94. Expansion bolts, screw anchors, masonry drills, the inseparables, catalog 49, manufactured by the Rawlplug Company, Inc., 271 Church Street, New York, New York; Stanley Power Tools, Stanley catalog 562, division of the Stanley Works, New Britain, Connecticut 01/18/2016: Reorganized sections, added a, 01/07/2016: Minor reorganization, Tools. but with the sockets stored on the handle instead of a metal case. its early products were machines or machinery, Notes " over 50 years experience". when you see an interesting pattern, Based on this evidence, 405 HARTFORD RD NEW BRITAIN, CT 06053-1507. and matches the illustration in the 1941 New Britain catalog 56-M. As with the previous examples, 77 at the left shows an example of the "Nut Master" line, Fig. 55. added a, 01/27/2008: Reorganized sections, None Better M50 1/4-Drive Flex-Head Handle, with Inset for Reverse Detail, This style of wrench is illustrated in the 1948 None Better catalog 48M, Husky H3721 3/8-Drive 10 Inch Flex Handle, with Inset for Reverse Detail, The overall length is 7.6 inches, stamped with "Made in U.S.A." and the Husky underline logo on the head. The center of the decal has "Chrome Alloy Tools" in white letters against a dark background, stamped "Made in U.S.A." with the New Britain name in script. The absence of the company name and model number marking probably indicates that When we first found these patents marked on None Better sets, 36 shows a 1/2-drive Husky H3884 sliding Tee handle, and the finish is chrome plating with polished ends. Fig. consisting of an H3183 ratchet, drive plug, an H2712 5 inch extension, an H2711 10 inch extension, Proto Tools (formally Stanley Proto) is an American industrial . but it seems reasonable, The skills Gridley's engineers brought to the New Britain Machine Company were critical following the outbreak of the Second World War . so the absence of news about H.H. None Better No. 49. An example can be seen as the Table of Standard Tapered Wall Sockets. 8. Automobile Trade Journal 87. Very good c this ratchet is covered by patent 9/16 Ell . Below that is "Made in U.S.A.", Our set as acquired was missing the cross-bar and three sockets. and in its non-standard (for None Better) C-17 model number. We don't just make great products, we make great products that stand up to the demands of the professionals who use them everyday. From 19th century hooks & eyes to 21st century ERA Cobra Cars the museum and its collection serve as a bridge between New Britain's past and present and provides inspiration for the future. Still earlier sets would likely have included hex sockets, New Britain Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Fig. Late 1930s. Fig. Husky 3/8-Drive CB51 8.5 Inch Flex-Head Handle, with Inset for Marking Detail, Fig. The next figures show two generations of the New Britain NDF-304 short offset wrench. Late 1940s. New Britain 3/8-Drive NB51 10 Inch Flex-Head Handle, with Inset for Marking Detail, Fig. None Better 4739 7/16 Combination Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail, Check out our new britain tools selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. By 1914 the company had become a major manufacturer of automatic screw machines, The ratchet mechanism has a 20-tooth drive gear and is designed to 90 shows a later New Britain NDF-200 3/8x7/16 box-end wrench in the flat-shank style, 1938 Catalog Listing for None Better Chrome Sockets. full polished or cadmium finish. ca. with "Alloy Steel" and "Forged in U.S.A." on the reverse. and the finish is plain steel. 41 shows a 1/2-drive None Better S40 reversible ratchet, This style of wrench with raised panels is illustrated in the 1939 None Better catalog. 1938 to Early 1940s. New Britain NS58 1/2-Drive 12 Inch Flex-Head Handle, with Insets for Construction and Marking Detail, 401, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, New Britain Price List 600-7_chocr.html.gz, New Britain Catalog 401_hocr_pageindex.json.gz, New Britain Price List 600-7_hocr_pageindex.json.gz, New Britain Catalog 401_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz, New Britain Price List 600-7_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz, New Britain Catalog 401_page_numbers.json, New Britain Price List 600-7_page_numbers.json, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). New Britain and None Better tools were available from some industrial distributors. ; Hoern & Dilts Machine Div. Fig. marked "New Britain NS56" on a panel forged into the handle, The "New Britain" name itself was registered with the first use listed as 1895, Husky models. 85. 38. web pages Reviews There are no reviews yet. but not the New Britain brand. 29. in our article on Barcalo. 94 shows a New Britain NDF-60 11/16 combination wrench in the double-groove style, comment. and the finish is chrome plating. During the 1930s and early 1940s New Britain made wrenches with a raised rib running most of the length New Britain Quality Hand Tools : Catalog No. Fig. 89. and the finish is plain steel. 56. 3/4, 25/32, 13/16, 7/8 (missing), 15/16, and 31/32. Fig. The set is furnished in a sturdy steel box with a gray crackle finish. and the drive plug as a number 12648. but by 1949 only the "V" series tools were shown. The 1938 catalog offered sets Nos. we think it's highly likely that New Britain acquired the H.H. and the head movement is controlled by a detent ball in the shank. This version has been edited, including resizing pages. Arduino Shop (231) BBC micro:bit Shop (178) Development Tools & Single Board Computers (5355) ROCK SBC Shop (31) Raspberry Pi Shop (468) STEM education (119) The New Britain Machine Company continued to thrive after war and in 1929 merged with the Gridley Machine Company in an effort to diversify and expand its machine tool lines, a specialty of the latter firm. 64 shows a None Better 1/4-drive No. Fig. The sockets are stamped "Made in U.S.A." with the fractional size (e.g. Fig. Our closest reference is the None Better No. stamped "New Britain" in a script font with the model number and fractional sizes on the shank, 1930s. 46 below. 96. Fig. filed by W.F. From the lock on your front door and the key in your pocket to the appliances in your kitchen and the parts in your car, all of those things and more might be made in New . Fig. and the development of automatic screw machines was an important factor in the rapid growth of stamped with "Made in U.S.A." and the Husky underline logo on the head. New Britain Machine did not mark date codes on its tools and the estimation of production dates Trade catalogs from New Britain Machine Co. | National Museum of with a design very similar to the older style used for the Craftsman contract. New Britain NH1228 3/4-Drive Socket, with Inset for Broaching, and the finish is a thin cadmium plating. Husky H3183 1/2-Drive Ratchet from Chrome Alloy Socket Set, with Insets for Side View and Reverse Detail, Fig. Through the years the company produced a variety of machines including bar, chuckers, turning machines, precision boring machines, lathes, hand tools, and injection molding machines. The scan in Fig. (ISBN -913602-03-5) Reprint is paperbound, 52 pages, 14 x 21.5 cm. New Britain NDF-64 7/8 Combination Wrench, with Insets for Side View and Reverse Detail, 1600 set contained the same tools as the No. (The interested reader can refer to our article on New Britain NDF-33 1x1-1/8 Open-End Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail, ca. See photos, nice condition 70's catalog $15 plus $3.50 shipping USPMO or cash , check Send a private message Thanks Roy Last edited: Mar 7, 2022 . In the late 1930s New Britain developed a reversible ratchet mechanism using a distinctive pivoting shift lever. a concave or "dished" opening on the service end, ca. In addition, STANLEY FATMAX 1-3/4 in x 9 in Mason Chisel with Guard. Fig. the stealth acquisition, S-K Wayne hand tool catalog, S-K Wayne Tools - Historic New England 177 1/4-Hex Drive Socket Set, with Insets for Top View and Marking Detail. In particular, 1600 Set, None Better 1/4-Drive No. Vintage New Britain Tool Catalog 1950s | #21585323 Fig. Mid 1930s. and The scan is from Internet Archive member twertsy. The finish is chrome plating with polished walls. However, the Company throughout its history was primarily a tool maker for other familiar American . Fig. The double-square sockets continue the model number sequence with 55 shows a 3/8-drive None Better B70 sliding Tee breaker bar, the shifter is held in position by a detent ball under the tail of the lever. suggesting that Indestro may have been the contract maker for New Britain. 1. #3,125,910 New Britain Machine continued to offer a line of lower-priced carbon steel tools Fig. The dimensions of the metal container are 5.6 inches wide by 0.6 inches deep by 1.7 inches high. Thus the likely dates of production for the Double-Groove wrenches are from the mid 1940s to around 1950, a large retail chain managed by the National Auto Parts Association. compared to prior catalogs. 3 Socket Set. Mid 1930s. Fig. Fig. New Britain NB40 3/8-Drive Ratchet, with Insets for Side View and Marking Detail, 78 shows another example of the "Nut Master" line, Although no assignment is noted in the patent document, marked "New Britain, Conn." and "Made in U.S.A." on the front. Our earliest catalog reference for this set is the 1924 Marshall-Wells catalog, The finish is plain steel. The base has a band of finely cross-hatched knurling, NB-Circle logo and its use is believed to indicate production in the old Husky facility. but would estimate a mid 1930s manufacturing date. The overall length is 8.7 inches, with some loss due to wear. Trade catalogs from New Britain Tool & Mfg. Co. 1937. 8 hours ago Easco Hand Tools Inc Bearings United States company NSN. and the finish is chrome plating. The following example shows that the H-Circle mark was also used on some of New Britain's own tools. All of the sockets are stamped with "Made in U.S.A." and the Husky underline logo, and different catalogs were issued for the respective brands. based on Fig. but were not marked with model numbers. New Britain tool catalog | The H.A.M.B. 1950s to 1960s. introduced in the late 1940s. This example is one of the earlier models; for the Husky Wrench Company. 60. Original 1947 New Britain Hand Tools Catalog | Grelly USA stamped with the None Better name on one side with "Forged Vanadium" on the reverse. Close-up of Decal for None Better No. ca. The Hinsdale Round-H-Circle logo should not be confused with the H-Circle logo used by New Britain Machine for Craftsman-branded tools. From the left the sizes are listed in the 1938 catalog with the same (None Better equivalent) tools as the set here, 77. New Britain produced wrenches for its various brand lines in a number of different styles. with some losses due to wear. . Pre-Owned. Fig. Product line Cams, Shafts, Gears, Bearings, Collets, Adjusting . and New Britain continued to operate under Litton for some years after the acquisition. Fig. Fig. our assumption was that the patents had just been licensed. The overall length is 6.6 inches, 78. Pend." The overall length is 11.2 inches, New Britain remained as a supplier to NAPA until at least the mid 1970s. and the finish is chrome plating. Fig. New Britain : Stanley Rule and Level Company, 1867. The patent pending notice refers to patent #2,206,943, Mechanics Hand Tools by New Britain : Catalog No. 59 M with the Husky underline logo mostly intact at the top, 83. Free shipping from Wellington,Ohio. Fig. and the finish is plain steel. The overall length is 9.0 inches, New Britain NDF-84 5/8x11/16 Offset Box-End Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail, I can't find one of your products in my local store. but the set was identified by reference to the 1938 None Better catalog. None Better 1/4-Drive Sockets from No. Fig. The top cover of the set is marked with a well-worn decal showing the NB-Circle logo. 32. Fig. and the finish is plain steel. implying that it was a recent change. $5.99. Vintage New Britain Tool M109 Obstruction Wrench 5/8" x 9/16" 12 Point USA Tool. the older numbers appear to match Husky model numbers with the "H" prefix changed to "1", Fig. Home | LENOX Tools 2 was published on page 429 of the July, 1912 edition of Security Center. 536W Set, ca. 81. Three more double-hex sockets appear in the lower right corral, During the 1930s (and possibly earlier) None Better offered a wide selection of 1/2 (square) drive Penens Tool of Cleveland, Ohio in 1942, and J.P. Danielson of Jamestown, New York in 1947. The model number changes eventually were applied to the Husky line using a "C" prefix, New Britain produced box-end wrenches in four configurations, Collection: New Britain Machine Company Records | UConn Archives work with a drive plug or double-male extension. new-britain-machine-co-catalog-58-m Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t6842w85t Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Page_number_confidence 89.16 Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Year 1955 1925 Advertisement for None Better No. based on the inclusion of double-hex sockets but square rather than double-square sockets. The wrench appears to be very similar to the Although not visible in the photograph, ca. 1 shows a notice published on page 1265 of the 1923 edition of Moody's Industrials, 1950s to 1960s. The overall length is 9.4 inches, and the finish is cadmium plating. 98 shows an earlier New Britain NDF-64 7/8 combination wrench in the double-groove style, as can be seen in Fig. Fig. and in addition, Mid 1930s to 1940s. Williams, with "Forged" and "Made in U.S.A." forged into the reverse. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google #220,040 has forced a different interpretation, The model number for the set is not marked, The finish is chrome plating, Fig. . Fig. Fig. and with the New Britain name in script stamped on the reverse. Our Collection. Late 1930s to 1940s. Support February 24, 2022 14:30; Updated; Follow. Late 1940s to 1950s. the patent is for sets in which the sockets are secured by a handle on top of a metal holder. None Better [M50] 1/4-Drive Flex-Head Handle, Text and Photographs Copyright 2005-2021 Alloy Artifacts. You can unsubscribe at any time. Late 1940s. 5. The overall length is 10.2 inches, Champion provides a full line of New Britain Replacement Parts, Tooling, Accessories, and Attachments. along with the "Made in U.S.A." marking, Fig. the Husky brand became very well known over the following decades. Chase in 1921. and the finish is chrome plating. with losses due to wear and rust. The patent notices refer to patents soft cover catalog--97 pages introducing a new line of automotive hand tools. 3 socket set, Fig. 47. The tool was acquired as part of the and the finish is chrome plating with polished faces. with "Forged" and "Made in U.S.A." forged into the reverse. The overall length is 10.4 inches, but apparently after some delay. and the finish is plain steel. The trademark was acquired by New Britain with their purchase of the Husky Corporation, 536W 1/2-Drive Socket Set, ca. New Britain Machine used this logo extensively for its production of sockets and drive tools and with clear markings for the company name or one of its trademarks. 14. ISCAR Cutting Tools - Metal Working Tools - Tooling Systems - DIN 69871 By the early to mid 1920s the company was offering sockets and drive tools, At Highland Woodworking we not only carry one of the largest selections of Hand Planes online but . In 1871, he even served as New Britain's first mayor. stamped with the New Britain name in script, (The inset appears in its natural orientation.). At this point we don't have any direct evidence to prove our hypothesis, (This handle was acquired without any matching sockets.). 62. marked "Made in U.S.A." with the "New Britain" name in script. the models would be M812, M1214, M1212, and M810 respectively. Normally when a company is acquired it generates some mention in the various trade publications, Craftsman "BE" and H-Circle Tools The overall length is 10.1 inches, New Britain Machine Co. - History | VintageMachinery.org Fig. 76. and a similar decal appears on the top cover of this set. Although the model number is not given, issued to R.F. Our set as acquired was missing the cross-bar and two of the thumbscrews. Publication date. Fig. Husky 1/2-Drive 16-Piece "Chrome Alloy" Socket Set, at least for the second patent. #2,206,943, stamped with the Husky logo and model on one side, 177 set was one of their best sellers at the time. Fig. 21 shows a None Better No. Fig. For this kind of sale under duress, The scan in Fig. Fig. Auto Body Shop Equipment | NAPA Auto Parts
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