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It is the skeet style of stock with a comb drop of 1 1/2 2 1/2 inches, and a 14-inch length, butt to trigger. 30" Full choke barrel. Franklin W. Olin founded Western Cartridge Company in 1898. The extra weight is meant to soak up the recoil of what once was thought to be a very hard-kicking load. Full choke was the only standard boring available. Most books say they did not. Duck hunters bought 12-gauge doubles with 3-inch chambers to use the new Super-X magnum load, the Super Twelve as it was soon called. Mechanically excellent. WINCHESTER MODEL 12 for sale - The new value of a WINCHESTER MODEL 12 shotgun has fallen ($937.31) dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $484.80 . Harold Williamson, in his book Winchester, The Gun That Won the West, relates that the new management of Winchester embarked on a program that involved an extraordinary departure from the companys previous operations and the investment of borrowed capital in large amounts. Winchester struggled through a decade of inept product diversification that was terminated by the Great Depression. Simmons also removed Solid Ribs from barrels and added his rib to those barrels. - Top Rated Plus - opens in a new window or tab, - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new window or tab. The first thing you notice when you pick up a duck gun is its weight and solid feel. Click here for more information. winchester model 12 heavy duck gun 30" simmons vent rib 1953 pre-64 rare 12 ga. magnum 3" edition proof marking - 12 gauge magnum - 5 - 30 " I kept the ones that were dearer to me so now they live in safes and I hate the safes. Both shotguns shot to point of aim and all patterns were contained on the target paper due to precise aiming, facilitated by placing a 25-pound sack of lead shot between me and the gun butt. The Model 12 was the first magazine repeater chambered for 3-inch magnum shells. The price $379 does not seem out of line for model 12's in this area; however, my question is does the Simmons rib add or detract from the value of the gun? Charles Askins is the father of the late Colonel Charles Askins, Jr., of course. The receiver is heavier and so is the barrel. The Olins bought Winchester for $8.1 million through a combination of $3.3 million cash and the balance in an issue of preferred stock. These were called long-range waterfowl guns.. The first was helping the gunsmiths. Enthusiastic hunters bought the new repeater. WINCHESTER MODEL 12 New and Used Price, Value, & Trends 2023 When winchester changed the chamber to 3" did they mark the barrels or reproof? Introduced in 20 gauge in 1912, 16 and 12 gauge guns followed in 1914. No Reserve . Used Winchester Model 12 20 Gauge 26" barrel WS-1 choked skeet Cutts compensator with restriction inserts good condition reduced, Winchester Model 12 Pigeon Grade 12 Gauge. Action works perfectly. Skeet gun marked "2 7/8" chamber skeet 28 gauge. Winchester Model 12 28 Gauge (W9229) Price: $3,250.00 Item Number: W9229 Previously sold Winchester Model 12 28 Gauge shotgun. You jack the shell out and it goes off under your nose. M, ventilated rib, mid 1950's manufacture, completely original, only one ever produced by Winchester, ultimate rarity for the Model 12 co, 12ga, #1737096, standard gun that has been restocked and has a Simmons ventilated rib added, 12ga, 30 inch barrel, full choke, 2 3/4 inch chamber, 14 3/4 inch LOP with "Decelerator" pad, blu, Winchester Model 12 - 20ga - 26 - Improved Cylinder- NIB - UNFIRED - SN: MT0162 - AS NEW with high figured wood, Winchester Model 12 28 gauge Skeet solid rib. An 80% pattern they felt should make it a real 60-yard outfit with No. Advanced . Stadt's book is a very good book that alot of people don't seem to know about. Sold them when we down sized to a smaller house that did not have a custom built safe room in it like the old house. Eight major concealed carry insurance programs are now available to the millions of Americans who carry concealed. Its been debated over the years if the solid rib model 12 barrel were silver brazed or fused with heat? This is a shotgun I should never have sold. Experts can attest to the vast improvements they have found shooting with the Simmons Ventilated Rib. Thanks for all the info,my Grandfather died when I was in 12th grade in 1971 and I now have his field grade Mod.12 and 9 others love them all.I also have my Great Grandfathers Mod.97. I believe that Stadt's book is one of the few that actually states that Winchester did produce M42s with Winchester vent ribs. This shotgun is in near new condition in the original box. I don't believe their ever was a royalty, actually Simmons kept selling his special vent rib model 12's after the 1955 introduction of the Winchester Special Vent Rib @ New Haven. IC CHOKED MIROKU MADE. 31 12 ga. pump shotgun w/ Simmons ventilated rib - walnut checkered stock & forearm - & 30" The Model 12 Duck Gun is a highly specialized tool for hunters who need to put a lot of shot on target at 60 yards or more. A great looking gun, in excellent condition. Winchester Model 12 1940's gun. I pick them up through the interlacing covert, a bunch of suspicious mallards driving for safety. 12 Gauge, For sale is the Winchester Model 12. Keith stated in 1967: The old 70% standard is now obsolete and most any full choke gun will go 75% or better. Madis states Ventilated ribs were rarely offered on [duck] guns. However, The fact is a few duck guns were provided with these ribs. Dave Riffles book and the various catalogs I have indicate that the Winchester new ventilated rib was an option from about 1954 to 1959. The Model 12 shotgun, initially the Model 1912, hit the market in August 1912. Produced in 1961. This is not John Waynes revolver it is a modern work of art! This likely was the last mention of solid ribs in Winchester literature. The duck gun was discontinued in 1963. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you pull the trigger and the shell does not fire you must push the slide handle forward to unlock the action. As good as the Brownings are, Ill just keep my Model 12s from New Haven. Lot 6593: Winchester Model 42 Slide Action Shotgun . Save $500.02 SKU: 3226743 . Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Condition: excellent bright bore, 98% blue overall thinn, Winchester Model 12. Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.5. Something went wrong. Length of pull was reduced in January 1936 to reflect the extra clothing worn by duck hunters. The magnum led to new class of long-range double-barrel shotguns for waterfowl. Loose bolts and excess head-space occur only after long service. The load averaged 67.5% (range 62-72.5%), in a 30-inch circle at 40 yards. The Duck Stamp Law of 1934 was enacted to provide funds for waterfowl propagation. A new chamber ring and a # 1 heavy draw adjusting sleeve. The era of plentiful ducks and liberal bag limits was also ending. Featured Gun Classifieds Winchester Shotguns - Model 12, Winchester Model 12 - 20ga - 26 - Improved Cylinder- NIB - UNFIRED - SN: MT0162 - AS NEW with high figured wood - 2 3/4" Shells note: particles/dust can be seen in the photo, In very good condition. Serial numbers match on barrel and receiver. Spend your time enjoying the gun you want, not getting frustrated with a complex website that makes gun buying hard. He was the chief designer of the Model 21 double, John Olins favorite. Get 12 Issues a year of the country's best firearms writing. Although the quality of the rib will be the same as the original Winchester, the only way a Simmons rib looks OK on a Model 12 is if they DON'T put their silly name down the side of the rib. Simmons Gun Specialties rib has been added to barrel. Herbert Houze summarizes the Watrous report in his book Winchester Repeating Arms Company, Its History & Development from 1865 to 1981. Ventilated Rib Barrel Add On For Shotgun: Simmons Gun Repair Instead of buying a gun thats The standard length was 2-5/8 inches. The rib wasn't offered until 1954 according to the Dave Riffle Model 12 book so it wasn't originally produced at the Winchester Factory. At a reasenable Price, you can have that gun you allways wanted without all this drama. The magnitude of this sale is appreciated when you realize how few of the special 10- and 12-gauge magnum double guns were sold. The duck guns reputation was made with the one and five-eighths ounce load, the heaviest 12 magnum load from about 1935 to the mid-1950s. prior written consent of the Copyright holder. The help you need is to get a life. The Simmons rib is done at Winchesters direction as it has the WP proof offset from the rib. Then people would choose a grade of model 12 and add or change things to ther hunting or shooting style. A Cold War era classic with smooth lines, a legendary back story, and an exotic-sounding name, Beretta's Model 71 was definitely a mouse that roared. I have a questionwhen a gun is described as having a "milled rib" I thought that referred to the fact that the barrel had posts that were milled as part of the barrel instead of being attachedI see guns described as having "round post milled ribs" I don't think that is correct? very accurate description and fast delivery, HOCH Reloading Single Cavity Mold c56 309170 .309 170gr nose pour NICE (#334593408927), Arrived quickly, well packaged, item is as described. The latest 2-pin rib gun researched has a serial number of 19114xx with a date of August 26th, 1960. Westerns innovation was progressive-burning powder that deformed fewer shot during acceleration. Dolphin, I agree with you until the part where you imply that Model 12s were sent to Simmons for ribs and then sent back to Winchester to sell. Saint Charles, Missouri. Winchester installed Simmons ribs and Simmons-designed ventilated ribs for several years. SN is 167xx, all numbers do match. I am still going with "Winchester sent Model 12s to Simmons for ribs, but Simmons sold them." It is not as slow or pokey as one might expect. The staff shot skeet with the gun and concluded It is not as fast as the standard Model-12, but nearly so., In further shooting tests the staff found We could not discern any practical difference in recoil effect when shooting standard three inch heavy duck loads. Winchester supplied two boxes of 3-inch shells loaded with 1 3/8-ounces of #5 chilled shot pushed by four drams equivalent of powder. Original appearing donut post and round post vent rib Model 12s with no Simmons markings and proof marks in the proper places are generally thought by collectors to have been made to completion in the Winchester factory. It won't be a collector but a shooter and should draw some attention. That is why I have never used one of my duck guns for duck hunting. Winchester symbol # G1285S. the shot gun is in very good condition , with a 28 in ventilated rib barrel with full choke. We limited our shooting to 25 yards or less and seldom missed. Madis states Winchester spent a great deal of time and effort to develop better chokes. Furthermore, Winchester constantly experimented, searching for improvements in all chokes, even the old standby full choke. Winchester almost certainly would have perfected their Full-choke Model 12 duck gun to maximize patterns with #4 lead shot, the size most mentioned for long-range duck shooting in publications prior to the advent of non-toxic shot. Some will even go 85% to 90%, but rarely. Keith, who obtained Askins Ithaca 10 magnum double upon Askins death, achieved 93% patterns with two ounces of copper-plated#3 shot in the big double. Such were the men of the long-range duck-hunting cult. Winchester stated both 2 1/2 and 2 3/4 shells perform satisfactorily in this [duck] gun. The ejection port of the duck gun is about 1/8-inch longer than the standard port. The balance point is the takedown joint.