Rallison, Tyrus also has an estimated net value of $2 million. Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan were stars in the world of professional bodybuilding. Please? when the Romans infamously burned the Temple in Jerusalem. Then detectives searched the couples spending records and found transactions made at 3:30 AM that night. Titus lived most of his early life in Riverview, near Detroit. He has a younger brother, Kevin, and a younger sister, Nicole. Titus played high school football but quit because he was too small. Collect, curate and comment on your files. Craig had a hair trigger temper, he was vocal, and he took trash-talk to whole new levels. The investigators were also contacted by a couple, Megan and Jeremy Foley, who said they were close with Kelly and Craig. Ron Brady always wanted to be a bodybuilder, and idolized Craig Titus. The two divorced while incarcerated, and Kelly was released on parole in October 2017 after spending close to nine years behind bars. And there's a charred body in the trunk. The T lymphocytes are a part of your immune system that helps to heal wounds. She opened her own dance studio in Florida when she was just 19 years old. She told her mom she was done with Vegas and was leaving Sin City for good. Minutes later, the truck driver saw the pickup again speeding back from the desert onto the highway headed the other way. In the post, mentioning his wife, Ingrid he wrote a sweet article describing the importance of his wife's presence in his life stating. Polk told Snapped, Kelly came in and she was a cyclone on stage. He also pursued his career as a wrestler. A grand jury indicted the two with use of a deadly weapon, kidnapping and arson. But it seemed like there was more to the story than they let on. In the same vein, he is also available on Twitter in the name of @Tyrus. She immediately started training and was soon on stages competing. Finally though, after over two years of waiting, these questions were attempted to be answered inside of the courtroom during the trial of Titus and Ryan. Tyrus was born in Massachusetts, USA, as George Murdoch on February 21, 1973. You have the upper body, and you have no legs, you got a problem building your legs. /s, First thing I noticed too, well besides the fact that this dude looks like a slab of beef jerky, I thought it was going to be a r/popping goldmine when he hit the RDB, Damn. In fact, Titus chose the Vegas And using this kind of "ticker-tape" from the gun itself, cops claim they were able to trace each time the Taser was used. He was fat, lost most of his size, no torso whatsoever, legs Moreover, she is often featured on her parent's personal Instagram handle. If you have lighter skin, they may look slightly pink. At the age of 19, she opened her own dance studio in Florida, but a bad business deal dented her chances of having success. Craig Michael Titus (born January 14, 1965, in Wyandotte, Michigan) is an American former professional bodybuilder and convicted murderer. Born February 21, 1973, as of now, Tyrus is in his late fourties. Ron Brady, speaking here for the very first time, confesses he wanted to help Craig beat the murder wrap. Fitness Olympia, Fitness International, and nearly a dozen other competitive titles. Nitidus is Latin for glossy, referring to the sheen often seen on the tiny bumps. Craig often hit on Melissa, and it made both her and Kelly uncomfortable. 1. Last medically reviewed on September 25, 2018, Lichen planus is a common skin rash that's not contagious. Privacy Policy | Once the fight stopped, Craig claimed he and his wife went upstairs while Melissa went into her room. She told investigators she had been planning on calling the police to report that her car had been stolen. It was his first winning championship in his wrestling career. 2014-2020 Lichen nitidus. 500 - The Big 500 episode - anniversary!, Hardcore 9 - Primobolan (Methenolone) Doses, Hardcore 10 - Masteron (Drostanolone) Doses, Craig Titus, Kelly Ryan, steroids and crime. His career and life hit rock bottom when he was convicted of the murder of his personal assistant, Melissa James. The incident occurred in 2005, garnering wide media attention due to his modeling career. He and his then-wife, Kelly Ryan, were found guilty of the murder that shocked everyone. Where Is Bodybuilder Craig Titus Now? Titus was given 21 to 55 years in prison while Kelly Ryans actions in the case earned her 6 to 26 years in prison. From all these works, Tyrus has accumulated a hefty amount of money. DOI: Chu J, et al. What Craig Titus didn't know is Deem Cassim is secretly working with police to foil the murderous plot. Since his tender age, Murdoch has been fascinated by the wrestling arena. Kelly Ryan opens the door, alive and well. Tom placed 2nd to Craig Titus. All rights reserved. Craig eventually told the police that he had an affair with Melissa, and Kelly didnt know about it. Melissa then started working on Craig and Kellys latest business venture: opening a fitness apparel store. But over the following two years, Melissa struggled. Access the best of Getty Images with our simple subscription plan. Currently 57 and weighing 184lbs. At first Titus mentioned that he and James were having an affair that Kelly Ryan was unaware of. Ron Brady claims he was stunned. The original ruling from the county medical examiner was that she died from opiate intoxication. Ok, now we go to the very wierd part. Many thought she would be the future face of the sport. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In partnership with WebAs it stands right now, Craig is 53 years old and is sitting in prison until what looks like December 23, 2026 (which will make him 59 when he's released). Sure it looks like he's being treated unfailry, but w/e, that's Police say Craig Titus was desperate to get himself and Kelly out of jail. Then it all came crashing down. Generalized lichen nitidus successfully treated with narrow-band UVB phototherapy: Two cases report [Abstract]. In fact, as a step-father, Tyrus loves his step-kids equally to his children. Why William and Kate are taking break from duties. On September 24, 2022, Tyrus made a fight with Murdoch and Matt Cardona after defeating seven opponents in "Lucky 7." Craig and Kelly tell cops they did not kill Melissa, claiming she injected herself, causing a fatal overdose. Its an interesting question. When detectives told her that her car had been found with a torched body in the trunk, she didnt seem fazed. They look so terrible now compared to this. 2023 Getty Images. even with free shit provided by Blackstone Labs he fucked up somehow. These include a cream called pimecrolimus and an ointment called tacrolimus. Murder Among Friends: Muscle Bound delves into how Melissa James was killed by her high-profile friends and once-couple, Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan. Unfortunately for her, she made The Best 8 Home Remedies for Cysts: Do They Work? Neither Titus nor Ryan were ever charged in Bradys case because there wasnt enough evidence to do so. Later, in Los Angeles, he attended Quartz Hill High for further studies after graduating from the University of Nebraska at Kearney. She had been involved in a drug-filled lifestyle in Vegas and was struggling to find her way out of it. And they were lucky as Brady ended up being sentenced to an 8 to 25 year prison sentence. Both the Jaguar and the pickup were seen on video, but police couldnt see Craig and Kelly in the car. It speaks volumes also that the production is better here, lighting and focus of camera. The couple was eventually tracked to Boston, Massachusetts, where Kelly was arrested at a salon and Craig outside it. After the Jaguar was torched, Det. Generalized lichen nitidus following antiPD-1 antibody treatment [Abstract]. Warts are common, and they're usually harmless. the button below to gain instant access. Craig and Kelly were then filmed in the parking lot putting their purchases in the back seat, not the trunk. Despite the heaps of evidence, Melissa could have ultimately died from a drug overdose such as her toxicology report suggested. Tap into Getty Images' global scale, data-driven insights, and network of more than 340,000 creators to create content exclusively for your brand. Here is Craig Titus, one of his heroes, now pleading for his help. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Brady met his idol in jail and says he was easily lured in when Craig confided in him about the murder of Melissa James. 2023 Telepictures Productions Inc. Melissa was an attractive dancer and choreographer from Panama City, Florida, who had met Kelly and Craig when she was helping out at a bodybuilding contest at Panama City Beach. Something Kelly and Craig didnt know was that tasers record a timestamp of every time they are used. She had been a friend of the couple for a while prior to moving there and was looking to move out of her parents house and start a new life. Craig told Melissa that she could move out to Vegas to push her career. Melissa was all in, and actually moved in with Craig and Kelly, her new best friends. Craig said, My wifes on the ground with Taser darts in her leg. You can't run your mouth if I've been with pro bodybuilders.