Your stuff is so fun and I am really enjoying it! Youre too unpleasant to have around. Just because they are cats, does not mean its OK to let them do whatever they want. How to mend a friendship when my friend thinks I'm in the wrong and I don't wish to apologize. I'm telling you now that if you say anything like that again, I will involve the law. Hi I have indoor cats and I have strays in the back 2 to be exact who where born in my yard and bother no one. So much so that you knew your cats were going to eventually get harmed from YOUR irresponsible behavior that it even made you move to a new residence. How Neighbours Can Legally Keep Your Cat Off Their Property Come closer and find out." Like I think if he had a gun he would have shot my cat yesterday. Some people who like and keep cats are irrational and if thats the case you cant reason with them and if you cant do that you cant find a sensible solution. I am an animal lover but at some point after numerous requests you find your own life being infringed upon in an unreasonable and excessive manner. Not to say that I don't think your neighbour is a raging bitch, because she clearly is. I do not understand the entitlement of some pet owners who think everyone should tolerate their dog or cat running loose or in the case of dogs yowling all night. "CRAZY neighbor tries to break in because I changed the wifi," the caption reads. If one of my neighbours told me they was putting down a deliberate poison because of my cat I would report it to the police and the RSPCA. If your neighbor has taken the time to ask you in the most nice non confrontational way possible assume they are probably at the seething point already as most of us are loath to say anything hoping the situation resolves itself. My neighbor threatened to kill my cats. : r/verdun - reddit Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. I'm sure he knows it's illegal to harm animals as is. If you're making "mistakes" in letting him out to roam more often than once a month, get your act together. Don't wait for a visit from animal control, for a court summons, or, worst of allfor frustrated neighbors to take the "law" into their own hands. Spot on Rose! A redirected attack occurs only if an agitated cat is approached or there's someone close by. All Rights Reserved. Is there any other diligence or precautions I need to take? Does a summoned creature play immediately after being summoned by a ready action? Surprise surprise it turned out that one of the sons who had got his girl friend pregnant, eventually bought our house at a knock down price after the women who bought it first, moved out too because of their bullying anti social ways. If not, you cannot claim they never went into their yards because you werent aware of it. Can Martian regolith be easily melted with microwaves? Can my neighbor kill my cats? | TheCatSite My 5 are all indoors now that the area has built up & theres lots of traffic it gets a bit crowded but its worth it to keep them safe. My evil neighbor says crap like they kill the native birds in her yard, doesn't want on her property etc. I wrote an apology card and handed it over after our brief conversation. Here's an article with some more information. Why should someone be able to choose to hurt or destroy an animal that isnt causing any harm? Clearly your cats were a threat to what they valued, and they tried to protect it by any means necessary after asking you to keep your cats on your own property was a total waste of their time. Can we talk about this?" 3 Types of Bad Neighbors (And How to Deal With Each One) - Rentberry Neighbors Dog Attacked My Cat? | TheCatSite Neighbour threatening my cat - advice please? - MoneySavingExpert Forum Many people accept it and like it. Overpayments in 2007=900, 2008=1200 2009=23400. An easy way for someone (say your neighbor) to harm your dog is by baiting them with poison. I would be calling the Police. What you are so hypocritically claiming, like so many cat-owners, is similar to those who worry about your cats being hit by cars and in the next breath claim you keep them indoors 100% of the time. rev2023.3.3.43278. Someone who is such a 'punk dude' they'd threaten a cat, is probably a punk dude in a lot of other ways. Resolving the Problem Directly with Your Neighbor The best option for addressing a constantly barking or dangerous dog, a loud rooster crowing at the break of dawn, or a cat repeatedly sneaking into your house, is to talk to the neighbor responsible for the offending animal in a non-confrontational manner. Dean3 Please come back, I love you. Just like you, because they hate cats they hate the people who love cats too. I just hate him and know one day he will have to answer to a greater power. Try to Be Diplomatic. And you end up with a hostile neighbor which is not good for long term health, welfare and ambience. I used to have an indoor/outdoor cat that belonged to my ex-wife and when she left, the cat left as well. Required fields are marked *, Click this to send email to Michael Broad, the site's owner and author. They had no cause to hate us or our cats, at the time we had 2 x 9 year old quiet neutered cats who never went from our own garden unless into the field beyond. If you approach your neighbor with fire in your eyes, he will go on the defensive. You have to exist with other people in a society, and respect of one's property goes a long way in that regard. My article is saying what I think you are saying that people should be responsible cat caretakers, yet you seem to be criticising me. I am pretty sure that the neighbor is justified in relaying the information to you in hopes that you take the proper measures to ensure the cat doesn't go on his/her property again. Your neighbor should not be cursing at you or threatening the life of your dog. Being not only worried sick about our own cats but the other cats in the neighbourhood too we felt we had no choice but to move house quickly. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Fine, whatever it's a little water I said as bit of a joke, "Sure he probably deserves it, he can be a pain in the ass." I allowed myself to rephrase your question to remove the "should I", off-topic part. My personal view on difficult, insensitive neighbours is to move home away from them. This summer we ended up having to eat a 500 dollar deductible on my car when some idiot was letting his dog run loose on the frontage road. There are some good products in America which can convert a yard into a cat enclosure. If it was me and he said the same thing, I would warn him that he will be reported. Evil Evil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woody hates cats and cat lovers so much he didnt even bother to wonder why we were so traumatised by those people and I think he is one of the very same ilk who bullies his way through life and tries to convince others that he is always right. Our ex-neighbours decided they objected to our cats(not the two we have now) even being in our own garden, mostly through spite against us,it began with us realising that our female cat had been shot in the head with an air rifle, thankfully it had lodged in the skin and didnt do any serious damage and Ruth was able to deal with it using her veterinary experience, we couldnt prove it was them and they pretended to be sympathetic and said someone had been seen with an air gun nearby(we lived near a large field and open spave beyond that) but we later found out it was one of the sons.Then there was a period of throwing chicken bones over the fence to tempt them to eat the dangerous bones and setting their huge dog to bark at them whenever they were in their own garden, they finally put up a bird feeder above the party fence and fixed barbed wire to the fence so that if a cat jumped on the fence he/she would be injured.It got so bad at the end that whenever the cats were out day or night we had to have the patio door open and stand outside to make sure they were safe. I don't want to talk to him in person because honestly he seems a bit unbalanced. Here are some things you can try (and others you should not try) to make things more peaceful. There is now an abundance of upper space. You comment is incomprehensible (that word means your comment is gobbledegook in case you were wondering). One of them gave birth else where and brought the kittens to us now after 2 months now they are playing among themselves in my neighbors yard in which they dont mind as they are not hurting anything and the jerk next door to them starts spitting at them and mind you in the past this guy even though I have no proof but know in my heart it was them poisened serveral kittens on me he is just a hater!!!! What to do with threatening neighbors displaying mental illness? I just read this whole thing from start to finish, comments and all. Thanks for contributing an answer to Interpersonal Skills Stack Exchange! Sounds like a nice man. Be sure to see our information about community relations. How to apologize and make sure he doesn't hurt my pets? Depending on how and where the incident took place, the owner of the cat may be able to seek legal action against you. Apparently he has a nest of birds under the deck and the cat was stalking the babies. Those people probably knew the thing to drive us out was to target our cats. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. What Can I Do if My Neighbor's Animals are Creating a Problem? We lost a lot of money on our house having to almost give it away to be rid of it, we still heard from time to time the misery those people were inflicting on their neighbours. This info does not constitute financial advice, always do your own research on top to ensure it's right for your specific circumstances and remember we focus on rates not service. Idk, it works on some cats but not all. How do we make it right? Yes our cats safety was our priority and thats why we researched this house and neighbourhood here and found it a safe live and let live cat friendly place. Press J to jump to the feed. Dissasemble the cartrages and thow away the pellets. Intentionally injuring or killing a cat is a criminal offense. I think he would have a difficult time proving the suit, and if he had damages to show, I don't know exactly how far he could stretch a Small Claims suit. Harming animals with a sense of elation is a huge red flag personality indicator. "I live here! "Life is difficult. I also don't want him throwing poison around and killing my dog. My downstairs neighbor threatened to kill my cat multiple times this morning for allegedly attacking her little dog. I would recommend that you invest in a security camera system. Another neighbor was put on notice. I asked him to cite which laws he thought i was violating, and the best he said was, "Well on NextDoor they said " Am I really facing legal liability for animal abuse for a cat that gets out? The public is generally not legally allowed to kill someone else's dog in retaliation for past attacks, unless there is a legal exception in the law. First let me say i am not a cat person but i dont hate them. Today more than 800,000 people look to Alley Cat Allies for leadership on saving cats lives, developing communities that safeguard cats, and helping shelters embrace feline-friendly policies. Find more information on working with law enforcement to protect cats. Lawsuits are now being settled by the use of cheap and easily set up recording devices. Legalities aside, this neighbor has given you fair warning that he may harm your cat. This is not likely going to amount to a legal matter until it's all escalated much too far, and your cat is at the most serious risk if things do escalate further. Poisoning a dog is considered animal abuse in all 50 states and can be punishable by up to one or seven years in jail. Report him to the police. We have 2 ginger cats and they often interact with outdoor cats. Is it impossible to build a fence around your yard to keep the cat out? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. By Jerry Davich. The day we moved they took down the barbed wire! If the person making threats is volatile, do not confront him or her. For example, a person who threatens their neighbor while waving a gun may be charged with aggravated assault. Ultimately, your cat's safety comes first. Hi, my name is AUGGIE and I am estimated to be 9 months old. The answer was yes you watch m. First, don't worry too much (yet). . One extreme option is to sue in nuisance but that may not work and it will cause more hostilities. Should i be worried? Is there a single-word adjective for "having exceptionally strong moral principles"? Those who permit their animals to roam the neighborhood, defecate on others' property, or bark all day put their animals at risk of being harmed. If youd like to join in, please sign in or register. This is because the cat is considered a chattel or a possession, no different to any other item possessed by a person. Your email address will not be published. Report this nasty bully before its too late. Youll just have to prove it and that might be tricky. My dog and I offended a new neighbor. Shooting a pet isn't considered a crime, at least not as far as I'm aware. Apparently he has managed to scale a 6ft fence and go into the neighbours yard, because I had a fairly unpleasant encounter with my neighbour today. Scooping him up, I took him inside. Her husband threatened to report me for animal abuse. It won't just be cats effected but birds and foxes and badgers. 2023 Alley Cat Allies. If someone threatens the cats you care for, you should take it very seriously. and our Intentionally injuring or killing a cat is a criminal offense. Her response was something like, "The humane society, and you'll never see him again." It has been escalating over the course of a year and she finally "jokingly" threatened to kill my cat. Even if they will never come around, you are better off knowing exactly what the neighbor's problem is.. Basically, a verbal threat becomes a crime when: The speaker threatens to harm or kill the listener or the listener's family; The speaker's threat is specific and unambiguous; The listener has reasonable belief and fear that the speaker will carry their threat out; and. Fill one cartrage with the. I don't think the humane society will put down a cat if asked to by a non-owner, but your neighbor could lie. I would absolutely call the police about the threat, and they will have a little talk with the neighbors about the laws regarding pets. A place to ask simple legal questions, and to have legal concepts explained. Goodbye you mean minded lonely freak. How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? I was never going to send it. He so Loving & Sweet he helps Read more . This sounds like your neighbor. Its those neighbours had ZERO respect for US and obviously of the same ilk as you Woody, desperate to convince everyone that cats and cats lovers are the scum of the earth. Gather evidence. So neighbor as a potential cause has to be in there, along with cancer, organ failure, bacterial infection, mycotic swamp cancer and mites and viruses and all of the many things that can make a body ill. You wont stop your cats, so you force others to do it for you. tl;dr Neighbor is upset that my cat goes outside. 2023 Hearst UK is the trading name of the National Magazine Company Ltd, 30 Panton Street, Leicester Square, London, SW1Y 4AJ. If someone is threatening cats: Notify the police. Linear Algebra - Linear transformation question. Addressing Violent Threats Against Cats | Alley Cat Allies They might have a cat of their own that feels intimidated by other cats in the area. What he saw, however, was somehow . Thinking back to that time still makes both of us feel really stressed, it was a nightmare. A criminal threat occurs when someone threatens to kill or physically harm someone else. So then why do people think just because they are cats, it is OK for them to go wherever, pooping, killing birds, getting sick, getting lost or run-over, having fights or whatever? Still others chose to poison pets for the heck of. They take him to the pound or shelter where his lifespan might be only a matter minutes. Interpersonal Skills Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people looking to improve their interpersonal communication skills. Fine with other animals, including cats and farm llamas. I took a few calls for my job and came back out to her and her husband doing their bird watching thing. Therefore in the USA you should call the police if you want to deal with the matter in that way. Photo of angry man by Jan Tik (great photo, well done). In many neighbourhoods people wont mind a wandering cat. This sounds like the best idea, and keep the cat indoors. When we accidently went from a modest 2 cats to 4 We realized we couldnt make the house bigger but we could add space by going vertical for our cats. Please don.t let him get away with this. @Zeus, I needed the card for two reasons: (1) If he wasn't home, I wasn't going to loiter and wait for him to come back, the card was going to serve as a message vessel, (2) because I find card apologies to be more thought through and polite. My ex was mean to her a few times, and so her and I would basically riff on my ex. I saw my cat pop up (from what I thought was behind the shed) and heard my neighbour mutter through the fence "I'm gonna kill that cat, stay out of my yard". My Neighbor Threatened to Kill My Cat? Are there dog haters like Woody cat hater, who hate all dogs and their owners too I wonder? So far she's kept out of it. Simply astounding. No one wants to do anything constructive and everybody loses in the end. There are some evil poeople out there. I also leash him now when he goes out for the most part. If a dispute is just that, try to stay out of it as much as you can. And why does no one complain about dog owners who let their dogs roam? Yes they were an anti social family of parents and 4 teenage sons and a huge noisy dog in a two up two down terraced house. Werent you? I am struggling with this very thing as we speak. Just to clarify to that idiot incase he comes back under another name, the bird feeder was placed on a pole exactly between our 2 gardens specifically to entice cats to climb it and cut themselves on the barbed wire HALF of which was wound round OUR side of the pole. Our cats do no harm just go out for a wander and then come back to their own home. Right? Animal cruelty. Make sure the video quality is HD. An Australian family is on high alert after an anonymous neighbor threatened to poison their dogs with chocolate. He does still bum rush the door and I can't do much about that other than let him tire himself out and come back in. Yes, she will shoot your cat if she has a gun and believes that she can. Don't mention that you know that he was angry, or that you were shocked. also wants to mention that he shouldn't kill my cat if he sees it again. Not only is she threatening to kill your cat, she is probably ignoring her own dog (it isn't natural for a dog to bark incessantly.) The Tears Flowed on Reunion of Cat Rescued from California Mudslide and Owner, There are some good products in America which can convert a yard into a cat enclosure. Using Kolmogorov complexity to measure difficulty of problems? Maybe a fence would deter him? Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant?
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