In the past year, Damian Wayne has been through a lot - witnessing Alfred Pennyworth's death . "Genetically perfected, and grown in an artificial womb, Damian was engineered to kill and replace his famous father," Narrator. In Batman and Robin vol. But against his father's wishes, he escapes, donning a new costume under the name of Redbird.[54]. References in current continuity have been made to the future of Bruce and Talia's son. Batman tries to convince Robin to come home with him, but Damian attacks him, declaring that Wayne Manor is a coffin and that Batman's views are not enough to save Gotham. The Joker is eventually defeated by Batman, but the trust between Batman and the Batman Family is shattered. After stealing Jason Todd's Robin tunic and mask from his memorial case, Damian's unofficial appearance as Robin was wearing them over his black and white League of Assassins bodysuit with a grayish hood and cape. Damian possessed superpowers similar to that of Superman following his resurrection, though this was short-lived. His cape is now black on the outside with the cape and hood having a yellow trim. Batman And Superman. He particularly clashes with Tim Drake, who he wants to replace as. He works with several other heroes of his generation Kid Flash, the daughter of the Flash (Wally West); Nightstar and Offspring, the son of Plastic Man. After reading the letter written by his father from an alternate timeline, the Dark Knight decides that it is time to take steps to put his past behind him. Bruce's first protg Dick Grayson took over the mantle of Batman, and Damian, not giving up on his father's missions, agreed to continue on as Grayson's Robin. while at the Tropic of Cancer, Damian's mother, Talia al Ghul, drugged Bruce Wayne and, several months later, Damian was born. End of the comic. In another Elseworlds story, Kingdom Come (1996) by Mark Waid and Alex Ross, which functioned as a possible future to the canon of the time, the child of Batman and Talia is named Ibn al Xu'ffasch (Arabic: ), literally "Son of the Bat", and is a member of Lex Luthor's inner circle. [87] At the conclusion of the first arc, both Damian's mother and grandfather arrive to aid him in defeating Ruh and in the aftermath of this arc, he returns to live with them in their palace up until the events of "Shadow War. -- Damian Wayne (Prime Earth) This is the second time you've run from me. Nightwing Explains Why Damian Wayne is The One Unique Robin - ScreenRant He ends up captured by Ra's and is nearly killed. A dark king for a new age." After Bruce's skull was taken from his grave, Damian and Dick decide to bring the rest of his skeleton, along with those of Damian's paternal grandparents, to their base beneath Wayne Tower. Although Damian eventually kills Nobody in front of Bruce, they are able to work through the incident by beginning to actively understand and respect one another as father and son. DC Universe Calendar | The Five Earths Project According to the story's writer, Grant Morrison: "He saves the world. R. Rachel Webb. It's been an interesting few years for the Batman sidekicks. [25] However, Batman and Talia's tryst was later shown as consensual in Peter J. Tomasi's Batman and Robin, thus the circumstances of Damian's conception can vary depending on the writers.[26][27]. A new variant cover for Tim Drake: Robin #4 is shining an unfortunate light on an ongoing issue for DC. Near the end of the episode. He works as a double agent for Batman in Luthor's organization, and thus aligned with his father instead of his maternal grandfather. Elaborating his plan in transferring his consciousness into Bruce's. During his adventure, he met Ra's' daughter Talia al Ghul. Ra's to Batman. Due to the extreme training from his mother and grandfather has, Damian has the skills and stealth of that of an extremely trained assassin. "You fell in love with the Detective that day, of course. You're not a king. Mara has been made leader of a group known as the Demon's Fist, which was originally supposed to be led by Damian, but became hers when he chose to leave the League. [14] Bruce revealed that he has seen Damian's future, as told through "Batman in Bethlehem". Bruce returns to Gotham in 2004 (Detective Comics #0). I'm light-years ahead of all the past Robins in skill and training. In the Elseworlds story, The Brotherhood of the Bat (1995), a version named Tallant Wayne appears, who crusades against his grandfather Ra's al Ghul. Despite their differences, they played ball with Titus and began to enjoy spending more time together as father and son. He's got an above average height, and a good, lean ass - I mean weight. Damian is willing to betray Tim at any moment for his own safety. After the events of Batman R.I.P. [10], Batman and Robin began working together against Damian's mother Talia al Ghul, revealed as the head of Leviathan. Writer Joshua Williamson prepares to pit Damian Wayne against DC's deadliest warriors in Robin #1. Tucker, James, director. That is now proven beyond any doubt. In her grief, she gathered all the members of the League of Assassins and put a hit on Deathstroke as well as all of his associates in revenge for killing her father. The two young adults fell for each other and, after a brief fling, they conceived a child. "There is no Child in the world like Damian Wayne" -Batman/Bruce Wayne[src] Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul and the grandson of Ra's al Ghul, the founder and former leader of the League of Assassins. [9], Though deeply shaken by the killing, Bruce reacted with compassion rather than anger. Batman then arrives, having learned of his son's actions, declaring that the Teen Titans are finished. Damian chooses to leave the team upon Drake's return, reasoning that the Teen Titans do not need two Robins, and realizing that his teammates prefer to work with Tim. Bruce Wayne was first born on April 7, in his early debuts back in the 1930s. Another column in "Detective Comics #494" stated that Batman's birthday was now February 19. [41] However, the Clown Prince of Crime's apparent helplessness is revealed to be another ruse and he incapacitates Damian with his hidden Joker venom. After the events of Justice League: No Justice, the Titans disband. Nobody swore that he would return and kill their friends, so Damian killed him with a move Nobody had taught him. Damian Wayne (Prime Earth) | DC Database | Fandom And Damian was probably alone when he turned 14 in main continuity. [22] At this point, Alfred declared them to be the Super Sons. Damian is killed battling a brutal enemy, the Heretic (an adult Damian clone) in issue number 8 of the second volume of the Batman, Inc. comic book, which went on sale February 27, 2013. He had to, right? I'd say like 6'6", 260+. Damian is skilled in mimicking voices and speech patterns of others accurately, as he was able to imitate his father's and Tim Drake's voices to bypass the Batcave's voice-recognition security systems.[20]. Damian attempts to kill KGBeast, but only succeeds in cutting off his left arm before the Titans intervene and stop him. I shall return to Gotham in your stead, bringing with me proof, both written and genetic, that I am the long-forgotten son of Bruce and Talia. The Heretic got in a battle with Damian, and killed him. [deleted] 2 yr. ago [removed] [deleted] 2 yr. ago However, as soon as the conference started, Ra's was immediately shot by a sniper wearing a Deathstroke-looking costume, who also threw a bomb that turned his body to ashes to insure that there would be nothing left of him that can be resurrected through the Lazarus Pit. [90], This incident has deeply hurt both Damian and his mother, Talia, who had to watch her father get murdered even though he finally made the right choice for the first time in his life and was willing to turn a new leaf for his family's sake. [52] However, despite Bruce's attempts to build a relationship with his son, Damian remains distant from his father, which Alfred worries about. Damian has declared himself a vegetarian. However, because of his possible paternity to Damian, Batman, on some levels, is optimistic about the chance of fatherhood. This leads to a new version of the Titans forming, consisting of Nightwing, Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy, Troia, Crush, Roundhouse, Red Arrow, and Kid Flash. Talia is unaware that White Ghost, a former servant of Ra's, plans to use him to resurrect Ra's, which would kill him in the process. Talia al Ghul Near the end of the comic. Damian Wayne, also known as Damian al Ghul (Arabic: ), is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, created by Grant Morrison and Andy Kubert, commonly in association with Batman. He carried a pair of brass knuckles, which he incorporated as part of this costume, and would also carry a sword. [15] Batman Incorporated fought Leviathan in the streets, while Damian was forced to stay inside. Bruce tried teaching Damian, still a cold-hearted assassin, about the sanctity of life, but had trouble relating with his son. [71], After the events of Batman: Endgame that resulted in Bruce Wayne's disappearance, Damian, as Robin, sets out on a globe-spanning journey to forge his own destiny and make amends for all of his wrongdoings in his own series, titled Robin: Son of Batman. Since Talia is the daughter of Ras al Ghul, the leader of the League of Assassins and one of the Dark Knight's greatest enemies, there have always been tensions between her and Batman, despite their romantic feelings for one another. Damian leaves his mother and Tim to an unknown fate, while he goes off to be with his father. However their lack of teamwork and animosity toward each other caused them to fail every challenge. Damian Wayne, the fourth Robin and . Despite his intense training to become a remorseless assassin, Damian was sympathetic to his father's vigilantism in Gotham and volunteered to become his next sidekick. The boys finally managed to put aside their differences and worked together in order to save their fathers from an apparent threat in the Batcave, but this later turns out to be a ruse. 2, #15, Damian defies his father's orders to remain in the Batcave and investigates Alfred's kidnapping. [16][17] A prototype of the character originally appeared as an unnamed infant in the 1987 story Batman: Son of the Demon,[18][19] which at the time was not considered canon. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. A subsequent conversation between Tim and Alfred implies that Batman has carried out a DNA test on Damian. [93] Despite his age, Damian has taken on and bested trained fighters like Talia Al Ghul, Red Hood (Jason Todd), Red Robin (Tim Drake), and the Joker, amongst others. [25] Thanks to the arrival of Lex Luthor and aid from Reggie's super-powered sister Sara, Kid Amazo was taken down. The two are stopped by Dick Grayson as Batman, who chastises them both for fighting in front of the theater where Batman was born. With Superman's and Batman's permission, the two boys would be allowed to go on their own, provided that they would do so together. On his 13th birthday Damian was sent a package by his grandfather Ra's al Ghul, which contained a dead robin. Batman And Robin. Damian, as a preadolescent, was left by his mother in the care of his father, who had been unaware of his existence. Jonathan was paid a visit by Robin, posing as both his school's bus driver and his substitute teacher. Talia then shows Damian a cloned version of himself, whom she sees as Damian's younger brother. He was eventually recruited by Rip Hunter to try to stop a madman named Gog from altering his history. Damian Wayne - Born To The Purple In Infinite Frontier? On the way to the cave, Dick's body is possessed by Deadman, at whom Damian lashes out in confusion. "I need a man to assume my position when I'm gone Because you are most worthy. This troubles his relationship with Batman, who vows never to kill. Damian Wayne, otherwise known to the world as Robin, the Boy Wonder, was the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. Pets he has owned include. Where before Damian portrayed an arrogant and vicious personality, it appears the "death" of his father has regressed him to a more childlike mindset, as demonstrated when he takes the Batmobile joy-riding with an older girl. These events cause Hush to escape, causing Damian to grow a further hatred for the criminal. and Batman: Battle for the Cowl, he takes the role of Robin at ten years of age,[21] becoming the fifth person to use the Robin persona. After holding a private funeral for the fallen Boy Wonder, Bruce vows to avenge his son's death. A dark king for a new age." Kept away from Gotham City and his father until his adolescence, Damian Wayne exploded into the Dark Knights world in a flurry of violence, tossing the entire Batman Family into disarray. His tunic is longer and has a yellow trim as well. [84] Despite the book's cancellation, the characters have subsequently appeared as a team in other series.[85]. [39], During a confrontation with a returned minor villain the Getaway Genius, Damian is initially angry that Grayson failed to capture the foe as well as the implication that his father failed as well during the Genius' original run back when Grayson was Robin but when Dick explains to him that Bruce let the Genius go because he discovered that the Genius' robberies were only him stealing medicines that he needed so that he could live long enough to see his daughter grow up, Damian realizes that he never really knew his father as a person, and admits that there was more to him than Batman. story arc in Batman #675, Damian senses that someone is out to get Batman. Damian then escapes, dons a variant Robin costume made of Jason Todd's old tunic and mask and assorted League of Assassin gear, and fights and kills the villainous Spook. He neutralized the child soldiers, and teamed up with Dick Grayson to take down the remaining assassins. [27] With the prospect of moving to Metropolis on his mind, Jon eventually ran off and headed to Gotham to speak with Damian in the Batcave. At this, Tim realizes that Damian is indeed Bruce's son, and exclaims "The son of Satan is my brother?"[29]. 18 followers. This makes him an heir to the world's greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra's al Ghul. While Damian fights Kalibak, Batman remotely controls the Batwing and sends it crashing into Kalibak, sending him back through the Boom Tube and then closes the portal. They too had chosen targets that they must hunt down in order to ascend to the League. At that moment, a revived Deathstroke attacks the Titans and Batman with the intent to kill them all. [50] During the battle, Robin destroys one of Prime's evil Superboy doppelgngers by using a Kryptonite blade.[51]. They lost Croc, the Teen Titans and the Suicide Squad, but they defeated Mister Freeze, Riddler and Damian's evil Earth -22 self and made the discovery that beings from the Dark Multiverse can be killed by Nth Metal. "You have no intention of giving up your power to another, Father. Ra's al Ghul, while in Talia's body, to Bruce Wayne. Damian defiantly replies that he hopes to be a worthy one. "Who else in this world is like us, Bruce Wayne? After this, Batman uses the Chaos Shard on his son's corpse, which has been infused with Darkseid's Omega Sanction. Damian is brutal, egotistical, overly confident, selfish, reckless, and spoiled a pain in Batman and the Bat Family's butt. Batman forbade Robin to go crime-fighting for a week while Superboy was forced to do his chores without using his superpowers. [76] Due to a miscommunication, Damian can no longer trust him, which ultimately leads them to cut ties. [44] Although Wonder Girl objects to this decision, Grayson convinces her to let Damian stay on the team as he needs Damian to learn that he can trust others not to betray him, only for his temper to jeopardize his first mission with the team when he attacks an opponent just after Raven had convinced him to calm down, provoking their new foe into starting his wave of destruction again. Damian aided in fighting the Dark Knights upon their invasion, forming the Gotham Resistance with Green Arrow, Killer Croc, Nightwing and Harley Quinn. Damian has also been a member of the Batman Family and the Teen Titans, and the best friend of Superman's son, Jonathan Samuel Kent . When Elliot asked why Damian is visiting him behind the Bat-family's back, Damian shrugs it off as a desire to keep Elliot company. Damian's birth was a bit messy, and so is his claim to the Wayne Dynasty. In League of Batmen (2001), the sequel to Brotherhood of the Bat, Tallant leads his own team of variant Batmen to combat the plague that was al Ghul's legacy. As Damian and Batman embrace, Batman collapses from exhaustion. Ra's refuses the offer, feeling that he needs someone of a younger age. It is unknown if Damian was actually Buddhist or if this was just creativity on behalf of his father. Joker tells Damian that his and Batman's greatest fear is being responsible for the other's death. In terms of the movies in the Nolanverse Batman Begins depicts Bruce's 30th birthday. Tim Drake's Robin Homage Covers Highlights DC's Sidekick Problem Category:Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)/Quotes - DC Database How old is Damian Wayne currently? - TimesMojo [37] Dick and Tim send Damian with the Gordons to their underground base while they battle the Black Lanterns. Trained by the League of Assassins all his life, Damian joined his father's side in the war against crime by becoming the fifth Robin. During the battle, Tallant discovers that his grandfather is the one who murdered his father and then cloned him. [78] When the other Titans find out, and when Red Arrow kills Deathstroke,[79] conflict erupts within the team until Lobo, looking for Crush, crashes in. In DC Rebirth, Damian's suit is modified. During the "Leviathan" story arc, when his mother Talia puts a price on his head and is targeted by the most dangerous and skilled assassins, Bruce faked Damian's death and secluded him in the Batcave to protect him while he goes undercover to confront Talia and her minions. Damian, who is driving, knocks an ambulance off a bridge without any sign of remorse or even concern. Talia and Bruce's son joins the Brotherhood in his father's costume, to destroy it from within.[23]. [6] Robin angrily left the Batcave to work with Nobody, who asked him to execute a criminal. "Did he do a paternity test on Damian? Published May 26, 2022. The solicitation for Truth and Justice mentions a birthday party for him, but all of that is irrevelant because the story is out of continuity. [92], Having been trained by the League of Assassins since birth, Damian is already an expert in martial arts and wielding a wide range of weaponry. They were later joined by Batman and Superman, and worked out their differences. Despite becoming Robin to Grayson's Batman, Damian reveals that he cares little for his older brother and has no respect for him as Batman and that the latter would have to earn it. Brotherhood of the Bat features a future in which Ra's al Ghul discovers the Batcave following Bruce Wayne's death, and outfits the League of Assassins in variant Batman costumes based on Wayne's rejected designs. How could you not? The new Dark Knight desires justice for his parents along with trying to stop his grandfather while having to battle his father's murderous double. However, the father and son were not active together very long before Bruce was seemingly killed by Darkseid during a massive invasion. This makes him an heir to the world's greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra's al Ghul. He'll probably be heavier than Jason, and taller than Bruce in his prime.
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