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/* Our Ancestors' Slang of the 1940s - Family Tree He is tipsy. Thanks for stopping by John. margin-right: 0px;
A funny slang term was ' chrome dome ' which referred to a bald man. Absolutely worthless. margin-left: -100%;
I understand when visiting a Roman pad, you gotta make their scene(when in Rome, If you made it completely authentic with respect to British English in 1940, people might have trouble with some word or expression. left: auto;
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"Geordie" is the accent and everyday language of much of North East England. The winds of change ushered in the 1950s as a decade of conservatism, complacency and contentment in the great American society. #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right { float: right; } You have a solid command of the Kings Jive. .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-container { width: 370px; }
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Mach doch!". .controller-icons #sliderControl { top: -125px; }
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h6 { color:#4F2408;font-family:'Droid Serif', serif;font-weight:normal;font-style:italic;font-variant:normal;font-size:10px; Dancing was very popular in the 1940s, great social entertainment. Find the US States - No Outlines Minefield. The dominant human application of prawn was unflattering in 1895, but there is a single OED citation suggesting that, for some people at least, the noun could be an endearment. }
Not all 40s slang is about positive circumstances. }
British slang words & phrases | Oxford International English , Staff Writer. }
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Hi there Tam! berk - a fool, an incompetent [rhy.sl Berkeley hunt = cunt]. #cl-warea-id-2 .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-2 .cl-warea-row .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-2.cl-warea-all .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-2.cl-warea-original .cl-widget { width: 100%; } }
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January 19, 2015 at 1:44 pm. margin-left: -100%;
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.meta-pullout, .outer-pullout-container .meta-pullout { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-top: 5px; left: auto; right: auto; width: 100%; } While many of Britain's cities that were important to the war effort were attacked, London bore the worst of it, being hit 56 times over . barney - a pocket[rhy.sl barney moke = poke] batt - shoes [Pol.] box-sizing: border-box; Or a Snitch by Any Other Name", "Gubbins Definition | BritishSlang.co.uk", "Judy definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary", "PONGO | Meaning & Definition for UK English", "Bono calls Chris Martin a wanker, the BBC panic", The Septic's Companion: A British Slang Dictionary, English slang and colloquialisms used in the United Kingdom, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=British_slang&oldid=1140000660. Chiefly associated with cockney speech spoken in the East End of London, words are replaced with a phrase which rhymes. margin-right: -370px;
Ill try to find another link. -moz-box-sizing: border-box; #cl-warea-id-5 .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-5 .cl-warea-row .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-5.cl-warea-all .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-5.cl-warea-original .cl-widget { width: 100%; } Musick??? .postdata .line-date .icon,.meta-pullout .pullout-date .icon,.postdata .category .icon,.meta-pullout .category .icon,.postdata .tags .icon,.meta-pullout .tags .icon,.postdata .permalink .icon,.meta-pullout .permalink .icon,.postdata .comments .icon,.meta-pullout .comments .icon,.postdata .edit .icon,.meta-pullout .edit .icon,.postdata .tax .icon,.meta-pullout .tax .icon { display: inline-block; } .format-status .title-container { padding-left: 0; }
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What about in the narrative? [6] Recognising that there are many definitions, he goes on to say, "Among the many descriptions of slang, one thing is common, it is a long way from mainstream English". margin-right: -370px;
Hi Tam, Its Tinthia Clemant, Im looking for a phrase to compare with fuel to the fire. Any ideas? I even receive emails from friends using "Moin" as a greeting: One of my favorite radio programs is Burns & Allen George always says.. Ive got a little T.L. awww wish I knew phrases used in Mxico or Spain on that time have not find accurate info jajaja, but thank you for this ones above!!! #ie6 #sidebar-2, #ie6 #sidebar-2-b, #ie6 #sidebar-shell-2 {
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It did seem very 50s. .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #container { padding-left: 222px; padding-right: 222px; }
The "I Boobies" Case: A Brief History of an Old Slang Term - TIME.com .post.format-video span.author { float: left; padding-right: 10px; }
your rights to object to your personal information being used for -moz-box-sizing: border-box; Thank you for creating this list. By clicking 'continue' or by continuing to use our World War II slang terms often centered around military life, but many of these words and sayings are still popular today. .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-1c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-2c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-3c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-4c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-5c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-6c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-7c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-8c { width: 100%; } In the 1950s and 1960s, the slang of American teenagers was shaped in large part by fast-talking AM radio disk jockeys, who drew upon the black urban vernacular for their vocabulary, syntax . Once again, this one is found in many parts of the . Words For Women: Get the Hang of 30s Slang - Dametown active duty- sexually promiscuous boy. transition: opacity 100,000ms linear;
Soundtracks: "Girl In The Jitterbug Dress" novel. box-sizing: border-box; Bakker (2002) An early vocabulary of British Romany (1616): A linguistic analysis. The phrase "cat's pajamas" is not going to be returning to the popular vernacular anytime soon.
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-webkit-box-sizing: border-box; Any chance youve run across it in an old movie or old literature? color:#F7B69E;font-family:'Andika', sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-size:15px; .page-template-1r-sidebar-php .tags {
color:#444444;font-family:'Andika', sans-serif;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-size:15px; .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right #sidebar-shell-1, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left #sidebar-shell-2 {width: 49%; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;left: auto; right: auto; float: right;} Perhaps the greatest test of Britain's resolve against Nazi Germany, the Blitz, began in September 1940 after Germany lost air superiority during daytime hours in the Battle of Britain. .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #main-col { width: 725px; }
I use killer diller a lot, swell, and humdinger. The twitteratis, With the ink freshly dried on the final pages of the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, an extraordinary mission begun over 60 years prior to compile a comprehensive. Thank you. #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-1c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-2c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-3c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-4c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-5c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-6c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-7c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; } }
width: 100%; Fifty years ago, the Sexual Offences Act became law, decriminalising homosexual acts that took place in private between two men over the age of 21. 3. width: 360px;
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Ive caught that station a couple of times. Why is Q Always Followed by a U?. .page-template-2r-sidebars-php .sidebar-wrap-right {
Baccy: shortened word for "tobacco;" also, "wacky backy" means marijuana. .sliderImage div { background-image: none; background-color: #222222; color: #FFFFFF; }
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Or as Walt Whitman poetically observed in his 1885 defense of American slang, . .post .date span.month {
#horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-1c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-2c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-3c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-4c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-5c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-6c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-7c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; } The success of the operation led to a subsequent Allied victory that culminated in the invasion of the German homeland. #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-1c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-2c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-3c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-4c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-5c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-6c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-7c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; } Stan - a combo of stalker and fan. /* The secret language that broke taboos - BBC Culture document.getElementById('vs-widget').innerHTML = widget;
13 Old-Fashioned Ways To Refer To Pregnant People - Romper #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-1c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-2c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-3c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-4c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-5c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-6c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-7c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; } Heard pronounced as baggin. .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-1c, .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-2c, .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-3c, .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-4c, .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-5c, .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-6c, .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-7c, .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-8c { width: 100%; } .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #wrapper { width: 1000px; max-width: 1000px; min-width: 1000px; } .mm-warea .mm-widget { float: left; max-width: 160px; width: 100%; } }
Love your site!! width: 370px;
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Jam sandwich, or Jam Butty - Police . }
.meta-pullout ul li { text-align: center; } Gobbledygook? Nope, It's Slang from the 1940s! - Heywood-Wakefield #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-1c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-2c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-3c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-4c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-5c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-6c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-7c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; }
} /* ]]> */ The sewer-hunters were formerly, and indeed are still, called by the name of "Toshers," the articles which they pick up in the course of their wanderings along shore being known among themselves by the general term "tosh," a word more particularly applied by them to anything made of copper. #nav a.current li a:visited, #nav.continuous a.current li a:visited {
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active crop- sexually promiscuous girl. -ms-box-sizing: border-box; h1.posttitle, h2.posttitle { color:#663300;font-family:'Dancing Script', cursive;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-size:34px; #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 { color: #F7B69E; }
#nav ul li, #nav.continuous ul li,
I lamped your 40s Slang list, color me impressed, its the ginchiest. A few of the commonly used slang during the 1940s is associated with alcohol or drugs. .page-template-1l-sidebar-php .sidebar-wrap-right {
On Sirius radio, the 40s Junction channel occasionally runs little promos where they have a 40s-ish person resurrect an old phrase. .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #nav-top, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #top-bar-right-spanel { width: 1200px; max-width: 1200px; min-width: 1200px; } .search-results .title-container { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; }
Id love to chat with you because well be looking for some bloggers! Its listed as 1956 :) Heres a link to listen on you tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=NwdDBYmlFrI I also found vintage vinyl CD to buy here: http://amzn.to/2G6JGuy as a side note. width: 162px;
(uncountable, chiefly Britain, slang, rare) Valuables retrieved from drains and sewers. rules. Thanks! h3.comments, h3#respond, h3.respond, #reply-title { color:#4F2408;font-family:'Dancing Script', cursive;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-size:20px; It also recognises that some service slang has made its way into civilian use. - Man! Moin is the shortening of the phrase, "Guten Morgen" or good morning in parts of northern Germany. Able Grable = Girl with low morals. For example: Cupid stunt and Betty Swallocks.
(Scots) 7. Mouth. Our list of 101 words and phrases that will have you speaking the lingo as if you were born in England #wsidebar-top, #wsidebar-bottom { width: 427px; }
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Ill have a order of cackle berries with two oinks and a haystack, java and .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-1c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-2c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-3c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-4c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-5c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-6c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-7c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-8c { width: 100%; } .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #wsidebar-top, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #wsidebar-bottom { width: 427px; }
Use with . The first issue of The New York Times was published 162 years today, and to celebrate we're taking look at a brief history of some of our favorite newspaper words and slang . background-color: #000000;
.page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-b { width: 100%; } Like many staple 1940s recipes, meatloaf experienced a resurgence in popularity during the Great Depression. I tried to look for a time stamp reference, but couldnt find one. 21 Amazing Forgotten Curse Words We Need To Bring Back - Matador Network (In the UK, however . }
Others are restricted to smaller regions, even to small geographical areas. Way to go, Roaring Twenties! Daniel Craig. Thanks for the fun addition. I havent heard it, but it makes total sense. left: auto;
Quite a few of the slang terms that developed during the 40s were created to describe positive outcomes, as well as feelings or actions. }
Thieves' cant or Rogues' cant was a secret language (a cant or cryptolect) which was formerly used by thieves, beggars and hustlers of various kinds in Great Britain and to a lesser extent in other English-speaking countries. .format-aside .title-container { padding-left: 0; }
Service Slang. It's been said bae is an acronym for "before anyone else," but as fun as this theory is, it's just a misconception. Did you know these 1940s slang terms? In the first three lines of the song we learn Minnie is not only a moocher, but also a "lowdown hoochie-coocher" and "the roughest and toughest frail.". "Gas Light," and spawned a 1940 film by Thorold Dickinson and a 1944 film by George Cukor. .format-chat .postdata .category{ float: left; }
9. .post, article.page {
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It would be so cool to know the slang. .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php .postdata .category {
A less usual version of 'cop . width: 100%; The introduction acknowledges that slang is an ever-changing language with new slang terms emerging all the time. An A-Z of slang from a British perspective. }
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It is often used to identify with one's peers and, although it may be common among young people, it is used by people of all ages and social groups. Coming originally from Northern England, this word has recently . .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-shell-1 {
Chucklehead = Unintelligent person. .format-audio .postdata .category{ float: left; }
width: 258px;
How many have you heard in movies or music. .page-template-1l-sidebar-php .sidebar-wrap-left {
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33 British Slang Words and Phrases You'll Want to Start Using Regularly
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