Nini Johana suga David, alias 'La Negra', ha llegado a un acuerdo con la Justicia de Estados Unidos y ha aceptado los diferentes cargos por narcotrfico, comprometindose a colaborar en . The arrest of Urab regional leader Eduardo Ortiz Tuberquia, alias "El Indio," in May 2017 and the deaths of second-in-command, Roberto Vargas Gutirrez, alias "Gaviln," in September 2017 and military boss Luis Orlando Padierma, alias "Inglaterra," in November 2017 gave overall leader Dario Antonio suga David, alias "Otoniel", tenuous authority over the Gulf Clan, with regional leaders gaining more direct authority over their territories. y esto acord. En Colombia La Negra tambin es vinculada con el lavado de activos del Clan del Golfo. Firmamos la Resolucin que autoriza la extradicin de Nini Johana suga David, hermana de alias Otoniel, para que responda ante la justicia de EE. Cuando quieras, cambia los temas que elegiste. El Dorado Cr. Da Mundial de la Obesidad: qu riesgos para la salud tiene esta enfermedad? [16] However, the Clan del Golfo has also been distracted by a direct conflict with FARC dissidents. Colombia: 'La Negra', hermana del narcotraficante alias 'Otoniel', fue Cunto costara la remodelacin y el acabado de una Vivienda VIS? Colombia extradita a EEUU a 'la Negra', hermana de 'Otoniel' [55], On June 23, 2020, the Colombian National Police revealed in a national radio broadcast that shortly before the arrest of Tllez, a former member of the rival Los Rastrojos criminal group Marlon Gregorio Celis Caballero, alias 'Loquillo' or 'Felipe', was named "as the new leader of the Gulf Clan. 'La Negra' es hermada de Dairo Antonio suga David, 'Otoniel', quien fue el jefe mximo del 'Clan', la estructura ms grande del pas dedicada al narcotrfico. 9. Un total de 22 familiares de 'Otoniel' han sido capturados, extraditados o neutralizados. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. In October 2017, it published a pamphlet entitled "Pistol Plan against the Patriotic Union" in which it threatened members of this political party or NGOs with death. The Antiques Fair, the oldest one in Italy, draws huge crowds, sometimes up to 30,000 visitors, both locals and tourists alike, all looking for unique items. Nuestra Poltica de Tratamiento de Datos Personales ha cambiado. By 2004, the fierce war between the ACC and the Centauros had left an estimated 3,000 people dead. Drug trafficking and the war on drugs are major contributors to Colombia's armed conflict, according to a report this week from the country's truth commission, which was established as part of a 2016 peace deal with the now demobilized FARC guerrillas. The group's power base is currently in the Antioquia, Sucre and Crdoba departments, with a presence in various other departments and regions in the country including major cities such as Medelln and Bogot. MADRID, 17 Feb. (EUROPA PRESS) - Nini Johana suga, alias 'La Negra', ha sido puesta bajo libertad condicional en Estados Unidos y ser deportada a Colombia, despus de que en diciembre de 2022. Est acusada, entre otras cosas, de haber lavado dinero obtenido por el grupo narcoparamilitar del Clan del Golfo, una de los mayor grupos armados ilegales del . [8] Their main source of income is cocaine trafficking as they appear to be the largest distributors of cocaine in all of Colombia. Alias La Negra was responsible for giving a veneer of legality via the laundering of assets to the money derived from this criminal gangs drug trafficking, the statement added. Colombian National Police/Handout via REUTERS. *Este no es un correo electrnico vlido. However, Meza, who served as third-in-command, was during a shootout with police on March 28, 2018. Sign up to receive the latest updates from U.S News & World Report and our trusted partners and sponsors. Entre los acuerdos a los que lleg la integrante de la familia suga se encuentran al menos 10 aos de prisin en una crcel de los Estados Unidos, un par de aos en libertad condicional y una multa, an no establecida, pero que puede ascender a varios millones de dlares. Her brother, accused head of the Clan del Golfo, was extradited to face drug trafficking charges in the United States in early May. Blink-182: por qu no vienen a Colombia y quin los reemplazar? View the profiles of people named Nini Johana Usuga. [39] He is a brother of Otenial and was reported to have taken over the cartel's financial operations following the arrest of their sister Nini Johana in December 2013. El Consejo de Estado suspendi provisionalmente mediante una medida cautelar, el decreto 0227, con el cual el presidente Gustavo Petro asumi facultades regulatorias en materia de precios de los servicios pblicos. elgelos! Una seccin exclusiva donde podrs seguir tus temas. Colombian police accuse Nini Johana Usaga, 39, of being responsible for laundering drug money for the Clan del Golfo and handling international relations with cartels in other countries like. The authorities explained that the body was found near Dabeiba in the northern region and . En diciembre pasado recobr la libertad. [29], The Gulf Clan rely on at least 1,200 members in their top level of command. In less than six years, Otoniel has seen at least 16 relatives captured, usually in joint police and military operations. Nini suga acept cargos por narcotrfico en Estados Unidos Este jueves, se conoci que Nini Johana suga, alias la negra, hermana de narcotraficante Dairo Antonio suga, alias Otoniel, recibi el beneficio de libertad condicional por orden de un juez de los Estados Unidos, tras haber aceptado hace dos meses su plena responsabilidad en delitos del narcotrfico y lavado de activos. Nini Johana Usuga David "La Negra" sister of drug trafficker Dairo Antonio suga David, better known as "Otoniel, former leader of the Clan del Golfo, was extradited by Colombia to the United States, accused of drug trafficking and money laundering. 177 Followers, 218 Following, 2 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Nini Usuga (@niniusuga) Nini was already extradited to the U.S. to face drug trafficking and money laundering charges. Revisa tu bandeja de entrada y si no, en tu carpeta de correo no deseado. Clan del golfo. [1][2] By August 2019, 16 members of the suga family had also been arrested in less than a six-year period. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Dairo Antonio Usuga "Otoniel" David is photographed with Colombian military soldiers after being captured, in Necocli, Colombia, October 23, 2021. . Quin es Astrid Bibiana Rodrguez, la nueva MinDeporte? Colombia: hallan muerto a cabecilla del Clan del Golfo, quien sustituy [5][6][7] Los Urabeos is one of the organizations that appeared after the demobilization of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia. Suscrbete ya! Colombia Alias 'Sebastin' se declar culpable de narcotrfico en Estados Unidos Nini Johana suga, alias 'La Negra', quien en 2022 fue extraditada a Estados Unidos acusada de conspiracin para distribuir cocana, quedar en libertad prximamente. She is wanted on drug trafficking charges by a Florida court. "[54] Perea was suspected of being involved in selective killings in the municipalities of Baha Solano, Nuqu, Jurad, as well as other townships and villages of the area. La hermana de Dario. Otoniel se declar culpable de narcotrfico ante la justicia de Estados Unidos, Rechazan definitivamente sometimiento de Otoniel en la JEP, Busca es un oportunismo poltico: MinInterior sobre peticin de Otoniel, Clan del Golfo quema al menos 45 vehculos durante paro armado, Ivn Duque: Nadie est por encima del estado colombiano, Av. Dairo Antonio Usuga David a.k.a Otoniel in the net. Rendn attempted to expand his empire, moving into southern Crdoba, the Lower Cauca region in northern Antioquia and even venturing into Medellin, long controlled by the feared Oficina de Envigado. The two started with an estimated 250 men following Rendn's arrest, and have since managed to grow exponentially. Juan Guillermo Cuadrado marc su primer tanto del ao, DANE: desempleo en Colombia subi en enero y se ubic en 13,7%, Atentos! Junto a alias la Negra son extraditadas seis personas ms, entre ellas dos exintegrantes de las extintas Farc. Fue extraditada a #EEUU Nini Johana suga David, alias 'la Negra', hermana de alias 'Otoniel'. [56] In addition to the Colombian military killing El Soldado, the Colombian National Police confirmed the arrests of 13 members of Clan del Golfo's "Hroes del Caribe", which serves a cell of the cartel's Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, in Cartagena. Nini Johana suga David, hermana de Dairo Antonio suga, alias 'Otoniel', ya se encuentra en camino a Estados Unidos, donde es requerida por la Corte del Distrito Sur de la Florida por delitos relacionados con el narcotrfico. Colombia had offered a reward of up to 3 billion pesos (about $800,000) for information concerning Otoniel's whereabouts, while the U.S. government had put up a reward of $5 million for help locating him. "There is a lot of testimony, as well as material evidence and physical evidence, that connects her to the drug trafficking of the Clan del Golfo," Vargas said. Stay informed daily on the latest news and advice on COVID-19 from the editors at U.S. News & World Report. Otoniel, who according to Colombian authorities trafficked 180 to 200 tonnes of cocaine a year, was detained last October in Antioquia province. "La Negra", como era llamada, perteneca al crculo ms cercano de "Otoniel". [12][13], One of the many groups made up of former mid-level paramilitary leaders, the Clan have caused homicide rates to skyrocket in Colombia's northern departments. Colombia extradita a "La Negra", hermana de "Otoniel" a Estados Unidos [63] In December 2020, the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned Zapata Garzn "for materially assisting the international narcotics trafficking activities of the Clan del Golfo. [45], On May 4, 2020, leader of the cartel's violent Jorge Ivn Arboleda Garcs fraction Aureliano Prez Caballero, alias Dvinson, was arraigned in court following his arrest the previous day. It was Arroyave who convinced Rendn Herrera to come work for him. Quin es Dairo Antonio suga David, alias Otoniel? Nini Johana suga David, alias la Negra, alcanz un preacuerdo con la justicia de EEUU, aceptando cargos por narcotrfico y comprometindose a colaborar en distintas investigaciones que siguen abiertas. [56], On October 8, 2020, imprisoned former Clan del Golfo leader Jhony Fidel Cuello-Petro, alias Mocho, arrived in Houston after being extradited from Colombia. ", "Colombian Police Kill Top Drug-Trafficking Fugitive", "The Colombian Army Killed a Notorious Drug Trafficker - - Sofia News Agency", "Second-in-Command of Colombia's Urabeos Killed in Security Operation", "Alias "Inglaterra", cabecilla de "los Urabeos", estara herido tras operativo", "Colombia Neutralizes Third Leader of the Gulf Clan | Dilogo Americas", "Colombia Authorities 'Narrow In' on Urabeos Leader With Latest Arrest", "The Steady Downfall of Colombia's Most Powerful Drug Organization", "Brother of Colombia's most-wanted paramilitary chief arrested: Duque", "Colombia Strikes Clan del Golfo Structures | Dilogo Americas", "Cae consorcio criminal que serva de enlace entre los narcotraficantes colombianos, la mafia italiana y los carteles mexicanos", "Alleged Colombian drug trafficker extradited to Houston", "En Ceret capturan a alias Tavo, uno de los narcos ms buscados del pas", "Judicializado alias Dvinson, presunto cabecilla del Clan del Golfo", "The alleged ringleader of 'Clan del Golfo' who is accused of promoting violent confrontations with other criminal structures has been brought before justice | Fiscalia General de la Nacion", "Capturan a 'Davinson', principal cabecilla de una subestructura del Clan del Golfo", "Ejrcito captur en Antioquia a ocho integrantes del Clan del Golfo", "A la crcel integrante de Clan del Golfo que tena 9000 cartuchos de fusil", "Mandan a la crcel a alias 'Yeisito', supuesto sicario del Clan del Golfo", "Cae el ms buscado del Clan del Golfo en Soledad, alias, "Ejrcito neutraliz accionar armado de Clan del Golfo en Choc | Radio Nacional", "Cay alias "Perea" presunto integrante del Clan del Golfo en el Urab antioqueo", "25 capturados en operaciones contra el Clan del Golfo en Santa Marta", "Capturan a 13 integrantes del Clan del Golfo en Cartagena", "Abatido alias "La Liendra" presunto integrante del Clan del Golfo", "Polica Nacional captur a cabecilla de subestructura del Clan del Golfo", "Combined Panama-Colombia operation $70 million drug haul", "Detuvieron a "Plstico", presunto financiero y coordinador de rutas del Clan del Golfo", "Colombia Captures 181 Clan del Golfo Members | Dilogo Americas", "Treasury Sanctions Network for Assisting Colombia's Clan del Golfo Drug Trafficking Organization | U.S. Department of the Treasury", "Colombia Arrests 198 Suspected Clan del Golfo Members", "Video: Lder de la mayor banda criminal de Colombia fue detenido en su boda", "Colombian government in all-out war against drug gang -", "New drug gang wars blow Colombian city's revival apart", "Boss of northwest Colombia drug gang nabbed",,, This page was last edited on 17 December 2022, at 17:08. Military and police authorities from more than 40 countries worked to capture 169 tonnes of cocaine and 41 tonnes of marijuana during the ninth phase of the international anti-narcotics Orion campaign, Colombia's Defense Minister Diego Molano said later on Friday. Otoniel Dairo Antonio Usuga Wikipedia; Otoniel doesn't have a Wikipedia page, but because of his criminal record, he's been the subject of numerous pieces on the web and in social media. EFE, Last Update on: March 4, 2023 at 10:59 pm, Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved | Mendelson and Associates, LLC, Colombia extradites sister of Clan del Golfo leader to US, Cubas first woman rum master reflects on her path, UN nuclear agency reaches accord with Iran on monitoring, Hundreds of thousands of Israelis join anti-government protests, Atletico Madrid go 3rd in LaLiga with 6-1 rout of Sevilla, Arsenal come from behind to stay 5 clear of Manchester City, Verstappen takes pole at Bahrain Grand Prix, Russia tightens grip on Bakhmut as Ukrainian troops hold out, Frontex did not alert Italy to migrant emergency: Meloni, At least 17 killed in Indonesia fuel depot fire, Dozens of Iranian schoolgirls hospitalized in new poisoning cases, Indian trans women struggle to secure police jobs in quest for respect, Young Hispanics are Formally Charged With The Murder Of A Pastor, Colombias Petro: Salvadoran prison for gang members is concentration camp, FEDEX Pilot Hit By A Bullet While Sleeping. Clan del Golfo - Wikipedia Nini Johana suga David firm un preacuerdo con la justicia de Estados Unidos en el que se compromete a aportar informacin y entregar bienes que hayan sido adquiridos con dineros ilcitos. "[64][63] The joint federal statement, which was released on January 4, 2021, also revealed that the number of Clan del Golfo members arrested during the phase of Operation Agamemnon that started on December 30, 2020, had by then grown to 198. Colombia Nabs Otoniel, Drug Kingpin and Gang Leader The organization has emerged from paramilitarism and continues to specifically target political parties, unions and leftist associations. Hoy alias La negra, hermana de Otoniel, pagar por delitos de narcotrfico desde una crcel en Estados Unidos. A la hermana del capo 'Otoniel' la sealan de manejar las finanzas de la familia suga David y del 'clan del Golfo'.De hecho, la primera vez que la capturaron, en 2013,llevaba 23.000 millones de pesos en efectivo, al parecer para pagar la nmina de los integrantes de la red criminal.En 2014 se fug pero fue recapturada y condenada a 9 aos de crcel por concierto para delinquir agravado, lavado de activos; fabricacin, trfico, porte o tenencia de armas de fuego, accesorios, partes o municiones; enriquecimiento ilcito de particulares; fuga de presos; falsedad material en documento pblico; uso de documento pblico falso y fraude procesal. Una seccin exclusiva donde podras seguir tus temas. The Centauros trafficked cocaine, propped up local politicians, extorted ranchers and farmers, and collected security taxes for products ranging from alcohol to petroleum. Abogado de EEUU es sentenciado a cadena perpetua por asesinar a su esposa e hijo, No olviden a los pases ms pobres!, exigi alta representante de ONU, Canad permiti a una compaa producir y vender cocana, Falleci a los 89 aos Wayne Shorter, una de las leyendas del jazz, Protestas e indignacin en Grecia, mientras crece la cifra de muertos por choque de trenes, Colombia firm acuerdo para proteger reservas naturales del Pacfico Tropical, Hipoptamos de Pablo Escobar sern trasladados a Mxico, Estas son las medidas que se decretaron tras la alerta ambiental que vive Bogot, Calidad del aire en Bogot se ve afectada por incendios forestales en la Orinoqua, La iniciativa en Antioquia que une a los recicladores y a la literatura. De acuerdo con su historial, Nini Johana suga era quien manejaba las finanzas del grupo ilegal que lideraba su hermano. ", "Mexican Narcotrafficking Cartels Expand their Control in Colombia", "Clan del Golfo ya tendra nuevo jefe en la regin Caribe", "Disidencias despliegan "comando antiparamilitar" en el norte de Antioquia", "Why Colombia's militarised police need reform", "Colombia's most wanted drug lord Otoniel captured", "Colombia authorities capture country's most wanted drug trafficker", "Autodefensas Gaitanistas y guilas Negras retoman espacios dejados por Auc", "Alarma por rearme paramilitar en el pas", "Santos ofrece $2.000 millones por 'Otoniel' de los Urabeos", "Colombia Urabenos 'drug gang leader' shot by police", "Colombia announces capture of leader of major drug cartel", "Quin fue Jorge Elicer Gaitn para Colombia? Extraditan a EEUU a Nini Johana suga David, alias 'La Negra', hermana Felicidades! Otoniel. [25] In a surprising display of strength, the Gulf Clan organized a series of coordinated strikes protesting his deaths in northern Antioquia, handing out fliers which referred to the group's former name, the Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces. ( FOTOS COLPRENSA) ? They include Carlos Mario Usuga David, brother of Otoniel and the then-finance chief of the Clan del Golfo; and three of the gang leaders cousins: Luis Angel Usuga Murillo, Alexander Montoya Usuga and Harlison Usuga Usuga. "[59], On October 28, 2020, it was reported that the Colombian and Panamanian security forces seized more than two tons of cocaine hydrochloride belonging to the Clan del Golfo. Nini Johana Usuga David (C), from the Clan del Golfo, has been extradited to the US Credit: EPA. INICIAR SESIN See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. The Gulf Clan has recruited accomplices at the highest level of the military hierarchy, such as generals and colonels. [1/3]Colombian National Police officers escort Nini Johana Usuga, alias 'La Negra', sister of 'Otoniel', top leader of the organized armed group Clan del Golfo, after her arrest in Sabaneta, Colombia March 18, 2021. Nini Johana suga, Hermana de 'Otoniel' es extraditada - RTVC Noticias Hostages taken by anti-oil firm protesters in Colombia are freed, Cuba blasts U.S. for years of disregarding evidence on 'Havana Syndrome', Mexico can't match U.S. incentives for proposed Tesla battery plant, minister says, Bolsonaro denies 'illegal acts' over Saudi jewels; Lula government vows probe, Bank of Canada to hold rates steady at 4.50% through this year, Cameroonian businessman charged with complicity in torture after journalist's murder, Ecuador assembly backs report calling for Lasso impeachment process, UK to unveil new law to stop Channel migrants on Tuesday - paper, Brazil's Bolsonaro says 'mission still not over' in speech to US CPAC, Saudi non-oil business activity surges in February on strong demand-PMI, Exclusive news, data and analytics for financial market professionals. Last year, Nini Johana Usuga David, also known as 'la Negra,' was released from prison along with a number of other inmates. Entre otros datos entregados por los investigadores se encuentra el hecho de que la estructura del Clan del Golfo, antes conocido como el Clan suga, cuenta con una organizacin donde los allegados a alias Otoniel figuraban como altos mandos, como lo hizo su hermana. Nini Johana Usuga, alias "La Negra", es esposada por agentes de Interpol al ser extraditada a Estados Unidos desde Bogot, Colombia, el viernes 1 de julio de 2022. Colombian police accuse Nini Johana Usaga, 39, of being responsible for laundering drug money for the Clan del Golfo and handling international relations with cartels in other countries like Mexico, helping to coordinate shipments of narcotics. Incluso, la Negra se comprometi a entregar y dar informacin sobre los bienes y propiedades obtenidos de manera ilegal por la organizacin. Screen for heightened risk individual and entities globally to help uncover hidden risks in business relationships and human networks. Facebook gives people the power to. Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the worlds largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. Segn el documento entregado por la justicia norteamericana, la integrante del clan confes, acept sus cargos y se comprometi a colaborar en otras investigaciones. It is one of the main perpetrators of selective assassinations of community and social leaders, leftist political activists and forced displacement of people. [1] Members of Clan del Golfo who served as liaisons with other Colombian drug cartels were among those arrested. Con Infobae, repasa su rica historia y se refiere al susto relacionado a su salud que debi atravesar en 2021, El primo del narcotraficante y paramilitar Don Mario se entreg a la justicia, La historia criminal de alias Siopas: de guerrillero raso de las Farc a cabecilla del clan del Golfo, Ministerio de Educacin promocion becas de postgrado en Estados Unidos, Indepaz: pese a las acciones del Gobierno nacional, el asesinato de lderes sociales no se detiene, Segunda gran derrota del gobierno Petro en el Congreso: Cmara tumba artculo vital de la reforma poltica, Informalidad en Colombia se redujo en octubre, pero sigue cerca del 60 % del total de la poblacin nacional. Hermana de "Otoniel", lder del Clan del Golfo, qued en libertad en EE By clicking submit, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy. La inteligencia artificial podra mejorar el sistema de salud en Colombia? Al parecer, este dinero iba a ser utilizado en ese entonces para la compra de salones de belleza, gimnasios, centros de esttica en Antioquia. Sin embargo, en 2014 se haba fugado de la crcel donde estaba recluida tras falsificar unos documentos. Nini Johana Usuga David (C), from the Clan del Golfo, has been extradited to the US Credit: EPA. He pleaded not guilty to the charges in federal court in New York. [40], Between January and August 2019, Colombian police reported 339 captures and nine members killed in Public Force operations, in addition, the seizure of 12.6 tons of cocaine hydrochloride which, according to the authorities, leads to close the fence over the heir to a structure that spread throughout the country. Colombia: They find dead the leader of the Clan del Golfo, who replaced $4.1 million in cash found at Colombia drug trafficker's home It is currently one of the more ambitious and ruthless of Colombia's drug trafficking organizations (DTOs). It is one of the main tools in Colombia's arsenal for fighting drug trafficking. Nini Johana Usuga, who was extradited to the United States to face charges . Otoniel's sister, Nini Johana Usuga, who was . Facebook gives people the. The National Police recalled that Usuga was arrested in 2013 at a rural property near the northwestern Colombian city of Medellin in possession of 23 billion pesos ($5.5 million at the current exchange rate) in illegal revenues from the criminal gang of her brother, Dairo Antonio Usuga David, known as Otoniel.. Hoy se supo que la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia autoriz la extradicin a Estados Unidos de Nini Johana suga David, alias La Negra, hermana de Dairo Antonio suga, alias Otoniel, solicitada por la Justicia estadounidense por lavado de dinero del narcotrfico. [51][52], On June 8, 2020, three Gulf Clan members who were planning to kill civilians in Choc were arrested. Informaciones recaudadas por la Polica Nacional indican que Nini Johana suga David, alias La Negra, hermana del mximo cabecilla del Clan del Golfo, Otoniel, era la encargada de manejar las finanzas ilcitas producto del narcotrfico y una de las integrantes de la agrupacin criminal de su mayor confianza. suga es conocida por el alias de La Negra y es acusada de gestionar la logstica, participar en reuniones y acordar lo que necesitara para distribuir cocana en todo Estados Unidos. Sanciones hasta de 900.000 pesos por no usar el tapabocas en TransMilenio, Trasplantes de rganos en Colombia aument en 2022, Reforma salud: 25 congresistas piden que sea tramitada por ley estatutaria, Germn Vargas Lleras radic contrarreforma a la salud propuesta por Cambio Radical. Revolcn ministerial: cambios en Educacin, Deportes y Cultura, Reforma a la salud: Gobierno abre la puerta a modificaciones del proyecto, Bundesliga: Bayern Mnich cumple en Stuttgart y se mantiene en el liderato, Remontada azul! Colombian National Police officers escort Nini Johana Usuga, alias 'La Negra', sister of 'Otoniel', top leader of the organized armed group Clan del Golfo, before being extradited to the. For the "Clan del Golfo," before named "Los Urabeos" from Urab, the northwestern region near the Panamanian border is highly prized by drug traffickers as it offers access to the Caribbean and Pacific coast, from the departments of Antioquia and Choc. an hour ago Italy has arrested three people who they believe trafficked up to. The Clan del Golfo (English: The Gulf Clan), also known as Gaitanist Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia AGC) and formerly called Los Urabeos and Clan suga, is a prominent Colombian neo-paramilitary group and currently the country's largest drug cartel. [43] His police record was also made public, which revealed that he had court documentation despite still being wanted. [23][24], On January 1, 2012, Juan de Dios Usuga-David, alias "Giovany," was killed in a police raid on a ranch in the Choc department. Hemos cambiado nuestra Poltica de privacidad y la Poltica de datos de navegacin. [60] Four Colombians and one Honduran on the submarine which contained the cocaine hydrochloride were arrested as well. Contacto: Trminos y condiciones [30] The three remaining leaders remained free (alias Otoniel, Carlos Moreno, alias Nicols and Aristides Meza, alias El Indio). [16] At the time of this revelation, the Clan del Golfo reduced its drug trafficking route to the Caribbean region and also named a Cinaga native with the alias "Diana" as the new head trafficker.
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