Atkins and Sgt. I was in B-5-1 (if I remember correctly) and we were in 2 story barracks with double bunk arrangement, with a shower and bathroom on the first floor. I was in the hospital for a week but never got re-cycled. I took basic at Lewis in March-April of 1967 D-2-2 Spent one week at North Fort then we transferred to the "new" 3-story concrete barracks next to the airfield. My grandfather was drafted into the Army from Nashville, TN sometime in 1967. He was my drill sergeant in boot camp in 1970 and looking for some information for a Little Help from the Army which I've never had, D-2-7. Rained all the way up and back as we drove thru the Olympic forest. We got to go home over Christmas and I was down with pneumonia the whole time. Tests Find High Levels of Toxic 'Forever Chemicals' in Drinking Water There were 3,560 housing units at an average density of 232.8 per square mile (89.9/km2). Basic training in 1971, A-2-2, 1st platoon, SGT Gogo was the Drill Sargent, small but fast. He gave me a bottle of cough syrup. His assistant DS was a short guy who always looked like he was about to tell a joke. Phone: (253) 967-1110. Fort Lewis and the Vietnam Era - Basewatch - Evergreen State College Mesothelioma lawyers alledge it is one of approximately 412 asbestos exposure sites in Washington . D-3/1. I think the other DI was black from Georgia (hard to remember after 51 years). One guy tried a couple of times to take his life. I don't remember his name. That always bothered me but we had to sign a different roster because our state was charged with our meals. John Trainor, great warrior, learned much from him, things I applied to life, to this day serves me well. Our company was in I Corp Bravo Co 4th Btl 21st Infantry 11th light Infantry Brigade (Americal Division, which was actually the 23rd INF). Remember the winter of 69,was supposed to do BCT at ft. BLISS TX. The Drill sargent was a puertorican. Camp Lewis passed from the hands of Pierce County and became the property of the federal government when the deed for 62,432 acres (253km2) was recorded in the county auditor's office in Tacoma. I was at Fort Lewis Basic Training Feb 1969' and AIT until June 1969' got married here in Sacramento then on to Vietnam Americal Div 11th LIB Duc Pho I Corp you were a year earlier so i probably could not offer much for that year. No one so much as asked what we doing there. Brigadier General David L. Stone, who had supervised the original construction of Fort Lewis as a captain, returned as its commanding general in 1936, serving until 1937. Yes John Kelly, i remember the meningitis outbreak. [9] Since 11 September 2001, I Corps and Fort Lewis assets have been active in providing support for Global War on Terrorism operations, including Operation Noble Eagle (Homeland Defense), Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) and the Iraq War. We were a mixed lot of guys from Texas, Montana with a few mid-West and East Coast. Search public notices by typing keywords in the Search field below, or by checking one or more boxes beside the filters listed on the right side. The army could have been much worse for me during those 2-1/2 years and the VA has been very good to me. Fort Lewis, also known as Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM), is located near Tacoma, Washington. When we recently visited the Seattle area I felt a pull to return to Ft. Lewis and see the old barracks and surrounding area. I would graduate 2 July70 as E2 based on performance and testing or so I guess. we had two Sgt. . Had a Sgt. Looking of Kenny Williams who was in the bunk above me and did a tatoo on my shoulder with indian ink and a pin. Never forget the part of my life! One of the units in our battalion were all from Chicago. I was not a serious collector of army stuff but have some items and pictures to remind me. Does he remember the DI's name. For example as troops from Fort Lewis preparing to fight Communist forces in Southeast Asia, some troops from the same base were ready to oppose their government's policies by joining the antiwar movement. Drill Sgt Delano and Sgt. I can scan and send a copy if someone doesn't have one. 10 residents linked to the property at 2582 Mann Ave - Find owner, businesses, contact information, property data, public records, neighbors, and more Mr. Hitt. fort lewis washington. Cemetery marker for Donald Michaelson of the U.S. Army Air Forces is decorated with a flag at Vaughn Bay Cemetery May 27, 2007 in Vaughn, Washington.. Vietnam Veterans Memorial Kelly Allen and I took a bike trip in 88 and revisited our barracks. Fort Lewis, Washington. Anyone else? I think I started in January, 1971. The field is named in honor of Captain Lawrence C. Gray, who died during a free balloon flight at the field on 4 November 1927. He was a rep for the Veterans of Foreign War. Had a very young Drill Instructor who did 2 tours in Vietnam. Do you remember what unit you were in? Some dreery days in the motorpool. Fort Lewis 1 : 24000. Drafted Jan 1971. There was a tombstone shaped marker by the corner of our barracks that said "Let no man's soul say unto me, Had I been properly trained". It was raining the whole time there! took basic at Ft Lewis Jan 66 to Mar. Washington State Archives, Digital Archives is the first Digital Archives in the nation to Preserve the electronic Records of both State and Local Government. Welcome home and thanks for serving. The sprawling installation is home to much of the 2nd Infantry Division, the 7th Infantry Division and the 1st Special Forces Group. Still looking for guys in D 1 1 april 1969 to June. I was the only Nebraskan. Hey Russell, I was in at the same time. Eagle View is located on Lewis North. If someone came out of the darkness the weapon would have been useless with no time to load. I have our graduation picture should anyone want a copy. Courtesy Tacoma Public Library (5\18221) 91st Division Monument at Command Circle, Fort Lewis, 2010 . I was also in A-3-2, from late July to Oct. 3, 69. They all died in Vietnam God Bless those guys. Terrible weather, too many trips in low crawl pit. 360-688-4073. Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) (IATA: TCM, ICAO: KTCM, FAA LID: TCM) is a United States military facility located 9.1 miles (14.6 km) south-southwest of Tacoma, Washington. His name is Robert(Bob) Dodge. He was an engineer out of Fort Lewis who spent roughly two years in Vietnam, and he returned to Fort Lewis to serve as a drill instructor. Canada Thistle grows thickly in some areas. I'm trying to see if I can find somebody that remembers me I went by the name of Leo am I drill sergeants for Fasano he took me downtown to the racetrack one time and and then we went down to Pike Street in Seattle and he showed me the downtown area I think if I could get a little help to find him I could probably receive Little Help from the Army we say destroyed my knee when I was there but I decided to go home instead of getting operated on. Invasive Scotch Broom has taken over many areas. They are the HQ for 8th Bde, Army ROTC for 8 western states and Guam/American Samoa. We had a couple guys who should have never been in the military could barely tie their boots. I hated that painting on the D-4-1 barracks. Washington; Search; Compare; Project; Community; Partners; News; Help; Old Maps Online. Would sleep on top of bunk in the WW -2 -Korea heavy wool pants and shirt. This marked the first time that I Corps had forward soldiers in combat since the end of the Korean War. Take care all. [2] The entire camp was ready for occupancy a month ahead of schedule. DIs Brochette and Collins, C-4-2 Charging Charlie DS Mouton, we called ourselves Mouton's Raiders, Should have expanded a little, Aug 1970-Oct 1970, C-4-2, Chargin Charlie, DIs SSG Collins, a good man, and SGT Brochette. I was in A42 for 9 weeks starting Aug 25 1970. He graduated June of 71. Drill Sgt. The next morning several of us were told we were in the wrong company and got transferred to B-2-3. He went duck hunting with his brother on Spokane's Snake River in 1972. There were pictures of Fort Lewis that I took during that time and a few grey stones which covered the entire base. Ben do you have any info on E,2,1 I was there in Feb to April 1970 for basic. The temperatures during summer vary from the mid 40s at night to the mid 70s during the day, occasionally peaking over 90F (32C). Soldiers demonstrating artillery techniques in front of chapel and barracks, Fort Lewis, 1941. Ray Heltsley I ended up leaving early because my grandfather passed away. Overview: For more than 30 years, NCI Information Systems has been a leading provider of digital transformation solutions and services to U.S. government agencies. The unit was redesignated the 654th Area Support Group (Forward) in May 2004, and the 1st JMB in March 2007. In 2010, the two bases were combined as a cost saving measure and the installation is currently known as Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM). Enjoy! JamesI think he had an orange Chevelle. Was in D.1.1 April 17 1969 drill srg Lamb, E-5-2, SSGT RICHARD E. BURTON, AUG 1969 BEST OF THE BEST. Not sure where you were located at Fort Lewis, but most of the buildings in D Block in the North Fort area have been demolished. There were 12 of us from different areas of TN. It was awful. The uncomfortable thing was that about 4 months before I arrived some one got beat bad by two people and had the M-16 stolen. Also remember 1st Sgt Curtin who was limping and bent (combat injuries?) I think they had to send everyone home as the entire training battalion was sick. Depression . I was 3rd sqd leader. Remember that? Auto Skills Center Lewis Main :: Joint Base Lewis-McChord - Army MWR Plei Trap It had a mural of a severed VC head on a bayonet with slogan on it: To kill and have no mercy. However, the Headquarters of the 7th Infantry Division is primarily a garrison management body. 1949 MERCURY, at Main Gate of FORT LEWIS U.S. ARMY BASE, Washington. I was with 2/2 in 1981 thru 1983. Fort Lewis, due to its size and reserved land, serves as an important habitat for amphibian development and study. Joint Base Lewis-McChord, a joint military base into which Fort Lewis, Washington, was . Joseph Olmo from (Yelm, WA) - (347) 262-4284, 14813 99th Avenue Se The Drill sargent was a puertorican. In 2009, the former Fort Lewis Regional Correction Facility was remodeled and renamed the Northwest Joint Regional Correctional Facility (NWJRCF). Fort lewis, WA 10-Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Channel Forgot about Pinto being at Porkchop Hill. My dad, James (Jim) Benson has a picture with a man he describes as George Dunn in April 1970 in Vietnam. I took my basic training at Fort Lewis starting in August of 1966. I cracked a smile and the DS made me dig a hole and bury it. There were once 5,000 of these buildings. He was hard but fair. Opened in 2008 we are the only privately owned boarding facility on a military post in the U.S. It was the A12 version, green with a black fiberglass hood and a 440 6 pack. Suddenly, in the dark, we were attacked by elements of the trainers who charged our positions. Other partners who work closely with the Joint Base Garrison include the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center, the Mission, and Installation Contracting Command, and Joint Personal Property Shipping Office. I've not seen any of them since. Vietnam Helicopter Crew Members Association I took basic training at Ft. Lewis NOrth Fort March13 -May 15 1970. Names I remember.. Garland,Might,Hammond,Weisman,Baker,Rogge,lock, Tastead, Were some crazy times that I will never forget., I remember very well having to do guard Duty have nighttime had to be fully dressed in fatigues and walk back and forth in that cold Barrett then I have to wake up my other buddy to take over, Looking for anybody that might have been there in between January of 1970 to the summer. my brother from Hastings was there.3PLT C CO.1 BN2 BDE 11. Probably the same short, thin, white, young, recent Vn returnee. Fort Lewis Barracks. I believe he was already suffering from PTSD because of his short fuse. B-5-2, Anyone went to basic nov 1969 B-5-2-5th platoon, Was there nov 67/ mar 68. 13th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion BLDG 12228 . We were all constantly wet! Oct 71 to Dec 71 C-3-2 2nd Plt Sgt Folmer DI We had to take turns standing night watch to keep the coal furnace going. My email address is Thanks in advance, Jamie 385-222-6588. I was still only 17 so I wasnt sent to Vietnam. Weren't you the one that ended up at NAMPHIB doing a 3 month hitch to Laos with Winkler and company. Stayed at ft Lewis for 2 yrs. So much fun. Basic at Lewis Nov 69-Jan70. It serves as a training and mobilization center for all services and is the only Army power projection base west of the Rocky . Basic D-5-1 He brought my grandmother to live near or on base not sure. November 2013 around 1967 - 1969 at Ft. Lewis. Barracks E-5-2 August 69 Drill Sgt Horn was the best. My draft nbr was 11. Had to sleep with the windows open. February 2014 Exit No. they sent 50 of us up there to go through boot camp and AIT. Im glad we did it when we did. My cycle was the first to use the buildings in 25 years. Any chance you knew him? Thanks for sharing your story, Lon. I was in basic from Dec of 69 - May of 70. Home of record: Southern Oregon.I need help with some questions regarding this time. I do remember the cold rain and snow. Couldn't toss them. June 2013 For some reason our actual training didn't start until a week later so for the first week we had KP and other crappy stuff most days..ugh. Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA 98433. (not it was a bad habit which I broke long ago but forced cessation the first day of basic wasn't the way to do it. You must have been in the 1st, 2nd or 4th platoon. The drill sgt called us Ridge Runners and asked if people in Tn wore shoes. I graduated in August 1968. Contact me at My dad passed away in 1989 and I've found this old picture but don't know much about his time at Ft. Lewis other than my mom's brief recollection. Forcade. We graduated basic in a snow storm in fatigues. The stone by the mess hall was painted over about the time we left. Was in D12, Sargent Mooney was our DI. I don't think his uniform was green so much in the end. My mistake didn't mean to do it. Tom Williams Pinto was our DI. Ssgt Tanksley. We were pushed to extremes of physical tolerance and had to carry our weaker "trainees" on forced marches for many miles in cold and rain. After basic went to 543 supply co and then to 63rd ordnance, What months? I was there at north fort from 1/15/68 to 3/18/68. Your post was Jan 2018 so maybe I hope by now you have found him. How could a 19 year old forget. Sgt. We had nick names, mine was "Chaplain". His grave states we was an SP4, not sure what that is. All these statistics were typical for military bases. Since our BTC was the first ALL Volunteer group to cycle through Ft Lewis, the Cadre did not meds with us at all day or night. 20/20 hindsight. My D.I was Sgt. Went through North Fort Lewis (JBLM) Oct 22, 2021. Anybody out there remember me or that Co.? Artillery training. June 69 to Sept 69 Infantry AIT. When World War I ended in 1918, the Nisqually people petitioned for their land to be returned to them, but the request was denied by the Secretary of War, Newton Baker.[4]. From Ft Lewis to GA to Virginia to helicopter training then 2 tours in Vietnam. My wife also claims see sa a Bigfoot as we drove thru the forest between Lake Crescent and Forks. Maree Mchugh It was bad during that time. Remember Ft. Lewis very well. Does anybody have anymore info for me? Shortest DI in the Army I think, perhaps 54 tall. I went to Ft Ord CA and ended up as an OJT paper pusher. Hotel Exterior; IHG Army Hotel Ft. Lewis-McChord - Mt Rainier from McChord Field . DRILL CPL DEUFECT. Tuesday . On July 28, 1970 and arrived at Ft. Lewis a day or two later. Early one more I woke unable to breathe so I began chain smoke the unfiltered cigarettes that were part of the c-rats. We had the meningitis restrictions also back in 1966 too. My father, SSG Robert Warren, was a drill instructor from 1966-1969 D co. 4/2 at North Fort. A-4-2. Ernest Hemingway We had to carry our foot lockers over our heads in the middle of the night cause someone couldn't keep his gear neat and uniform . I was in 2nd Platoon D-5-2. World War II, 1939-1949. That was September 71. D52 all the way. Poison oak is found in the training areas. But you know, he was really a decent guy (20 years later!). While at Lewis I develop a respiratory infection that August and spent two days at Madigan. Paul Ridley This site provides logistical support to military service members. Just wondering if this might have been you? 1st Air Cavalry Good luck to all the a-3 -1 alpha gators! 1968 C-1-1 Sargent Potter, E-5 and Sargent Davis E-6. Foreign passport with a current arrival-departure record or foreign passport with INS Form I-94/I- 94A bearing the same names as the passport and containing an endorsement of the aliens nonimmigrant status, if that status authorizes the alien to work for an employer B11 I think we were called the rats or something like that. Wilber (Wilber's Willing Warriors). The interesting thing was you were assigned a M-16 and five rounds in a clip. Also had a Sgt. Decypher Joint Base Lewis-McChord Regular, Full time. Browse 330 fort lewis washington stock photos and images available, or search for charles de gaulle airport or fort benning to find more great stock photos and pictures. The next group through spread them outI knowI was a holdover as my orders did not come through. I made him laugh once when I asked him how to stop my socks from falling down and bunching up at the toe. plt. Young and scared but willing to do what we were told. It was down hill from there. Fulmer was my DI C-3-2 2 nd platoon Oct - Dec 71 I was drafted in May of 1968 from Omaha, NE. DSN: 357-1110. Made Specialist 5 for Madigan Main Post Company B Ambulance section providing Med support to BCT and 11B 11C Training Companies. Also pictures of Drill Sergeants Forcade and Graves. Vicksburg, as well as photographs . It was the second time I had visited. I believe you might have graduated with my grandfather (Rush Tissnolthtos) who unfortunately just recently passed away. Hate to see them go, though; they were symbolic of a no-frills draft-era army where creature comforts for the troops were not a consideration. I watched as maybe 15 or 20 dudes dropped their stuff into the bag. Visit Our Website. 109 of us were processed through Houston AFFEES, flown to Seattle-Tac then on to Ft Lewis. I was there the same as you. I was in 2nd plt. Woke up with snow on our heads a couple of times. Guess you could use it as a club. Most of the troops were going to the war zone those days, where it was too hot in more ways than one. Bush Hat It was pretty slick. Cold and windy in Oklahoma. How i hated it then but enjoy thinking about it now! D company 4th BN 1st BDE (10 cycle) I remember the 20 mile force March, they don't work trainees as they did then. Helicopters were also used for "short haul" rescue operations, in which a ranger and litter were carried in a sling below the helicopter to the scene of the accident. Additional training space is available at the Yakima Training Center in eastern Washington, including maneuver areas and additional live fire ranges. Troy this is very sad, have you never found your bunk mate ?? FORWARD In his only appearance, he allowed that we "looked like a bunch of blind dogs in a meat factory". Library One funny story about my basic. I don't remember anyone in my unit. The whole platoon was from Chicago. One of my favorite things( not really) was marching down the tank trails and getting a simulated attack and diving into the muck. I'll never forget their faces. Foreign passport with a temporary I-551 stamp or temporary I-551 with printed notation on a machine readable immigrant visa Sherman was a DS when I was there at the same time. Drill sergeant Lamb??? . Tough SOB. I wish I remembered my drill sergeant's name, a Staff-Sergeant who was promoted when we graduated. I still have fatigues in a box in my garage which were washed and starched heavily at Ft Sam Houston in 1970; still stiff. Assisted Medics in various dispensaries wherever they assigned the Ambulance that day. Good man, we talked deer hunting and I made him a deer call with wood from a broom handle and black electrician's tape. Jones, Gietson, and Magee. "Aspirin, or bad rest, and then be recycled." The strategic location of the base provides Air Force units with the ability to conduct combat and humanitarian airlift with the C-17 Globemaster III. E-1-1 was in the hospital for about 3 weeks with pneumonia. Sept - Dec 1968. August of 66 for me too in the old wooden barracks on North Fort Lewis, but I didn't see coal furnaces until AIT at Fort Gordon, GA, I was there July 1966 (A-2-1 Rah) And the basic training reopening was so new that we had a 'stand in' DI (Sgt.Dennison) who insisted everyone quit smoking. 1970 February 9 to April 3 C42 anyone know me? I was in B-2-2 Jan 70 and we were told that we were the first all volunteer unit at that time.
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