A larger piston rod diameter should be chosen for extremely long strokes paired with high extension forces. The 90.8 Series is a compact-height alternative, saving 25 mm to 50 mm in height over the 90.10 Series. The goal is the same with either type of spring; to move or resist the movement of some object. You see the dimensions. Countless gas spring variants from existing components, individually according to customer requirements and within the shortest possible production times. 0000004602 00000 n If you have questions, be sure to contact us here for one-on-one, personal support. Customized linked nitrogen gas spring mounting systems are available as an alternative to manifold systems: Sectional Mounting System (SMS) and Sectional Mounting System Internal (SMS-i). NPL Mid-height gas springs that meet most of the ISO 11901 standard. View the conversion chart or let the experts at Special Springs assist with your project requirements. Choose from the following gas spring upgrades: Secondary Wiper, Rod Cover, or Plated Cylinder with Secondary Wiper; all can be used in conjunction with our stainless steel fittings and control panels for corrosion resistant linked operation. Most of our gas springs are made of steel, but you can also choose stainless steel. 0000022989 00000 n ZGYyODkzOTQwMWNiMzZkODMzZWVmNWNiZGY2Nzk5NDE5NjYzMGJiNWM4NjQ5 ]uu%b%3/:\'YG`+z/yG.7\S~>rI#}:t/PhBh;2MtC=x'G<9N&>u#tZ%^1KTxw Z\60u#S&&:3hoxqIxkWor_vb$Z=, Were not only about cars; we stock a wide range of hardware in our inventory of 6,000+ products. 0000559277 00000 n endstream endobj 264 0 obj <> endobj 265 0 obj <> endobj 266 0 obj <>stream After finding the right product, you choose the force and the amount. You can easily search by type or article number on our website by using the replacement tool. 0000560037 00000 n DADCOs patented Micro Nitrogen Gas springs are the ideal replacement for conventional coil springs. We will quickly provide you with our suggestion for a gas spring and suggest some mounting points for your testing. Please provide as much information as you can on the form to the right. 0000016837 00000 n 419-308-4990All credit card orders are to be placed onlineWe do not accept phone orders, Copyright 2023 Maxum HardwarePowered by osCommerce, MH-VIE-FR-R-S55X w/Sleeve Spring Loaded Latch, SPD Gas Springs Cross Reference (not made by SPD), Attwood Gas Springs Cross Reference (not made by Attwood), LaVanture Cross Reference (not made by LaVanture), 14107173 requests since Wednesday 28 February, 2018. ZDVjMTkxYzZmZDI0MzI0MjRhN2JhNmU0NmYyMzhlMzkzMjgxNzMxMGU4YWJj 0000283464 00000 n View Specifications, Off the Shelf Gas Springs -While AVM Industries is a Build To Order Manufacturer, we do offer a Standard Line of Gas Springs that we have Material more readily available and can be manufactured with a reduced lead time. Stabilus catalog for all of your gas springs Gasspringsshop.com is the number #1 in gas springs and mountings. These brands are among our favorites. NzQxOTNhZmU0ZDY2ZTZmMTEzMjY2Nzg4YzQ3ZDY4NzRlMmVkYTU5YWRmODVj Gas springs Steel Up to 200N, M3.5 thread Up to 450N, M5 thread Up to 800N, M8 thread Up to 1250N, M8 thread Up to 2500N, M10 thread Up to 5000N, M14 thread Stainless Steel - 304 Up to 450N, M5 thread Up to 800N, M8 thread Up to 1250N, M8 thread Up to 2500N, M10 thread Gas tension springs Up to 350N, M5 thread Up to 1200N, M8 thread Mounting parts Now that you know the extended length and force go to the categories below and determine the right Maxum part for your application. The parts were just as quality as OEM and work perfectly. With our wide variety, we can often find a gas spring in stock that matches the one you are looking for, or comes very close. For qualifying orders over $29 (not including shipping or tax), customers receive free shipping. SUSPA is a development and system partner for technically complex applications in . Gas springs in every size, force and implementation. We can also help with industrial replacement gas springs, including gas props, gas dampers, gas lifts, and lift struts. 0000361211 00000 n 190 0 obj<>stream The gas springs consist of a piston rod, a piston housing, seals and a valve. yxD^` !2\I 0000559051 00000 n Any way I was very pleased with the level of service and speed that I received from Mr. Lous Stuff. ZmNkODBhZmYxNzNkN2I2MWE1ZGIzNWE2YWFlYTRhYzQ0MjI1YTM4MjQwYzZm For over 15 years, weve built a database containing information about each and every part in our extensive inventory. When designing a pneumatic spring, the force F1 is the most important criterion in addition to the dimensions. 0000053938 00000 n Y2I4Yjg0MzBkMDQ2OTNmODc4M2JiZjhhNmRkYzlhMDQ2MTk3OTdlOTE5MzA0 We will briefly present the most important functions here. Custom charged gas springs cannot be returned. If you do not see what you are looking for, click HERE to submit your part number. We even carry the hard-to-find parts for most Ferrari, Jaguar, Lamborghini, Lotus, and Porsche models. Here is our ranking! ZGE1NjU5ZGY1MDcyM2Q2YzRhOWZiM2M5Nzc1YjQyYmMwNzg4YTdhNDE1YTJj NTJmNzBkZjUyYWMxNjUzNjAyM2ZjZTZkMmVmOTUwYzdiNWMxNmMwOTIwMjI0 %PDF-1.5 % Output force will increase as the temperature rises and decrease as it drops. If you ever have a problem finding the right part, contact us, and one of our team members will be delighted to assist you. The spring rate for a gas cylinder, as the illus-tration (below) shows, is far less than for any mechanical spring. Imprint| If the extension force is lower, then the piston rod retracts. Pi`"'6R-iwZjrV-YoR\*.dXqs$h+}a+c]AI30ZS>[U*[F[{Sx. The ratio of the diameter of the piston rod to the pipe determines the force progression of the spring characteristic. 0000060037 00000 n Order now and experience it yourself! 0. <]>> Shop Stabilus gas struts at Lift Supports Depot, a division of Mr. Lou's Stuff. The core of the SUSPA gas spring is the special sealing and guiding system. This series replaces the 90.10R RIC Series utilizing concepts from DADCOs ISO Series. trailer These Gas Springs are referred to as VMX. The spring force required is usually several times higher than the weight of the door. The flow cross-section in the damping system determines how quickly the extension occurs. NmNjODRlNTBlZjIwODVlY2UwZTJkMzQyZDBmMmQ5M2MwNzAwMTQ3MjI4ODc1 MDFmNDQyZjBjODg4OTg5ODg1NmQ4NjE5MDE5MDNmZjI1ZTZkMWVmOWRiYzYw 0000116372 00000 n This generates the extension force. The patented 90.10RX Series reduces overall impact force during operation. When installing the gas spring with piston rod facing down, the piston first moves through the gas-filled part (pneumatic area), then through the oil-filled part of the pressure pipe (hydraulic area). Gas springs, also known as gas shocks or gas struts, come in several sizes and forces. SRS Specialty slow return gas springs that reduce pad bounce and allows for repeatable stamping processes. Non-Locking Gas Springs | Stabilus GmbH A Gas Spring is an energy-storage device similar in function to mechanical coil springs. As the leader in our industry DADCOs expertise is demonstrated in our comprehensive range of nitrogen gas springs extending from 10 pounds to 22 tons. 0000283120 00000 n Using two gas springs delivers better performance, reliability and safety. 714.484.3000 x200 Fax: 714.484.3014 Attwood Gas Springs Cross Reference (not made by Attwood) These gas springs are not designed, manufactured, and/or supplied by Attwood. This dimension is measured from the center of one end fitting to the other. Thanks Lou !! M2E5MGEwOGI4YzhjZTQ4ZTIwMThjNjdiYzdiNWY0MTg1OTBiYzI4YzFhNjM1 However, it is up to the user to check the suitability for the respective application case. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov, Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Sitemap, Copyright 2023 Lift Supports Depot - All rights Reserved, Look for our EXPRESS SHIPPING ICON for items that qualify for, 13.64'' Stabilus 5B-763867 Lift Support | 5B-763867-W, 20.20'' Stabilus 4B-737350 Lift Support | 4B-737350-W, Stabilus 4B-739749 Lift Support | 4B-739749-W, 15.10'' Stabilus 5B-678079 Lift Support | 5B-678079-W, 10.00'' Stabilus 5B-5171KB Lift Support | 5B-5171KB-W, 10.82'' Lift Supports Depot SE108P76 Lift Support | SE108P76-W, 17.58'' Stabilus 4B-755514 Lift Support | 4B-755514-W, 17.74'' Stabilus 4B-963687 Lift Support | 4B-963687-W, 18.54'' Stabilus 4B-460093-942 Lift Support | 4B-460093-942-W, Stabilus 739749-740227 Lift Support | 739749-740227-W, 24.60'' Stabilus 3B-6512AJ Lift Support | 3B-6512AJ-W, 24.80'' Stabilus 3B-6371IO Lift Support | 3B-6371IO-W, Standard Eyelet End Fitting Lift Supports, 10mm Stainless Steel Ball Stud Mounting Hardware, 13mm Stainless Steel Ball Stud Mounting Hardware. Genesis Gas Spring - 18.504" Extended 121 lbs. SUSPA Inc. 3970 Roger B. Chaffee Memorial Dr Grand Rapids, MI 49548 Telephone: 616.241.4200 Fax: 616.531.3310sim(at)us.suspa.com, insertion and extension-damped gas spring, Definable spring characteristic and extension speed, Laboratory for metallurgy and corrosion tests. View Specifications, Paint Assist Gas Springs -AVM gas springs are an industry first in their ability to survive high temperature paint ovens used in the automotive industry. MDQ5OTFjZjcyYmQzMzhiY2NmZjkyOTExZjRmM2Q3MmUyZmNiMzQ4OTZlZTM0 We can help you find the right gas spring. ZWIwYzdjY2Q3ZjdmYmUwZTI0ZjE1NDU1MzllYTdmYmFiNmQxMDAxMzZiMDg3 gdflsK+,%KGb;$$$+bOI"6$$ed5q$3I$q'$x5">d6AH A standard G 1/8 port across the eight force models (0.4 ton to 7.4 ton) is provided for easily converting to linked operation. 0125N x 0.2248 = 28.1 Lbs In this case you should round up to 30 Lbs. It was easier to order from Mr. Lou than my attempt to find the matching part at Kragens. Using two gas springs delivers better performance, reliability and safety. xb``a`QA,=@MAk>1iBMi@2 Gas Spring Conversion Guide - Special Springs Please contact us without obligation. Force PART NUMBER: GSS 1143UB $38.12 Most other companies only offer a one-year warranty at most. %%EOF The Lip Seals used in our Gas Springs are ideal for general use and in particular, for high-frequency applications. Super Compact Series is ideal for applications that require high force and short stroke lengths. As a leading manufacturer of, 2018 - 2021 Special Springs // Privacy Policy and Sitemap. 0000156723 00000 n gas spring cross reference chart gas spring company colmar pa gas strut co colmar pa 2-199 Pieces $7.00 200-1999 Pieces $2.50 2000-19999 Pieces $1.70 >=20000 Pieces $1.20 Load Type: compression TORSION EXTENSION Gas Load Capacity: 90LB 100LB 44LB 40LB 50LB 7LB 55lb 85LB 22LB 20LB 10LB 25LB Wire gauge: 23 $ + 19 $ + 16 $ + All 7 Options Samples: Finally, I received the stuff within a week, nicely packaged. Unlike big box retailers, when you call our customer service team with any questions whatsoever, youll be speaking one-on-one with a real person who has real-world experience. Operate as self-contained or linked together using DADCOs exclusive MINILink system. MWI3MmUxMjkyNjE4MWM5OTBhYmJjNTlmZGYzZWI3NmUwMGZmMjhmM2FkODVm Y2IzMzk0NTE5Mzc2NzY2NWYzYWJkYTJhZDBkZTllY2E0ZGI0ZjE3Y2VmMzhk 0000330553 00000 n Provide physical stops to limit the spring's extremes. The extension speed is divided into two types of damping: With the standard gas spring, the extension speed is controlled via a pneumatic and hydraulic range. Privacy Policy| SUSPA gas springs offer comfort and safety in many applications. Suspa Stabilus Bansbach Faucher Normont Spring Lift Call 1-306-683-5000 or drop us a quick email. Gas Springs - Austin Hardware xref 0000284825 00000 n This series consists of seven force models (from 0.7 ton to 22 tons), can be operated self-contained or in a linked system and uses the same comprehensive assortment of attachable mounts, welded mounts and accessories as the 90.10 and 90.8 Series. 0000560088 00000 n 0000553148 00000 n Category. 0000556055 00000 n -----BEGIN REPORT----- High Temperature nitrogen gas spring models extend the maximum temperature range with high temperature components. These options are designed for applications where draw die compounds and other contaminants are present. Y2VlMDMxODU3OWFkZjZkZjZkMWE2YWJiNjc0YzQxMzQ1MzgwYzQzMzAyOGQw Get Free Shipping on All Orders $29+ at Lift Supports Depot, Example: F85-278-406A-11AAEnter Above: F85278406A11AA. Each SUSPA gas spring is manufactured with a specific quantity of oil, which serves both as a lubricant and damping medium. Cross Reference Guide; Lift Support Force Calculation; Questions? Gas springs consist of a pressure tube and a piston rod with a piston unit. NzAyYmM4MDQyMmU0N2UyOTdjYTcyNTRiMjIwOGM4NjZhNGE5YzJkNTEyMjdh 0000352506 00000 n 0000118058 00000 n Available in four force models (3 ton to 10 ton) this series utilizes a robust design and the same comprehensive assortment of attachable mounts, welded mounts and accessories as the 90.10 Series. Then you can continue to the shopping cart. 0000418449 00000 n "D`tA a1c!.DWqI{(l#=^{FIO3|}o#68Q-3"Re_fsyqp7:-ZgM7=} 5 +Jy-co0+VB!`4Y&si/*-03Yxg 0000005487 00000 n 0000284688 00000 n Estimate Value. The 90.60 force models (1.5 ton, 3 ton) are offered in metric stoke lengths while the 90.60N force models (0.5 ton, 0.75 ton) are offered in inch stroke lengths. 0000004406 00000 n The Best Selection of Lift Supports, Gas Struts, Springs & More At Lift Supports Depot, our goal is to make searching for and purchasing the lift supports, gas springs, gas struts, and accessories you need easy and affordable. YThkYTQ1ZTM5NzM0OGNiNTMyZGI3N2U5NDI1ZDU2MjcyZTg2NWE1YmIwZjc1 Another significant difference is the spring rate. These compact gas springs feature a radius bottom groove, metric mount patterns and G 1/8 port. A gas spring cross reference chart is very useful if you want to replace a gas spring. 0000000016 00000 n * Mount gas springs rod down. After 40 years in the retail auto parts business, we decided to open a family-run specialty automotive business focusing on lift supports. 263 0 obj <> endobj This document explains our policy regarding any information you might supply to us when you visit our website. Gas spring cross reference chart - Gasspringsshop.com High force and low profile, U Series springs are perfect for stampers limited by shut height. Create a linked nitrogen gas spring system utilizing the various types of fittings, hose, control panels and specialty components offered by DADCO. Contact Downloads SUSPA Inc. With seven force models (from 0.17 ton to 10 ton) this series provides the greatest stroke length variety available from DADCO. 0000155051 00000 n 0000549652 00000 n UT Series springs comply with the Toyota Standard (SMS DNH 3203n) and feature a radius bottom groove, metric mount pattern and come standard with a G 1/8 port. NmMzNTY5MzA4NjFlNmFkZDFkMDMzZWEzMzE3NWEzNGI3MzVmMDUwOTZmZGMz Global Rank. 0000034458 00000 n Gas Spring Cross Reference - Finding Your Gas Spring call 800-344-6437 for help Let us help you find a match! I purchased replacement gas shocks for the rear door of my camper shell. Mechanical coil springs store energy by straining the material composing the spring. More than 20000 gas spring cross reference chart at pleasant prices up to 23 USD Fast and free worldwide shipping! Search below for the exact Extended Length and Force you need. Our cross reference guide will be available soon. ? DADCOs widely accepted full-height 90.10 Series is based on the ISO standard. /7~uRA4e1ZwSlzE+QlXOq5L_5r*GD$U[rsY=+toXM_;0 v]s@jU]>37c|RIsg)y @Bywk"of;KR9{[>$o`akKIQIe_M3y/J .cId>R"h4 TP cVE%SQ]/,II]Wkj(-v4MNt:^Tp You can of course also check our FAQ first. Spring Operational Requirements Upload a sketch or technical drawing or photo This is critical to fully describe spring and door positions. 0000058764 00000 n Top SEO sites provided "Gas spring cross reference chart" keyword . 0000034391 00000 n KALLER - Gas Spring Database 0000158277 00000 n View Specifications, Gas Spring - Lip Seal - AVM Gas Springs are custom-engineered and manufactured beyond industry standards to provide smooth operation and durability. Our customer service representatives are knowledgeable and want to make sure you are satisfied. Gas Springs are not limited to just these uses, and in fact can be used in many applications where mechanical springs are applied. 'o "&*'~O aQH/9Q|`Vlv:*vNv'=:!nLt2`IR'OaS#(EUA3hGB.U PQ={W?l}^oy0X$b9[_V? OTAyYThiMWI5YWFiNDVhNTU0OGYyZDM3NDcyODdiZDNiMTNmYzY2MDY5MDMw 0000009417 00000 n 0000360299 00000 n NjdhMjM2YjE1MmQwYzlkZTRkYjQ4MjQ1MTBiOTcyOWE1MGZjY2I1OWE3ZDZk A gas spring, also known as a gas strut, is a type of spring that, unlike a typical mechanical spring that relies on elastic deformation, uses compressed gas contained within an enclosed cylinder sealed by a sliding piston to pneumatically store potential energy and withstand external force applied parallel to the direction of the piston shaft.. Common applications include automobiles (where . Search input switches are available for area is gas spring cross reference chart for next. Our 40+ years of industry experience allows us to meet our customers needs every time. Install new lift supports in the same My parts shipped the same day as I ordered them. Click the link to the right to access the Digital Version of our popular Fifth Edition Mini Book. What is a gas spring? That made it very easy. 0000028714 00000 n Linked operation of the SCS.4300 is easily achieved with the use of DADCOs new 90.50.4300 mount. Southampton, PA 18966 Gas Springs function by utilizing compressed nitrogen gas to provide the force to extend the shaft via a differential in surface area of the piston. View Specifications, Locking Gas Springs -AVM locking Gas Springs allow the user to lock the unit in any position during operation of the Gas Spring. 0000549486 00000 n Copyright 2023 DADCO. This solution offers a higher level of safety against the gas spring buckling. Gas strut cross reference chart - Gasspringsshop.com Featuring the UltraPak cartridge, this series utilizes the established U Series technology but is 4-14 mm taller. Frequent special offers and discounts up to 70% off for all products! The bore-sealed construction of this series offers the highest force per diameter model from DADCO. 0000240507 00000 n The gas spring is filled with non-toxic nitrogen under high pressure. View Specifications. The gas springs, also called gas pressure springs, gas dampers or gas pressure dampers, will solve your individual requirements for opening, closing, tilting and damping flaps, tables, seats or loungers thanks to our decades of experience. The gas spring as you need it! A Gas Spring stores energy by compressing the nitrogen gas within the Gas Spring. 0000047888 00000 n Standard gas spring shafts will extend from the tube at a steady speed with VMX we can vary the rate at which the shaft moves based on its position as it extends. We can cross-reference others' gas springs with our corresponding product line. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. We ship all orders to the contiguous 48 states quickly so that you get your orders fast. Need a replacement ? After selecting a gas strut you can choose two mounting parts on the left and the right. Your gas spring may have a specified force in Newtons. A Gas Spring is an energy-storage device similar in function to mechanical coil springs. Each SMS and SMS-i is constructed to individual customer specifications then tested and shipped leak-free, ready to install. Each gas spring also contains a specific amount of oil, which lubricates the seal, piston and piston rod. Contact them today to get started. Phone 616.241.4200 Likewise, as a Gas Spring is compressed, the gas chamber volume is reduced due to the intrusion of the shaft into the Gas Spring tube; thereby causing the gas pressure to rise, storing more energy. Whatever length, diameter, material and force you need: we sell it. 0000232944 00000 n For us, the focus is on the function of the entire application as well as the individual coordination of the kinematics and the spring characteristics in accordance with the requirements profile. Force PART NUMBER: GSS 1755UY $29.54 Genesis Gas Spring - 17.205" Extended 94 lbs. Your gas spring may have a specified force in Newtons. ZThiNzAzZDQ2MDlmZTFhOGIzMjQ5MmY1ZDNlZDZjOTQ0ZjIyYjEzMjk4MGQ2 Our customers have used these gas springs to replace gas springs supplied by SPD. Stabilus is a global leader when it comes to providing superior lift support solutions for the automotive industry, as well as universal applications. Both series can be operated self-contained or in a linked system and use the same comprehensive assortment of attachable mounts, welded mounts and accessories. 0000556275 00000 n 0000227906 00000 n ODYwMWY2YjFiOGM2ZjQyODU1YzczZWZiNDhkZmQyNzc1MDJhODI4MDM0NTRl ZmI5YTBkZjliZjFlN2MxMWVjZDNhZDgzNzdjMjE3OThlZjgyZTZjNzg2YzMy We can cross-reference others gas springs with our corresponding product line. In addition to automotive parts, we feature lift supports, parts, and accessories for lawn mowers, tool boxes, toy boxes, attic doors, concession stands, aircraft storage doors, tanning beds, and various industrial applications. Stabilus Home Rank in 1 month. the company that produced my flush mount tonneau has long since gone out of business.I had no way to keep then tonneau up at shows unless i propped it up with a cut down broom handle (looked bad) thanks to your extensive cross reference list I was not only able to get a replacement set of struts, but also able to step up 10 lbs each side to help hold it up in the Kansas wind at shows..I have attached a pic of the truck so you can see and will defiantly be back for any other struts I need. These compact-height nitrogen gas springs have a radius bottom groove, ISO standard mount pattern and feature a G 1/8 port. 0000285458 00000 n This store was about half the price, of the lowest I could find anywhere else! Y2ExY2Y1ZDRiMmQwYTQyZGI0NTM3MmY5OGQxOTQ0MTg0Y2ZlMGNmMzdlOGVh 74 0 obj <> endobj 0000282940 00000 n 0000005728 00000 n As can be seen from the graphic, the spring characteristic represents the force progression of the gas spring over the stroke, from the extended to the inserted state and back. NjQyMGExMDkxNjA2ZWJiNGJjNjI2M2JjZTMxMDg4ZTBmNDAzODQzNTA4M2Ey A gas spring cross reference chart is very useful if you want to replace a gas spring. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. SCR Series feature oversized piston rods in compact diameters providing the highest force, rod-sealed, gas springs available from DADCO. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Flat characteristic curves require a small piston rod diameter and a large pipe cross-section. The piston rod is braked by the oil. OTkxYzA2YzFiOWEwY2U1NDViMjFmODdmMWM2YjhlNWJmMWRmNzUyMjA0NzMz Available in two force models (1.5 ton, 3 ton), this series has the capability to be operated in either a self-contained system or a linked system and utilizes standard mounts. 0000005681 00000 n Determine the force required in pounds. 0000282759 00000 n (My Infiniti dealer didnt carry the somewhat generic part for a 1992 car.) 0000246205 00000 n The UX Series fits the standard full-height gas spring envelope with 25-55% more force-on-contact; resulting in reduced die construction costs with fewer cylinders. Gas springs, dampers and adjustment systems - SUSPA 0000115849 00000 n We stand behind the products and service we provide our customers. ZmNjNThjNDUwOTc5NmYxYWU0NDcwYjVjY2YxYzlkNzViNDlhNTkzYmIyNmY5 It is the responsibility of the customer to determine all required dimensions. Carbon Steel Gas Springs; Stainless Steel Gas Springs; Tension Gas Springs; Welded Eyelet Gas Springs; Brackets & Mounts; Gas Spring End Fittings; Available in two force models (0.3 ton, 0.5 ton) they feature a reduced force increase during travel and a decelerated force on the return travel. 74 117 -----END REPORT-----. The oil and gas within the cylinder moves from one side of the piston head to the other when compressed or extended, Engineered to comply with global industry specification standards, ournitrogen gas springsexceed all industry standards for quality, making them: View the conversion chart or let the experts at Special Springs assist with your project requirements. SPD Replacement Gas Springs - lucidgs 0000005585 00000 n Nitrogen Gas Springs - DADCO - English In addition to nitrogen, there is a defined amount of oil in the interior for lubrication and end position damping. This is achieved by depressing a control pin, inside the shaft, that actuates a valve inside the assembly. 0000034099 00000 n Thanks to the valve, we can adjust the pressure in the gas spring in such a way that the pressure of the gas spring matches the pressure of your application (for instance: the lid of a toy box or a hatch) or the gas spring that you want to replace. Featuring the UltraPak cartridge this series is available in five force models (1.0 ton to 10.7 ton). Determine the extended length of your gas spring. We are proud to offer a limited 5 year warranty on select lift support products. Njc1MjBmZWUyOTE1NDAwMDk5N2JiMWQwYjIwNzljMjQ4OWQ5Y2M3NjNmYTgz This is the length of the spring with no force applied. , Provide Guden with a some information on the form below. Mechanical coil springs store energy by straining the material composing the spring. All Rights Reserved. Click on the 360 degrees button to view the product in 3D. 0000559669 00000 n With products from the most trusted brands in the industry, including Stabilus (formerly known as Sachs), StrongArm, Suspa, and LSD, our online store is your first and last stop for all lift support parts. Special Springs Gas Spring Conversion DADCO NITROGEN GAS CYLINDER CROSS REFERENCE Kaller Nitrogen Gas Cylinder Cross Reference In the process, the spring characteristic value represents the force ratio F2/F1. hb```a``b`e` B@V Ipfq+b6>xVDd}TU]+'pDe)RrJx:y'Y 7^$a=raJw u,ix1'eBNIdIy 0000014017 00000 n We understand the importance of getting high-quality gas struts, and our confidence in our products lets us offer this warranty. We are happy to help you select the appropriate SUSPA gas spring and install it properly. 0000118478 00000 n NjBjZDkyZjVjNTRiZWY0Yjc5MDI5NDI2NzM1Y2Q5NGVkZmMyYTMwZDdiZjJi 0000158441 00000 n Our customers have used these gas springs to replace gas springs supplied by SPD. Gas Springs - Bansbach With our wide variety, we can often find a gas spring in stock that matches the online you are looking for, or comes very close. Carbon Steel Gas Springs Stainless Steel Gas Springs Tension Gas Springs Welded Eyelet Gas Springs Brackets & Mounts Gas Spring End Fittings View & Download our Catalog Customer Testimonials PH:306-683-5000 Toll Free (US & Canada):1-888-878-0837 Fax:1-306-683-6403 Email:info@lstechnologies.ca LST Gas Springs / Lift Supports
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